Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

90 Worgen Druid
04/03/2012 04:08 PMPosted by Caristinn
... The books are considered canon. Even if you don't consider it canon... It is. I understand why you wouldn't want to consider it canon, since I feel the same about WotA, but eh... Whatever're you gonna do?

That's just book mechanics.

In-game should take precedence over books. Always.

Really, if something like this is so easily disputable (and contains a rather important contradiction between book and game) it shouldn't be in the guide without a label as it being subjective.

Random things in the game are not -lore-. The world is based more around PVErs, PVPers, and even casual levelers then it is based around role-players and story fans. Just because something is in game does not mean that it's lore.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Ferenold, the moment he said "Book Mechanics" you should've realized he was trolling.
61 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 04:09 PMPosted by Ferenold
Random things in the game are not -lore-. The world is based more around PVErs, PVPers, and even casual levelers then it is based around role-players and story fans. Just because something is in game does not mean that it's lore.
Then that is simply how Blizzard designed the game's lore, and who are we to disagree with Blizzard's overall design?

It isn't a random design because it's a -portal in the middle of the Temple of Elune for no real reason- seeing as how there's a boat to Azuremyst in Rutheran Village.

It also may be important to note that there is no IF/SW portal despite the tram, which is more or less the equivalent of the boat.
100 Night Elf Warrior
Here we go again. I found this guide to be very well written and the citations valid as well as quite useful. Just ignore, report and move on the derailers. They have nothing constructive to add.
90 Worgen Druid
04/03/2012 04:10 PMPosted by Melyria
Ferenold, the moment he said "Book Mechanics" you should've realized he was trolling.

I know he's trolling here. I'm trying to sharpen my argumentative skills, though, which are decidedly lacking.

Although you're right. I'm going to stop. ^^
61 Human Death Knight
Attempt to discredit my argument all you want based on a tongue in cheek comment regarding calling everything "game mechanics", it doesn't make it any less true that there is an arcane portal in the most sacred temple of the Kaldorei.
100 Night Elf Rogue
04/03/2012 04:15 PMPosted by Anamaleth

... The books are considered canon. Even if you don't consider it canon... It is. I understand why you wouldn't want to consider it canon, since I feel the same about WotA, but eh... What're you gonna do?

Random note is random but I miss you. :(

We never say hi to each other when online. D: We're so neglectful of one another!
100 Night Elf Rogue
04/03/2012 04:14 PMPosted by Caristinn
Attempt to discredit my argument all you want based on a tongue in cheek comment regarding calling everything "game mechanics", it doesn't make it any less true that there is an arcane portal in the most sacred temple of the Kaldorei.

And warlocks walk into the Cathedral with demons out, along with Death Knights who raise ghouls in the antechamber. They do the same thing in Darnassus. Is that canon?
61 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 04:18 PMPosted by Falkoen
And warlocks walk into the Cathedral with demons out, along with Death Knights who raise ghouls in the antechamber. They do the same thing in Darnassus. Is that canon?

Did the players put the arcane portal there, or did Blizzard?

You're comparing apples to oranges.
85 Dwarf Priest
04/03/2012 04:18 PMPosted by Falkoen
Attempt to discredit my argument all you want based on a tongue in cheek comment regarding calling everything "game mechanics", it doesn't make it any less true that there is an arcane portal in the most sacred temple of the Kaldorei.

And warlocks walk into the Cathedral with demons out, along with Death Knights who raise ghouls in the antechamber. They do the same thing in Darnassus. Is that canon?


Just stop.

He draws power from your indignation.

Would you argue with, like... an elemental from the plane of argument? That's building yourself up for frustration.
100 Night Elf Rogue
And warlocks walk into the Cathedral with demons out, along with Death Knights who raise ghouls in the antechamber. They do the same thing in Darnassus. Is that canon?

Did the players put the arcane portal there, or did Blizzard?

You're comparing apples to oranges.

The point is it's a game mechanic. No point arguing over it.

... The books are considered canon. Even if you don't consider it canon... It is. I understand why you wouldn't want to consider it canon, since I feel the same about WotA, but eh... What're you gonna do?
Is Metzen canon?

Is there a citation? Saying, "Metzen said this" is something people need a citation for. Can't have people putting words in the man's mouth, and we want to be sure.
Edited by Falkoen on 4/3/2012 4:23 PM PDT
61 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 04:22 PMPosted by Falkoen
The point is it's a game mechanic. No point arguing over it.

Are we just going to say that everything we don't like is now a game mechanic? (If we are, I call dibs on saying that guards being able to withstand a hit from my elementium-forged axe is a game mechanic) If Blizzard really felt that arcane should be illegal in Teldrassil, they wouldn't have put a Mage trainer there and an arcane portal to the Exodar when A) It could have been placed in the Gilnean area and B) There's already a boat going from Rutheran to Azuremyst.
Edited by Caristinn on 4/3/2012 4:24 PM PDT
100 Night Elf Rogue
The point is it's a game mechanic. No point arguing over it.

Are we just going to say that everything we don't like is now a game mechanic?

No, and I never said everything I didn't like was just a game mechanic. Now you're putting words in my mouth.

I'm simply trying to make the argument that somethings are simply there for game mechanics and gameplay purposes. For instance, I don't think Varian is standing in front of his chair 24/7 staring blankly into space. Blizzard put that in place, but that doesn't mean he's actually doing it.

... Though I'm sure someone's willing to debate he is. xD
90 Night Elf Rogue
I'd rather people not feed those who are intentionally being disruptive. I'd very much appreciate that.

Thanks :3
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