Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 03:51 PMPosted by Lito
The origin is worth mentioning here in the guide. Sometimes it doesn't matter as something changes later on anyway.

Oh, I'll add it. Its I'm wondering the extent of how well it would be known.
88 Human Warrior
Eh, just lay out the info and let readers figure out their take.

It's secret stuff, so all player-characters will know it, naturally.

Edit: Hranu, think you could e-mail me some time? Nothing urgent / no rush.
Edited by Lito on 4/4/2012 3:56 PM PDT
100 Human Death Knight
04/04/2012 03:49 PMPosted by Melyria
True, though I don't see why it would be brought up that the CC was created just for the worgen of yor. Hm...

It could be an interesting source of (civil) conflict between traditionalist Cenarions and those who'd prefer to move forward and make amends through helping the worgen. Or (though this is admittedly peripherally related to night elves at best) a source of internal conflict for worgen druids. Do you want to be part of this organization that was made to hunt and imprison your kind?

Or it could be a point of argument for arcane use by the night elves, showing that druidic magic has its dangers just as the arcane does, but druids aren't outlawed or persecuted. I certainly don't have any characters who would make that argument. >>
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 03:57 PMPosted by Caliginous
Do you want to be part of this organization that was made to hunt and imprison your kind?

Well, not really their kind. Being a Worgen means you have earned your sanity back, something the druid of the scythe didn't do. I don't see it as a big deal. I mean, Gilneans hunted feral worgen too.
90 Worgen Druid
04/04/2012 03:59 PMPosted by Melyria
Do you want to be part of this organization that was made to hunt and imprison your kind?

Well, not really their kind. Being a Worgen means you have earned your sanity back, something the druid of the scythe didn't do. I don't see it as a big deal. I mean, Gilneans hunted feral worgen too.

...This. It also means you're a completely -different- Worgen then the elvish Worgen. Sure, they are the same biologically, but it was the elves and the circle that -saved- them in the first place with Tal'doren.
100 Human Death Knight
Yeah, that was exaggerated for the sake of enhancing someone's imaginary internal conflict.

But that was an awesome bit of the Genn story.

Gilnean nobles are such incarnations of snobbish badassery that they went on MONTHLY WEREWOLF HUNTS.
90 Worgen Druid
Yeah, that was exaggerated for the sake of enhancing someone's imaginary internal conflict.

But that was an awesome bit of the Genn story.

Gilnean nobles are such incarnations of snobbish badassery that they went on MONTHLY WEREWOLF HUNTS.

Wooh, go Gilneans :D. Only to be bit by one himself, of course.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 04:01 PMPosted by Caliginous
Gilnean nobles are such incarnations of snobbish badassery that they went on MONTHLY WEREWOLF HUNTS.

"Old boy, you've been bitten."

"Oh dear, so I have."

"My, that looks ghastly."

"Yes, indeed."

"Well, I suppose there isn't anything to do about it."

"Quite. It was an honor, good chap."

"Pip pip. Off I go then. I shall inform those in charge of the hereafter to make the nessecary preparations for you lot. Wouldn't want our afterlives to be substandard."

"Good show."

-The bitten gentlemen then shoots himself with a silver bullet.-
90 Worgen Druid
I'd also like to bring up a few points about the Worgen.

Firstly, that the Cenarion Circle was initially created as a result of the Druid of the Pack's, and by extension the Druid's of the Scythe druidic 'experimentation.

And secondly, that it's incorrect to say the druids of the Pack were the ones who 'propagated' the Worgen Curse, as the Druids of the Pack, by definition, were not Worgen. The Druids of the Scythe were the Worgen, and by definition a Druid of the Scythe has the Worgen Form.
90 Pandaren Shaman
Edit: Hranu, think you could e-mail me some time? Nothing urgent / no rush.

Yes, but that would require your email.
82 Night Elf Mage
I just wanted to respond to the portals in the temple point in relation to the restriction of the arcane on Teldrassil.

Night Elven law doesn't conform to traditional systems of law with a few exceptions of established statutes. What is right and wrong, lawful and unlawful is mostly left up to the person enforcing the law, based on social mores and what the Night Elves deem as 'acceptable'.

Let's take two Wardens, for example. You just stole a loaf of bread. One locks you up for a week and the other lets you off with a warning. This is possible because is no separation of duty. They are the police, the barristers, and the judges all in one, and the only precedent that we have for any sort of 'review' involves copious amounts of purple blood.

It also means that they can lay down statutes, load them up with exceptions and not see a problem with it. Just make sure that it's sanctioned... and that everyone knows about that sanctioned. In the case of portals, it's a no brainer. Wouldn't you prefer that if people were going to cast and use them, that they did so under close supervision, in a way that you sanction and in a centralized location? I would think so.
Edited by Verronia on 4/4/2012 4:39 PM PDT
90 Worgen Druid
I'd also like to bring up a few points about the Worgen.

Firstly, that the Cenarion Circle was initially created as a result of the Druid of the Pack's, and by extension the Druid's of the Scythe druidic 'experimentation.

And secondly, that it's incorrect to say the druids of the Pack were the ones who 'propagated' the Worgen Curse, as the Druids of the Pack, by definition, were not Worgen. The Druids of the Scythe were the Worgen, and by definition a Druid of the Scythe has the Worgen Form.

Wait, wuht?

No. It was not created because of them.

The Curse of the Worgen comic says other-wise.
100 Human Death Knight
"Old boy, you've been bitten."

"Oh dear, so I have."

Pretty sure -exactly that conversation- went on more than once.

Wait, wuht?

No. It was not created because of them.

The Cenarion Circle was created at some point after the War of the Ancients, in a crisis situation caused by the Druids of the Scythe, the first worgen, going nuts and worgenizing everyone with their super-extra-virulent bites that instantly worgenified people.

Yeah, two different imaginary verbs. I couldn't decide. Anyway, it's in the Curse of the Worgen comics.
90 Worgen Druid
"Old boy, you've been bitten."

"Oh dear, so I have."

Pretty sure -exactly that conversation- went on more than once.

Wait, wuht?

No. It was not created because of them.

The Cenarion Circle was created at some point after the War of the Ancients, in a crisis situation caused by the Druids of the Scythe, the first worgen, going nuts and worgenizing everyone with their super-extra-virulent bites that instantly worgenified people.

Yeah, two different imaginary verbs. I couldn't decide. Anyway, it's in the Curse of the Worgen comics.

I think Worgenized needs to be a verb! -.-
100 Night Elf Warrior
In other news. Hooray for properly played Demon Hunters! \o/

I have to say that I did enjoy reading the thread...I mean your guide that is, not the rest of where this thread has gone; I totally ignored that. /puts on creepy crow mask
Edited by Iltharius on 4/4/2012 4:34 PM PDT
100 Night Elf Warrior
04/04/2012 04:05 PMPosted by Melyria
Gilnean nobles are such incarnations of snobbish badassery that they went on MONTHLY WEREWOLF HUNTS.

"Old boy, you've been bitten."

"Oh dear, so I have."

"My, that looks ghastly."

"Yes, indeed."

"Well, I suppose there isn't anything to do about it."

"Quite. It was an honor, good chap."

"Pip pip. Off I go then. I shall inform those in charge of the hereafter to make the nessecary preparations for you lot. Wouldn't want our afterlives to be substandard."

"Good show."

-The bitten gentlemen then shoots himself with a silver bullet.-

... Olawd XD
80 Human Paladin
The 20s are hardcore stuff, just look at Eldanesh. He's struggling through it.

04/04/2012 02:35 PMPosted by Caristinn
He's conquered Naxxramas, but can he conquer the Greater Tarantula?


Edited by Eldanesh on 4/4/2012 4:58 PM PDT
90 Worgen Druid
04/04/2012 04:58 PMPosted by Eldanesh
The 20s are hardcore stuff, just look at Eldanesh. He's struggling through it.

04/04/2012 02:35 PMPosted by Caristinn
He's conquered Naxxramas, but can he conquer the Greater Tarantula?



This joke is old.
80 Human Paladin
So are you.
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