RP Guild Macro of DOOOM Ver. 3.0

Hey, guys. A friend of mine, Verogoth, helped push forward a simple solution to the question: Hey guys! Are there any RP guilds on this server?
In tribute to him, I'm leaving his post largely in-tact, but I'm remaking his thread so that I can update and evolve it for the good of the community.

Seeing as the archive thread is still relevant and does not need to be edited, I will include it here to submit new additions to the macro: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657609759

Okay, folks, it's about time to get the RP Guild Macro up and running again. Since a guild mate of mine was working on it before unfortunate circumstance prevented it from being implemented, I am taking on the task personally.

If you are the leader of an RP guild on Cenarion Circle, and would like your guild represented in the macro that gets fired off in AllianceOOC when someone new asks for a guild, please leave the name of your guild and a brief description (less than 235 characters, please) in a reply to this thread and I will add it to the macro.

Also, if any Horde side RP guilds are interested in starting this in HordeOOC, leave your info here and I'll write up a macro for my Horde main also.

(I don't have a Horde alt, so...I'll just write it up for someone's Horde main.)

Guilds already included:

AAMS Alliance Branch
Esoteric Darkling Cabal
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Manus Ignota
Terra Incognita
Heart of the Naaru
Feathers of Iron
The Chimaera
Lights Shadow
Stormwind Union
Redrum Inc.
Rise At Dawn
Navigators of Azeroth
The Rosuto Samurai
The Wolf King's Army
Shadow Blades
Might of the God Emperor
Gypsy Treasure

*Kablooey Incorporated
*Scorched Earth
*Shadows of Lordaeron
Modas il Toralar
The Rokk
Edited by Galahn on 1/1/2015 11:56 AM PST
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Alliance Guilds

  • AAMS Alliance Branch

  • /6 The <AAMS> is two cross-faction guilds functioning as one neutral company. They are dedicated to peaceful interactions between the Alliance and Horde. They also provide delivery, translation, and other economic services. Also hiring security personnel.

  • Conclave

  • /6 <Conclave> is searching for answers in these tumultuous times. If you are on a quest of enlightenment, searching for guidance in these dark times, or one who defends the pursuit of truth and knowledge Conclave may be for you.

  • Esoteric Darkling Cabal

  • /6 The <Esoteric Darkling Cabal> are a close-knit group of people who harbour knowledge of things unseen by most. Our guild members are helpful, social, respectful & friendly, and somewhat insane.

  • Phlogiston Brotherhood

  • /6 The <Phlogiston Brotherhood> is a neutral Alliance guild founded in the rough reaches of Northrend. This guild was founded for those who identify more to their crafts and the art of philosophy than most other affiliations.

  • Pia Presidium

  • /6 <Pia Presidium> is a militaristic and heavy community support order similar to the Templar Knights. Though bound to a code of honor, the order believes in having fun while adventuring in dungeons and on the battlefield.

  • Lights Shadow

  • /6 <Lights Shadow> An Order dedicated to the Light and those that champion it. We take a relaxed approach to all aspects of the game. RP is our focus, Guildpage at http://lightsshadow.guildlaunch.com/

  • Stormwind Union

  • The <Stormwind Union> is an expansion of the old Stormwind City Watch, and is open to all Stormwind characters who are pledged to support the safety and prosperity of the kingdom If you are interested in applying, message Orwyn for details.

  • Manus Ignota

  • <Manus Ignota> is an eclectic guild that pursues all facets of WoW. Members are diverse but share simple goals: protecting one another’s welfare, and the reputation of the guild. If you seek respect and are of a noble heart & mind, MI may be for you.

  • Terra Incognita

  • /6 <Terra Incognita> Who are we? We are the Terrans, those who do what's needed regardless of personal cost. We are the nameless, the faceless, the incognita. We do not seek glory, we are not heroes. http://terra-inc.enjin.com/ for more information!

  • Heart of the Naaru

  • /6 Transplanted from Draenor, <Heart of the Naaru> was a holy order of Karabor which has joined the Alliance. They believe that following the heart is as noble as the pious pursuit of justice. Contact Rhaala, Casuu or Lidron for info.

  • Feathers of Iron

  • /6 Made up of boisterous and talented mercenaries who (kind of try) to keep property damage to a minimum; the <Feathers of Iron> isn't just a place to start your fortune, but to start over as well. Contact Franziskah, Liabelle, Jalou or Erranieal for details.

  • The Chimaera

  • /6 <The Chimaera> is a Western Alliance division looking for any who are willing to stand for Kalimdor. We seek to end the Horde's aggression in the west, and to act as a beacon of hope to all it has harmed. Contact Kyalin for details.

  • Ironforge Guard

  • /6 <Ironforge Guard> is a dwarven Law Enforcement hub. We patrol the capital city as well as its surroondin' regions. We employ active Guards, Moontaineer, an' Expeditionary units. Contact Ødin for more information. (Ø=alt-0216)

  • Valhöll

  • /6 <Valhöll> is a society built on an ancient tradition of guardians charged with the safeguard an' well bein' of Azeroth an' its denizens. Central to Dun Morogh we ur mostly of Dwarves, Gnomes, an' Humans but oor doors ur open to all... if ye kin find us.

  • Shadow Blades

  • /6 <Shadow Blades> is an RP guild of people who wish to defend their old homes in Gilneas. Some come to us to try rebuilding what they once had, others only wish to start a new life, in a new land. Speak to Discauince or Leonersta for more information.

  • Gypsy Treasure

  • /6 <Gypsy Treasure> is a family of diverse and talented players, with a place for everyone. We enjoy RP, PVE & PVP. Majority ages 18+. we are a super relaxed and fun community here to enjoy every aspect of the game.
    Edited by Galahn on 1/1/2015 12:02 PM PST
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    Alliance Guilds cont.

  • Redrum Inc.

  • <Redrum Inc> Is a faction-less level 25 RP-Friendly mercenary guild. We specialize in doing the impossible when the odds are against us. It concerns us not who you are, just that your gold is genuine; so hire us! Where's the fun without a little danger?

  • Rise At Dawn

  • You have to get up early to pull one over on the 'good guys' of the world. It helps to have bandits to back you up. <Rise at Dawn> is recruiting any ne'er-do-well, who'd like to make a dishonest dollar. Also looking for patsies to play our 'public faces'.

  • Navigators of Azeroth

  • <Navigators of Azeroth> is a merry band of friends seeking adventure, good food, and top-shelf booze.

  • The Rosuto Samurai

  • <The Rosuto Samurai> (TRS) is a RP guild looking for folks who enjoy small based RP along with the rest of the game. We are 18+ and Alliance side only at this time, if you are interested contact Kyuui, Yawata, Osethme or any other current member on line.

  • Might of the God Emperor

  • Unite together as Soldiers bound by the code set forth by Sareth in the Myth of the God Emperor.
    We are the <Might of the God Emperor>. Honor, Valor, and Righteousness for the good of all! Send in game message to Valorfax or Alexandros.

  • Wanderers

  • <Wanderers> is an RP/PvE guild with moderate interest in guild PvP. We're a mercenary group working primarily on Draenor for Archmage Khadgar and the Alliance. However, we are a neutral group, welcoming all races and classes. Contact Ketyru for more information, or apply at wandercc.guildlaunch.com

  • The Wolf King's Army

  • <The Wolf King's Army> is a guild based upon one goal. Unification of Azeroth. We are people who have a bitter distaste for the war between Horde and Alliance. Join us as he push back this new threat, and eagerly await new ones. Pst Roxoras-SistersOfElune
    Edited by Galahn on 1/1/2015 11:59 AM PST
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    Alliance Guilds cont.
    Edited by Galahn on 12/10/2013 8:02 AM PST
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    Horde Guilds

  • The Rokk

  • /6 <The Rokk> Is a RP/PVE with a slight interest in PvP. Our standing is with the Horde's leaders as long as it is peaceful. We are also revered among the Green, Bronze, Red, and Blue Dragon flights. We welcome all to join us in out endeavor against the Iron Horde. If you are interested please in-game mail Torosminatar-SistersOfElune and we will set up an interview.

  • AAMS

  • /6 The <AAMS> is two cross-faction guilds functioning as one neutral company. They are dedicated to peaceful interactions between the Alliance and Horde. They also provide delivery, translation, and other economic services.

  • Kablooey Incorporated

  • /6 Kablooey Inc. is a medium/heavy RP guild looking to hire some new blood. We are an own-all do-all company based around becoming a large economical conglomerate. While some of our methods may not be...up to par with the grunts we are an.."honest" guild.

  • Scorched Earth

  • /6 <Scorched Earth> is looking for misfits, cranks, thieves, ne'er-do-wells, necromancers, unreformed apothecaries, budding serial killers, and those who generally like chaos and evil. Special bonus points if you are interested in the Void.

  • Shadows of Lordaeron

  • /6 The <Shadows of Lordaeron> seeks a return of the Kingdom of Lordaeron to the hands of its rightful owners. We are looking for like-minded patriots to join our cause and help cleanse our lands of trespassers, enemies, and traitors. For the glory of the Forsaken!

  • Modas Il Toralar

  • /6 <Modas il Toralar> is seeking ethically flexible types who seek to assist in gaining power in various ways, be it magical, economic, political, militaristic, or by other means. Cut-throats, dark sorcerers, cultists, and more are welcome among our group.

  • Cirque

  • /6 Cirque is a casual rp guild built around the premise we are all performers at heart, what better way to showcase your talent than to join the circus? We need clowns, animal acts and magicians, acrobats and stunt performers. Join the channel we have for friends and ask question! /join cirque.
    Edited by Galahn on 12/21/2014 10:50 AM PST
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    Horde Guilds cont.

    Coming soon!
    Edited by Galahn on 3/4/2012 9:15 PM PST
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    Horde Guilds cont.

    Coming soon!
    Edited by Galahn on 3/4/2012 9:15 PM PST
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    67 Human Rogue
    Would you kindly add:

    <The NTE> (A.K.A. Nukenson Trade Enterprise) is a small merchant guild who owe thier allegance to thier profit margins first, and the Alliance second. Heavy RP focus with recriational dungeons and PvP in the off time.
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    85 Human Paladin

    You saw nothing.
    Edited by Lahkin on 3/5/2012 12:44 PM PST
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    I would like to remind y'all to post these to the link in the first post instead of here, please?
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    100 Human Paladin
    it would be nice to sticky this
    Reply Quote
    Yes, yes it would.

    C'mon, Horde! The Alliance are already starting on their second post!
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    90 Human Death Knight
    Thanks for picking this up for me in my absence, Galahn! I have updated the original posts to reflect your hard work. We should discuss which list to use going forward.
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    Of course. I shall convene with you in-game at the soonest possible time...that I can remember while also seeing you on.
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    Rawr! Still alive!
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    All trimmed and healthy! I need a Horde friend willing to help me update and share the Horde version though.
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    93 Night Elf Death Knight
    So good of you thank you for this! :)
    Reply Quote
    There. Trimmed everything up again. I guess I should update or remove the Horde section, too.
    Reply Quote
    100 Goblin Warlock
    Why would you remove the Horde section? The Horde RP community is alive and well with several weekly RP events, RP oriented guilds and guilds with active RPers in them. Here are a few guilds you could add off the top of my head:

    The Broken House

    Da Doctors

    The Wayfarer's Coterie

    Of course it is best if their guild leaders provide you with a description of their guild.
    Reply Quote
    100 Blood Elf Paladin
    Dat's "Da Doctas", Mormel. Get it right, mon!
    Reply Quote

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