Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

90 Night Elf Rogue
Edit: I misread.
Edited by Melyria on 4/4/2012 6:51 AM PDT
91 Night Elf Hunter
Yes but it never says everyone in Feralas is a highborne anywhere.

I only know that because well..Ana's from Feralas.. (Yes I know she's a highborne and that's why but it doesn't say it's exclusive.)

While admittedly unsupported, it does seem logical to conclude that this is the case: if there were non-Highborne night elves there, they would have likely tried to remain in contact with the main body of night elf society (meaning Feralas wouldn't need rediscovering), while the large body of of Highborne exiles settling there suggests that there weren't enough to drive them out, and would have likely themselves died out or been assimilated over the 10,000 year period.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Yes but it never says everyone in Feralas is a highborne anywhere.

I only know that because well..Ana's from Feralas.. (Yes I know she's a highborne and that's why but it doesn't say it's exclusive.)

While admittedly unsupported, it does seem logical to conclude that this is the case: if there were non-Highborne night elves there, they would have likely tried to remain in contact with the main body of night elf society (meaning Feralas wouldn't need rediscovering), while the large body of of Highborne exiles settling there suggests that there weren't enough to drive them out, and would have likely themselves died out or been assimilated over the 10,000 year period.

Yeah. Kinda... odd if there were Night Elves there and then it was 'rediscovered' with them there. During the 10,000 year period, wouldn't they have tried to make their way up through Desolace?

Or gone through to the barrens, meet some Tauren and get help going back up to Ashenvale?Also, this seems to imply that to get to Silithus for the WotSS, the Night Elves flat out marched from Ashenvale, through the Barrens, though Thousand Needles, over Tanaris (jeez) and into Ungoro.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 06:54 AMPosted by Anamaleth
but if you take into account you'd have to travel through a place like Desolace and than horde territory,

There was no 'Horde territory' back then.

The only 'horde' on Kalimdor at the time were Tauren and Trolls, the trolls being the Dark Trolls of Hyjal and the Sand Trolls of Tanaris. Tauren were on good, if not distant, terms with the Night Elves during his time.
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/04/2012 06:54 AMPosted by Anamaleth
but if you take into account you'd have to travel through a place like Desolace and than horde territory, it would make little sense that they could even do that if they tried. It's my imagining that there probably was a certain amount, albeit a small amount that were there. I play a highborne from Feralas but I'm certain there is more to it than just that.

Nights elves, especially when they were immortal, are much tougher than a human, and they are resourceful. Moreover, 10,000 years is a long time - if they could have found a solution, they would have. Also, the centaurs and tauren appear to have thrived in barren environments, so it's not totally impossible for them to have contacted home. While I'm not saying it's impossible, it's not much of a leap to conclude that it's unlikely that there'd be more than a token night elf population in Feralas - and of those, most would hold values of night elf society pre-sundering.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Also something to consider, Feralas was/is home to many Night Elven allies. The Mountain Giants, the wisps and, specifically, the hippogryphs.

Hippogryphs are not 'tamed', they are sentient. They can understand Darnassian. If there were any Night Elves down there... asking the local fauna would've been an instant ticket home.
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/04/2012 07:03 AMPosted by Melyria
Hippogryphs are not 'tamed', they are sentient.

It made me sad when I found out the Horde were poaching them.
100 Human Warrior
04/04/2012 06:45 AMPosted by Melyria
To be fair, Isis, an almost 7 foot tall woman (She's like 6'9 and 3/4s) is 245 lbs and she's a professional wrestler. So she trains, lots.

She's a big woman, but she isn't the upper limit I think.

I'll have more to say after I've researched her workout regime and her body statistics.
Edited by Faervel on 4/4/2012 7:10 AM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 07:04 AMPosted by Wilano
Hippogryphs are not 'tamed', they are sentient.

It made me sad when I found out the Horde were poaching them.

A lot of things made me sad about Feralas. Poaching sentient animals. The old Grimtotem compound that had dozens of Faerie Dragons rounded up.

Those buggers are cute.
91 Night Elf Hunter
They had Dream Bough which is a sapling to the World Tree. They also had a large hippogryph population which were gifted to them by Cenarius. He wouldn't stick them in a place he is not.

There was an Emerald Dream portal there. Again, this wouldn't have gone unnoticed.

There are dryads there that in quest text says they have long been friends with the night elves there. I dobut they're butt buddies with the exiled highborne.

These are good points.

04/04/2012 07:09 AMPosted by Anamaleth
In World of Warcraft: The Comic, Dire Maul is featured prominently as the location of the Crimson Ring's annual championship gladiator matches. Broll Bearmantle being one of them. I doubt it was undiscovered.

This takes place after Feralas' rediscovery, however.

A lot of things made me sad about Feralas. Poaching sentient animals. The old Grimtotem compound that had dozens of Faerie Dragons rounded up.

Those buggers are cute.

I miss the Horde that isn't blatantly evil.
Edited by Wilano on 4/4/2012 7:11 AM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 07:09 AMPosted by Anamaleth
They had Dream Bough which is a sapling to the World Tree.

Planted after joining the Alliance. The World Tree was grown after the sundering. How could they plant the saplings in Duskwood and the Hinterlands?
There are dryads there that in quest text says they have long been friends with the night elves there. I dobut they're butt buddies with the exiled highborne.

We don't know when the dryads moved in. Nor do we know exactly how far out the Highborne were from Eldre'thalas. Keep in mind that their magical power was contained by the crystal spires. They would've been at risk even leaving the city.
04/04/2012 07:09 AMPosted by Anamaleth
In World of Warcraft: The Comic, Dire Maul is featured prominently as the location of the Crimson Ring's annual championship gladiator matches. Broll Bearmantle being one of them. I doubt it was undiscovered.

The matches were a Horde thing. This happened after the Third War. They would've simply caught Broll and taken him there. Varian, after all, was not found in Feralas. He was taken there.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Mely point is, that quest right there doesn't exactly prove what your saying. It outright denies it when they say "Thought it was lost"

They obviously knew it was there.

... yes. And that has no bearing on current Night Elf lands. If you were a Night Elf born in Feralas between the time of 10,000 years ago and 10 years ago, that would be deemed 'impossible' because the land was not rediscovered yet.

Eldre'thalas was also a Highborne only city.
1 Blood Elf Priest
See, if they had an Explorer achievement earlier, the Night Elves would have rediscovered the zone much earlier too.
1 Blood Elf Priest
I don't see any reason to believe there were night elf settlements of notable size in Feralas during that time, but I wouldn't call individuals living there completely impossible. It just seems like it would carry the implication that they were out of contact with night elf society at large for thousands of years, which might be worth noting for readers.
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