04/04/2012 01:14 PMPosted by BradellI cant help but respect how you put up with half these people
Yeah, god forbid anyone questions Melyria.
Excuse me while I go roll my eyes so hard the world stops turning.
I don't think Melyria or any of her friends or, for that matter, innocent bystanders with no personal stake in any of the ridiculous drama unfolding between the lines have any problem with people posting criticisms or questions. It's posts rather like this which denote open contempt for the OP which I think are stirring up unnecessary !@#$.
Melyria does tolerate a lot of people who troll her incessantly -- yes, troll, not message her with reasonable complaints about her opinions or assertions. They roll level 1 night elves with ridiculous names to follow her around and disrupt her gameplay. Some of those people have posted in this thread. Forgive me and others for suspecting they have done so merely to latch onto yet another opportunity to poop down her throat.
Or better yet, excuse me while I pardon myself from a pointless debate to watch you roll your eyes with apparent vehemence.