Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

85 Night Elf Druid
Better than mulling through Wolfheart.

Everything I read goes straight into my mind then, boom, my brain pops out inventions and ideas for the boys at R&D. I'm sure this information will lead me to some sort of brilliant doomsday weapon that involves killing orcs and hippies twice.

I know you guys make weapons, and I know you guys make hats, but until I get a weaponised hat I remain unimpressed.

Next you'll think we can invent some easy way to get through shower curtains without opening them. Some things are sacred, such as the dapper hat wearing man.

From what I gather, Melyria posted some stuff about something interesting. Then 40 people said some things in response

Thank you Crabby this sums up this thread nicely.
Edited by Hailstorm on 4/2/2012 8:52 PM PDT
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/02/2012 08:51 PMPosted by Bradell
I foresee a lot of TL;DR responses to this post, even if they're not posted. I also foresee this thread exploding into dramatics at some point of another, as most NE related threads are wont to do.

Staghelm's 3rd Law of Kaldorodynamics.

04/02/2012 08:51 PMPosted by Hailstorm
Next you'll think we can invent some easy way to get through shower curtains without opening them. Some things are sacred, such as the dapper hat wearing man.

All I'm hearing is "I'm afraid to make a Frankensteinien atrocity that defies the natural order". What kind of man are you?
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/02/2012 08:52 PMPosted by Anamaleth
Furion has silver too.

Its said even as late as wolfheart that he has amber eyes. His eyes turned amber upon learning from Cenarius.
85 Night Elf Druid
04/02/2012 08:54 PMPosted by Wilano
I foresee a lot of TL;DR responses to this post, even if they're not posted. I also foresee this thread exploding into dramatics at some point of another, as most NE related threads are wont to do.

Staghelm's 3rd Law of Kaldorodynamics.

Next you'll think we can invent some easy way to get through shower curtains without opening them. Some things are sacred, such as the dapper hat wearing man.

All I'm hearing is "I'm afraid to make a Frankensteinien atrocity that defies the natural order". What kind of man are you?

A man that already broke the natural order. Twice.

Weaponized hats are something our company takes great pride in, but is something that the boys in R&D seem to struggle with. We want it perfect.
100 Dwarf Paladin
20 posts? Holy Elf, Mely!

Me and my shorter than average (4'10''), double f, 50lb 16year old elf will wait patiently to read your thread for insights.

Seriously though? Some argument is bound to brew and it'll be deleted eventually. Make sure you SAVE IT SOMEWHERE.
61 Human Death Knight
04/02/2012 08:15 PMPosted by Melyria
They'd still worship Elune, given the proof of her existance, but may be willing to accept the Light as a valid view on how to live one's life or even compare teachings and see which is better.

Is there any reason why a Night Elf would only worship Elune, seeing as how religions in World of Warcraft function as more of a power source than anything? It's been shown that the Light and Elune are equal in power with some advantages to each.

Also interested in seeing the citation about arcane being banned in Teldrassil, seeing as how there's a portal to the Exodar in the middle of the Temple of Elune.

EDIT: It seems like Wolfheart is the citation. Should the game's lore take precedence over the book's lore if there's a conflict between the two?

Night Elves seem to have a dislike for large scale technology,

Do Glaive Throwers count?

There is also an Engineering trainer in Darnassus that can teach you to use flying machines, and in Mists of Pandaria there is a quest NPC that pilots (and presumably built) a flying machine to go to Pandaland.
Edited by Caristinn on 4/2/2012 9:17 PM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/02/2012 08:59 PMPosted by Anamaleth

Its said even as late as wolfheart that he has amber eyes. His eyes turned amber upon learning from Cenarius.
Point still stands though. Azshara as my main chick. It's really probably tied to something else unless there is some secret druidic magic she was getting into with the underlings.

OH MY! The scandal! :D

I'll ask you to wait until I post my two page long citation list.
100 Human Priest
Ana is not wrong, your citations or not. A couple of notes do not invalidate the whole.
100 Worgen Mage
I support anything that includes valid citations.
90 Dwarf Mage
Illidan had amber eyes and no patience for druidism. Remember, amber eyes weren't for those marked special for druidic teaching. They were just a sign of a person who was special and would achieve great things in their life. Or had a great destiny... or something.

Antlers are the new golden eyes.
90 Tauren Priest
04/02/2012 09:12 PMPosted by Rofaldo
I support anything that includes valid citations.
85 Night Elf Druid
Saxton Hailstorm's Guide to being a Manly Night Elf


Name's Saxton Hailstorm, Darnassian, CEO of Elf Co. and the elf whose gonna teach you how to be a man. Follow my easy four step plan and you too will be almost as manly as I.

Step 1: Separate the men from the hippies.

You don't want to get hung up on hippie night elf problems. They are your enemy. If a night elf won't say yes to your selling tactics, or is crying in the moon well, stop them by beating them up with your damn bear hands.

Step 2: Dress appropriately

Don't wear clothing on your upper body. Trust me, it is for obvious reasons. If you're a woman why are you trying to be manly in the first place?

Step 3: Sell products and get into fights

The only way you'll ever be a man is if you do the mamba with the reaper at least twice a day. Get into fights, and maybe one day you too will be making whale sharks extinct.

Step 4: Buy Elf Co. brand products

You need your hats, artillery, and cosmetics if you want to be as manly as me. And Elf Co. provides conveniently all of those things! So buy today!


Got a problem with my guide then you can take it up with me personally.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Illidan had amber eyes and no patience for druidism. Remember, amber eyes weren't for those marked special for druidic teaching. They were just a sign of a person who was special and would achieve great things in their life. Or had a great destiny... or something.

Antlers are the new golden eyes.

Having potential skill does not mean you become a druid instantly.

Before the Sundering, golden eyes were extremely rare among the night elves. Golden eyes thus came to be regarded as a sign of future greatness. Both Queen Azshara and Illidan had these unusual eyes. Unfortunately the falsehood of this widespread belief was only to become clear after these two infamous individuals had reached their dark fates.

In truth, golden eyes were a sign of strong druidic potential. Little wonder that pre-Sundering night elves, with their emphasis on the arcane, did not understand the significance of these unusual eyes. Simply having this potential did not guarantee that the potential would be sensed or understood, much less wielded with skill and compassion. Despite his golden eyes, Illidan struggled with the druidic arts, though he, like Malfurion, was tutored by Cenarius.
100 Human Paladin
I think it says a lot about how petty people can be that they would spend the time reporting every single one of these posts just out of spite. This is a helpful guide. I think the hate going between these groups, particularly the hate coming from a particular individual has gotten out of hand. Come off it, grow up, and stop this pettiness. Seriously people. Lets be adults.

This guide is well researched and obviously took time to put together. I would like to applaud Melyria for the work she put into this. Stuff like this takes not only ambition, but guts to put out there like this.
85 Night Elf Druid
I think it says a lot about how petty people can be that they would spend the time reporting every single one of these posts just out of spite. This is a helpful guide. I think the hate going between these groups, particularly the hate coming from a particular individual has gotten out of hand. Come off it, grow up, and stop this pettiness. Seriously people. Lets be adults.

This guide is well researched and obviously took time to put together. I would like to applaud Melyria for the work she put into this. Stuff like this takes not only ambition, but guts to put out there like this.

You are a very manly man. I applaud you.

edit: ((This post is completely serious, that was an awesomely good post.))
Edited by Hailstorm on 4/2/2012 9:33 PM PDT
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