Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

85 Dwarf Priest
04/04/2012 01:14 PMPosted by Bradell
I cant help but respect how you put up with half these people

Yeah, god forbid anyone questions Melyria.

Excuse me while I go roll my eyes so hard the world stops turning.

I don't think Melyria or any of her friends or, for that matter, innocent bystanders with no personal stake in any of the ridiculous drama unfolding between the lines have any problem with people posting criticisms or questions. It's posts rather like this which denote open contempt for the OP which I think are stirring up unnecessary !@#$.

Melyria does tolerate a lot of people who troll her incessantly -- yes, troll, not message her with reasonable complaints about her opinions or assertions. They roll level 1 night elves with ridiculous names to follow her around and disrupt her gameplay. Some of those people have posted in this thread. Forgive me and others for suspecting they have done so merely to latch onto yet another opportunity to poop down her throat.

Or better yet, excuse me while I pardon myself from a pointless debate to watch you roll your eyes with apparent vehemence.
1 Blood Elf Priest
"Caristinne" heh. that might help keep the pronoun gender straight ;)

tbh i only think two people have been jerks in this thread and they're not the likely guesses based on people who actually commented, but perhaps they are for the lurkers.

To be fair, our characters are adventurers. We're straight up mary sues.

I think it's kind of weird though that you go from killing wolves in Northshire to piloting a damn siege engine within the span of ~20 levels tho

The 20s are hardcore stuff, just look at Eldanesh. He's struggling through it.

We are adventurers but that pilot NPC guy in the quest may have have absurd qualities about him too. We're not exactly dealing with quality writing, or internally-consistent writing.
Edited by Lito on 4/4/2012 2:32 PM PDT
61 Human Death Knight
"Caristinne" heh. that might help keep the pronoun gender straight ;)


The 20s are hardcore stuff, just look at Eldanesh. He's struggling through it.

He's conquered Naxxramas, but can he conquer the Greater Tarantula?
We are adventurers but that pilot NPC guy in the quest may have have absurd qualities about him too. We're not exactly dealing with quality writing, or internally-consistent writing.

...true. But I suppose we have to make do with what we've got.
100 Human Priest
Honestly, most of you pointing fingers at the 'haters' are quick to jump the gun. The claws have only come out (and in a minor way) after people started saying, 'lol you disagree you hate melyria' and completely missing that those questioning certain parts of the thread complimented Melyria on his hard work.

No one has discredited Mel's attempts at putting together a great guide, they are simply pointing out flaws they see could raise issues and cause conflict among others.

So before you all want to say HATERS GUNNA HATE, take the time to read the 'haters' and see their posts for what they are.

Constructive criticism.
85 Dwarf Priest
Honestly, most of you pointing fingers at the 'haters' are quick to jump the gun. The claws have only come out (and in a minor way) after people started saying, 'lol you disagree you hate melyria' and completely missing that those questioning certain parts of the thread complimented Melyria on his hard work.

No one has discredited Mel's attempts at putting together a great guide, they are simply pointing out flaws they see could raise issues and cause conflict among others.

So before you all want to say HATERS GUNNA HATE, take the time to read the 'haters' and see their posts for what they are.

Constructive criticism.

I whole heartedly agree.

I may be well known for my conservative approach to writing and storytelling, but I would rip off my nose before telling someone they can't express their opinions whether they are in contrast to mine or not. What galls me, however, is how irate they become when I express my opinions right back at them. Never fails.

But as to why people "jumped the gun", I read back quite a ways and, unsurprisingly, the first defensive posts I saw were all about the mysterious spiteful individual who has made it their goal in life to report all of Melyria's posts. Interestingly Caristinn seemed to think this was referring to him, which apparently it wasn't... at least he is guiltless of one asinine thing.

As for how things developed from there... well. As I said I agree that Caristinn and Co. have every right to express their opinions and call Melyria out on presenting subjective suggestion with a little unnecessary firmness, but anyone with any knowledge of this forum's history would be wise to suspect Caristinn or his ilk of mischief. I do not condone crying wolf every other post but I can certainly understand it when there's a wolf about.

Again, that is no excuse to ignore or deride everything he says. Well... Hrm... No, nevermind, you're right, it's not.

Edited by Hragli on 4/4/2012 2:51 PM PDT
100 Human Priest
04/04/2012 02:46 PMPosted by Hragli
but anyone with any knowledge of this forum's history would be wise to suspect Caristinn or his ilk of mischief.

On this same note, people would also be aware of the same malice and spite Melyria has mustered up in the past when people did not agree with him. In the end, everyone is at fault and most of this thread could have been trimmed back 10+ pages had people not been dense and understood that there is support for this thread with some minor conflicting views.

With that said, I am still looking forward to seeing the issues addressed and seeing people have some sort of middle ground to agree on. Though the chances are pretty much slim to none with how hateful this server can be, I still hold out some meager hope.
85 Dwarf Priest
04/04/2012 02:54 PMPosted by Venita
but anyone with any knowledge of this forum's history would be wise to suspect Caristinn or his ilk of mischief.

On this same note, people would also be aware of the same malice and spite Melyria has mustered up in the past when people did not agree with him.

Hahaha. Being prickly toward people she doesn't like is quite a departure from taking precious time out of her day to do stupid, childish things to spite her POLITICAL ENEMIES and disrupt and discourage their roleplay, don't you think?

That is a bold comparison.
100 Human Paladin
04/04/2012 02:59 PMPosted by Hragli

On this same note, people would also be aware of the same malice and spite Melyria has mustered up in the past when people did not agree with him.

Hahaha. Being prickly toward people she doesn't like is quite a departure from taking precious time out of her day to do stupid, childish things to spite her POLITICAL ENEMIES and disrupt and discourage their roleplay, don't you think?

That is a bold comparison.

And to be fair, Melyria hasn't named a tumor after anyone she dislikes, so there is that in her favor too.
100 Human Priest
Hahaha. Being prickly toward people she doesn't like is quite a departure from taking precious time out of her day to do stupid, childish things to spite her POLITICAL ENEMIES and disrupt and discourage their roleplay, don't you think?

That is a bold comparison.

I am not sure what you are getting at here. I might be a tad bit confused.
100 Night Elf Warrior
Oh, hey, how about this thread gets used for it's actual purpose? \o/
61 Human Death Knight
04/04/2012 03:01 PMPosted by Venita
I am not sure what you are getting at here. I might be a tad bit confused.

Yeah, I'm not getting this either. I've never told Melyria that her RP was wrong.

04/04/2012 03:00 PMPosted by Saigio
And to be fair, Melyria hasn't named a tumor after anyone she dislikes, so there is that in her favor too.

I think the person your referring to had her comment as tongue in cheek.
85 Dwarf Priest
04/04/2012 03:03 PMPosted by Athynas
Oh, hey, how about this thread gets used for it's actual purpose? \o/

Yes, I'm sorry about that. I will refrain from irrelevant posts.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 02:54 PMPosted by Venita
On this same note, people would also be aware of the same malice and spite Melyria has mustered up in the past when people did not agree with him

Can you actually do me a service and refer to me by my real gender? I've made mention multiple times in various threads that I'm a woman.
100 Human Death Knight
04/04/2012 03:01 PMPosted by Venita
I am not sure what you are getting at here. I might be a tad bit confused.

The petty faked screenshot stunt, probably. If I were in Melyria's place, I wouldn't respond to anything he posted either, after that.

Also, hope Ari isn't reading this thread, Bradell. ;P
1 Blood Elf Priest
Sometimes i feel like the only person who is well aware that gossip and gospel are two different things.
100 Night Elf Warrior
Oi. Seriously, you people, please. This thread is not for bickering about pointless fueds and rivalries. This is a guide someone worked hard to create, and (whether you like the guide or it's author, or you don't) it's not a place for these useless slanders and arguments.
Now, this is not my thread, but for the love of all that is good and polite, please... Just leave the thread for what it is supposed to be for.
100 Human Priest
Can you actually do me a service and refer to me by my real gender? I've made mention multiple times in various threads that I'm a woman.

I don't pay attention when these things are mentioned because male or female, it really doesn't matter.

The petty faked screenshot stunt, probably. If I were in Melyria's place, I wouldn't respond to anything he posted either, after that.

Maybe, there was a mention of people going out on level 1s and trolling Mel, which I may have to vouch and say that was not Riverfang considering he is on my real id and.. I never sleep, so I kinda can see who is on what, ect.

Regardless, those things are immature. All of them and I won't fault Mel for not responding to certain people who have given him a hard time, but there were prior comments before Cari came in and started posting constructively about some dents and flaws in the thread. That is mostly what I am getting at.

Everyone is pretty much on the same page. Mel put hard work into his guide and everyone was giving him plenty of support as to what he has done. However, certain things should have been addressed without the forums going HURRRRRRRR TROLLS at the first glance to who posted.

I firmly believe the forums forget the meaning of white knights and troll/trolling.
100 Night Elf Warrior
She, Venita. Melyria is indeed a female, in-spite of your unwarranted attempts to discredit her gender.
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