Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

100 Night Elf Warrior
04/03/2012 02:31 PMPosted by Hailstorm

Or, Imagine being a gnome and going to Darnassus.

Elf CO.'s R&D department is predominantly gnomes, so just come meet one of them some time if you want the short experience.

Can I take some home? Use some like teddy bears? Put some in the garden?

85 Dwarf Shaman
Melyria is often very opinionated, but in all that I have ever seen of her forum activity, she always respects her debate opponents enough to thoroughly explain her reasoning to them and even takes the time to locate and provide sources for them. Even if what she posts is often 90% valid sourcing and 10% opinion, the 90% is always very useful for new RPers or those new to the Kaldorei, and she's always pretty patient and mature when debating the 10%. Whoever reports all her posts, though, not so much.

Also I enjoyed reading!

A big part of technical writing is to talk about the merits and weaknesses of the writing and not the writer. Let's all do the same and talk more about the piece than what we think about the writer, good or bad, okay?
90 Night Elf Rogue
Elf CO.'s R&D department is predominantly gnomes, so just come meet one of them some time if you want the short experience.

How many do you lose per week from just stepping on them?
85 Night Elf Druid
Elf CO.'s R&D department is predominantly gnomes, so just come meet one of them some time if you want the short experience.

How many do you lose per week from just stepping on them?

Pyrenda our chief engineer is good at dodging.
Edited by Hailstorm on 4/3/2012 2:33 PM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/03/2012 02:33 PMPosted by Hailstorm
Pyrenda our chief engineer is good at dodging.

But the others not so much?
85 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2012 02:34 PMPosted by Melyria
Pyrenda our chief engineer is good at dodging.

But the others not so much?

They had to get chief somehow. Survival of the fittest.
100 Night Elf Warrior
04/03/2012 02:35 PMPosted by Hailstorm

But the others not so much?

They had to get chief somehow. Survival of the fittest.

I will come and I will find these gnomes of yours.

... Whether that means alive or under foot...
29 Undead Warlock
Melyria is often very opinionated, but in all that I have ever seen of her forum activity, she always respects her debate opponents enough to thoroughly explain her reasoning to them and even takes the time to locate and provide sources for them. Even if what she posts is often 90% valid sourcing and 10% opinion, the 90% is always very useful for new RPers or those new to the Kaldorei, and she's always pretty patient and mature when debating the 10%. Whoever reports all her posts, though, not so much.

Also I enjoyed reading!

A big part of technical writing is to talk about the merits and weaknesses of the writing and not the writer. Let's all do the same and talk more about the piece than what we think about the writer, good or bad, okay?

I wasn't talking about the technicality of the writing. I was talking about the writer. I think it's an important dynamic, because newer folks looking for RP and lore information take both into consideration. The source of information is often a significant part of how one perceives the information. So I just think it's important to point out for potential new folks that, amidst the accusations of most of this just being opinion (and new folks won't know it's trolling), that the source in fact has a long history of validating their claims. I don't think there is anything wrong with me choosing to touch on that matter, though I'm not sure how I feel about you trying to tell me not to talk about something on this public discussion forum. Benefit of the doubt says you just want to keep the thread as civil as possible, and I can respect that.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
04/03/2012 02:18 PMPosted by Melyria
Isis (6'9):
Wow I think Saria is the same height as the girl in the blue dress 5'8. keep forgetting how tall female Night elves can be. lol
85 Dwarf Shaman
A big part of technical writing is to talk about the merits and weaknesses of the writing and not the writer. Let's all do the same and talk more about the piece than what we think about the writer, good or bad, okay?

I wasn't talking about the technicality of the writing. I was talking about the writer. I think it's an important dynamic, because newer folks looking for RP and lore information take both into consideration. The source of information is often a significant part of how one perceives the information. So I just think it's important to point out for potential new folks that, amidst the accusations of most of this just being opinion (and new folks won't know it's trolling), that the source in fact has a long history of validating their claims. I don't think there is anything wrong with me choosing to touch on that matter, though I'm not sure how I feel about you trying to tell me not to talk about something on this public discussion forum. Benefit of the doubt says you just want to keep the thread as civil as possible, and I can respect that.

Actually you missed my point entirely you should only be talking about the technicality of the writing, not the writer. In debate a fallacy is to hold the writer/speaker against their writing/what they say. A valid point is still a valid point.

And yes it's mostly to keep the thread civil and on-topic because I actually like this thread a lot.
Edited by Erundo on 4/3/2012 2:45 PM PDT
85 Blood Elf Paladin
Wow this is amazing! Well done!

...My hunter's sooo going night elf when I get the cash.
90 Night Elf Rogue

So about how heavy is this night elf?

We don't know her height. But assuming she's 7 feet tall, she could be around 220 o 240
100 Night Elf Warrior
Wow this is amazing! Well done!

...My hunter's sooo going night elf when I get the cash.

*grabby hands*
85 Night Elf Warrior
Feasible to say Tali can be 260 lbs at 7 feet? She's a bit more muscle heavy than your average elves.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/03/2012 02:51 PMPosted by Taliana
Feasible to say Tali can be 260 lbs at 7 feet? She's a bit more muscle heavy than your average elves.

Yes. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if she was very buff she'd weigh more than average.

Mely here is 7'4 and, after the update I made, is 295 pounds.
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