Better than mulling through Wolfheart. I read goes straight into my mind then, boom, my brain pops out inventions and ideas for the boys at R&D. I'm sure this information will lead me to some sort of brilliant doomsday weapon that involves killing orcs and hippies twice.
I know you guys make weapons, and I know you guys make hats, but until I get a weaponised hat I remain unimpressed.
Next you'll think we can invent some easy way to get through shower curtains without opening them. Some things are sacred, such as the dapper hat wearing man.
From what I gather, Melyria posted some stuff about something interesting. Then 40 people said some things in response
Thank you Crabby this sums up this thread nicely.
Edited by Hailstorm on 4/2/2012 8:52 PM PDT