Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

61 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 09:03 PMPosted by Vorien
If you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author

Nobody is doing this.
90 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 08:42 PMPosted by Lito
I think that a greater problem is here that the patches may only be welcome if it's certain people suggesting them.

I suppose that's a bit of why I'm urging people to behave, so those who began reasonable remain so and aren't discounted by the OP-editor or the readers.

Lucky you. I tried back on page two or three and my post got deleted. :P
88 Human Warrior
That's because you're guilty of living while deceased.
90 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 09:11 PMPosted by Lito
That's because you're guilty of living while deceased.

Proof positive that Azeroth(and the Moon Guard forums) is(are) powered by irony.
04/03/2012 09:07 PMPosted by Caristinn
If you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author

Nobody is doing this.

Maybe they aren't, I might be reading top much into different posts, I do that a lot. And really this is only targeted at one or two people, a lot of people have made good points, but some seem to be here to start drama. I am talking to those people. Also, you can be constructive and dislike th author, some people, I think, have not been. I edited my post as I reread it I forgot a big part of it, really, I think that there have been flaws that people have corrected and the author does give her opinion in it at points, but it is her guide so parts of it will be her opinion.
Also, sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in this post, I will fix them when I get to a computer.
04/03/2012 10:11 PMPosted by Cerdwyn
Maybe they aren't, I might be reading top much into different posts, I do that a lot. And really this is only targeted at one or two people, a lot of people have made good points, but some seem to be here to start drama. I am talking to those people.
I only saw two posts from someone who did that, not sixteen pages. I think you are reading hostility into posts where it does not belong.
04/03/2012 09:20 PMPosted by Vorien
but it is her guide so parts of it will be her opinion.
Why should her personal opinion be in an informational guide? I am just curious.

I mean, I could write a field guide to mushrooms and mention that the deadly ones would look great in a salad.

Yeah i probably am, two or three posts is what made me make that post, made it quickly while I was very annoyed. I think that it would be near impossible to make a guide on how to rp night elves as people have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Also, it depends on what source you're using. For example, in the book about Arthas, Sylvanas did not have her body until she betrayed Arthas,while in warcaft 3, she had the body the entire time. While that is something small, it is the best example I can come up with on the spot as I read it recently.

Edit:some mistakes, posting on iPad right now, will fix others when I get to my computer.
Edited by Vorien on 4/3/2012 10:29 PM PDT
100 Human Mage
04/03/2012 10:31 PMPosted by Cerdwyn
Yeah i probably am, two or three posts is what made me make that post, made it quickly while I was very annoyed. I think that it would be near impossible to make a guide on how to rp night elves as people have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Also, it depends on what source you're using. For example, in the book about Arthas, Sylvanas did not have her body until she betrayed Arthas,while in warcaft 3, she had the body the entire time. While that is something small, it is the best example I can come up with on the spot as I read it recently.

Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.

The book is more recent than Warcraft 3, though, which you earlier decried as being "too old of a source."
04/03/2012 10:31 PMPosted by Cerdwyn
Yeah i probably am, two or three posts is what made me make that post, made it quickly while I was very annoyed. I think that it would be near impossible to make a guide on how to rp night elves as people have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Also, it depends on what source you're using. For example, in the book about Arthas, Sylvanas did not have her body until she betrayed Arthas,while in warcaft 3, she had the body the entire time. While that is something small, it is the best example I can come up with on the spot as I read it recently.

Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.

One thing I think that melyria should have done is add her name in the title, as some of this is her opinion. She uses the books as sources, which sometimes go against other sources such as certain events in Warcraft 3 go differently in Arthas: Rise Of The Iich King, and some people might not consider the parts in Arthas that go against the events of Warcraft 3 as canon while others do.

Edit: I typed cannon instead of canon. >.<

Second edit: spacing.
Edited by Vorien on 4/3/2012 11:21 PM PDT
100 Pandaren Shaman
Haters gunna hate, keep it up. Keep trying to get this stickied so it doesn't die when it hits 25 pages.
91 Night Elf Druid
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.

???. Why?

They are canon. They are said to be canon. It doesn't matter if it's not liked, the facts are the facts. It's not something one can have an opinion on. The sky is blue. I can't say my opinion is that the sky is green. Because it isn't up for debate. It's a fact.

The most recent accounting of things is the correct version. That's how the lore plays out with Blizzard.

Besides that, books are a far more flexible medium in which to tell a story by. I'm one of the few who doesn't want more events to be shown in game (or, at least, exclusively in game).

I mean, yeah, books contradict older books.

WoW often contradicts WoW.... Hell, central quest lines for the Alliance and Horde (with one happening after the other, no less) share the same named mob kill.

No reason books should take less of a priority.

Sorry, if I sound a bit snippy. Not meaning to, but posting from my phone.
Edited by Ferlion on 4/3/2012 11:03 PM PDT
100 Human Warrior
04/03/2012 10:31 PMPosted by Cerdwyn
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.

But they ARE valid sources. The books are canon.
85 Night Elf Warrior
04/03/2012 11:16 PMPosted by Mcsars
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.

But they ARE valid sources. The books are canon.


Ok that out of the way...Also agree with quote...books, don't have to like them, but they are canon.
90 Night Elf Rogue
18 pages in a single day! Not bad.

I know the OP was upvoted to highly rated at page 10.

I think I might repost this if it caps out (I think if a thread is highly rated it jumps to 50 page limit).
100 Human Warrior
Cool, I liked it.

I caught some errors in my own character and corrected them such my character's eyes formerly being blue (which I changed to silver) and my character's height being 7'9 (which I changed to 7'4).

However, I disagree with the weight part of the biology section. It's not inaccurate (for lean/light athletic bodies), but I do think that night elf warriors would have, since they are elitist and long-lived, power trained and done equivilants to body building.

In real life, I am only something like 5'7 and I weigh about 200 pounds. My personal best on the deadlift is a meager 310 pounds and 265 pounds for the squat. That puts me at the lowest levels of strength, barely making a blip on the radar.

As a completely natural trainer, without taking any supplements or using any form of synthetic assistence, a person can easily at 6'1 can easily attain a weight of 230 pounds and a personal best of 440 on the deadlift and 395 on the squat. This could be done in a years time, but given two or three years this would be extremely easy to achieve.

The Kaldorei, having had thousands of years to perfect their body training arts for war, I imagine would be at least as successful if not more so than modern natural trainers. (And I would even go as far as to say that you can compare them to non-natural trainers since in Azeroth magic, alchemy, and range of other things are available for use.)

Being of a much larger natural size (also I keep in mind that they are not purple humans, but the decendants of trolls) I would think that the upper limits of the muscled Kaldorei would close on 500 pounds for men and 400 pounds for women.

These numbers might be a bit off since I use the metric system and I was...

Lol... yeah, I did the math wrong. Hold up, let me correct this. Sorry, I think the upper limit for men should be around 400 pounds and the upper limit for women should be around 300 pounds. Yes, so, a little higher than you had, but, hehe, not as high as I said above. I think. I'm still not quite sure, but I am certain that your numbers (while feasible) don't provide a good measure for what the upper limits of how much muscled Kaldorei would weigh.
Edited by Faervel on 4/4/2012 6:44 AM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 06:32 AMPosted by Anamaleth
Mely did you get a chance to look at the Feralas issue yet? It wasn't discovered 10 years ago but was discovered to not be in utter wastes hinting that they knew the lands were there and had people there.

Discovery in terms of 'rediscovery'. The Night Elves haven't been in Feralas for 9,990 years. There are ruins there, ruins in Desolace, so back prior to the WotA Night Elves obviously lived there.

The point about Feralas being 'discovered' 10 years ago is to point out that it wouldn't work to have your elf be born in Feralas between the WotA and Vanilla WoW.
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/04/2012 06:42 AMPosted by Melyria
The point about Feralas being 'discovered' 10 years ago is to point out that it wouldn't work to have your elf be born in Feralas between the WotA and Vanilla WoW.

Unless they're Highborne, I presume?

(Seriously, I know next to nothing about Feralas, so I'm curious.)
90 Night Elf Rogue
These numbers might be a bit off since I use the metric system and I was...

Lol... yeah, I did the math wrong. Hold up, let me correct this. Sorry, I think the upper limit for men should be around 400 pounds and the upper limit for women should be around 300 pounds. Yes, so, a little higher than you had, but, hehe, not as high as I said above. I think. I'm still not quite sure, but I am certain that your numbers (while feasible) don't provide a good measure for what the upper limits of how much muscled Kaldorei would weigh.

To be fair, Isis, an almost 7 foot tall woman (She's like 6'9 and 3/4s) is 245 lbs and she's a professional wrestler. So she trains, lots.

The point about Feralas being 'discovered' 10 years ago is to point out that it wouldn't work to have your elf be born in Feralas between the WotA and Vanilla WoW.

Unless they're Highborne, I presume?

(Seriously, I know next to nothing about Feralas, so I'm curious.)

Oh yes. The Highborne were living there, keeping to themselves for that 10,000 year period. That was pretty much the only place they existed.
Edited by Melyria on 4/4/2012 6:46 AM PDT
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