04/03/2012 09:03 PMPosted by VorienIf you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author
Nobody is doing this.
04/03/2012 09:03 PMPosted by VorienIf you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author
04/03/2012 08:42 PMPosted by LitoI think that a greater problem is here that the patches may only be welcome if it's certain people suggesting them.
I suppose that's a bit of why I'm urging people to behave, so those who began reasonable remain so and aren't discounted by the OP-editor or the readers.
04/03/2012 09:07 PMPosted by CaristinnIf you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author
Nobody is doing this.
04/03/2012 10:11 PMPosted by CerdwynMaybe they aren't, I might be reading top much into different posts, I do that a lot. And really this is only targeted at one or two people, a lot of people have made good points, but some seem to be here to start drama. I am talking to those people.I only saw two posts from someone who did that, not sixteen pages. I think you are reading hostility into posts where it does not belong.Why should her personal opinion be in an informational guide? I am just curious.04/03/2012 09:20 PMPosted by Vorienbut it is her guide so parts of it will be her opinion.
I mean, I could write a field guide to mushrooms and mention that the deadly ones would look great in a salad.
04/03/2012 10:31 PMPosted by CerdwynYeah i probably am, two or three posts is what made me make that post, made it quickly while I was very annoyed. I think that it would be near impossible to make a guide on how to rp night elves as people have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Also, it depends on what source you're using. For example, in the book about Arthas, Sylvanas did not have her body until she betrayed Arthas,while in warcaft 3, she had the body the entire time. While that is something small, it is the best example I can come up with on the spot as I read it recently.
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.
04/03/2012 10:31 PMPosted by CerdwynYeah i probably am, two or three posts is what made me make that post, made it quickly while I was very annoyed. I think that it would be near impossible to make a guide on how to rp night elves as people have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Also, it depends on what source you're using. For example, in the book about Arthas, Sylvanas did not have her body until she betrayed Arthas,while in warcaft 3, she had the body the entire time. While that is something small, it is the best example I can come up with on the spot as I read it recently.
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.
Which is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.
04/03/2012 11:16 PMPosted by McsarsWhich is why I do not accept books as valid sources, for the most part.
But they ARE valid sources. The books are canon.
04/04/2012 06:32 AMPosted by AnamalethMely did you get a chance to look at the Feralas issue yet? It wasn't discovered 10 years ago but was discovered to not be in utter wastes hinting that they knew the lands were there and had people there.
04/04/2012 06:42 AMPosted by MelyriaThe point about Feralas being 'discovered' 10 years ago is to point out that it wouldn't work to have your elf be born in Feralas between the WotA and Vanilla WoW.
These numbers might be a bit off since I use the metric system and I was...
Lol... yeah, I did the math wrong. Hold up, let me correct this. Sorry, I think the upper limit for men should be around 400 pounds and the upper limit for women should be around 300 pounds. Yes, so, a little higher than you had, but, hehe, not as high as I said above. I think. I'm still not quite sure, but I am certain that your numbers (while feasible) don't provide a good measure for what the upper limits of how much muscled Kaldorei would weigh.
The point about Feralas being 'discovered' 10 years ago is to point out that it wouldn't work to have your elf be born in Feralas between the WotA and Vanilla WoW.
Unless they're Highborne, I presume?
(Seriously, I know next to nothing about Feralas, so I'm curious.)
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