Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

85 Night Elf Druid
Saxton Hailstorm's Guide to being a Manly Night Elf


Name's Saxton Hailstorm, Darnassian, CEO of Elf Co. and the elf whose gonna teach you how to be a man. Follow my easy four step plan and you too will be almost as manly as I.

Step 1: Separate the men from the hippies.

You don't want to get hung up on hippie night elf problems. They are your enemy. If a night elf won't say yes to your selling tactics, or is crying in the moon well, stop them by beating them up with your damn bear hands.

Step 2: Dress appropriately

Don't wear clothing on your upper body. Trust me, it is for obvious reasons. If you're a woman why are you trying to be manly in the first place?

Step 3: Sell products and get into fights

The only way you'll ever be a man is if you do the mamba with the reaper at least twice a day. Get into fights, and maybe one day you too will be making whale sharks extinct.

Step 4: Buy Elf Co. brand products

You need your hats, artillery, and cosmetics if you want to be as manly as me. And Elf Co. provides conveniently all of those things! So buy today!


Got a problem with my guide then you can take it up with me personally.
Edited by Hailstorm on 4/2/2012 9:15 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Jaxtoria on 3/10/2013 3:43 PM PDT
90 Tauren Priest
BTW, I'm proud of you MG. Lesser people would've given in to temptation.

Don't give us too much credit, someone reported each and every one of your twenty posts. :<
100 Human Priest
My Real ID is blowing up. I am very amused right now.
85 Night Elf Druid
\o/edit: >.> Whyyyy won't my return button work here?!

I'm afraid you are second.

Also I believe I break your puny liberal scale.
85 Night Elf Druid
Is this a 20 post long Ni-


By the gods.

Elf Co. will gladly sell you proper hats and sunglasses to suit your disbelief.
85 Orc Warrior
Is this a 20 post long Ni-


By the gods.
91 Night Elf Hunter
Well while I imagine this will be interesting I'm not sure how many people are going to be able to mull through 20 posts worth of information.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/02/2012 08:46 PMPosted by Wilano
Well while I imagine this will be interesting I'm not sure how many people are going to be able to mull through 20 posts worth of information.

Better than mulling through Wolfheart.

I'm also adding an index in the main post once I'm finished. For ease of use.
100 Human Priest
04/02/2012 08:43 PMPosted by Kadrick
What're they saaaaying~? *curious*.

Haha, just bug me in game.
85 Night Elf Druid
04/02/2012 08:46 PMPosted by Wilano
Well while I imagine this will be interesting I'm not sure how many people are going to be able to mull through 20 posts worth of information.

Everything I read goes straight into my mind then, boom, my brain pops out inventions and ideas for the boys at R&D. I'm sure this information will lead me to some sort of brilliant doomsday weapon that involves killing orcs and hippies twice.
85 Night Elf Druid
Wha- it's even got references.

Dammit, Mely, stop reminding me that I have a research paper to finish >:(

Will that be an extra box order for your disbelief?

Shall I air drop it to you or send it by eagle?
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/02/2012 08:47 PMPosted by Melyria
Better than mulling through Wolfheart.

Everything I read goes straight into my mind then, boom, my brain pops out inventions and ideas for the boys at R&D. I'm sure this information will lead me to some sort of brilliant doomsday weapon that involves killing orcs and hippies twice.

I know you guys make weapons, and I know you guys make hats, but until I get a weaponised hat I remain unimpressed.
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