Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2. (Cont.)

90 Night Elf Rogue
04/05/2012 04:10 PMPosted by Feralarin

This guide is about how to role-play an elf, if I am correct. As the Worgen are a part of elvish history, I think it's worthwhile to have a basic section about how they came about.

What Mely said. They really are not linked in that manner. Not as much as many think.

I mean, they were the reason for the Circle's creation. And they were a product of the War of the Satyr. But ultimately, all this information is meta.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Fantastic guide. I learned a lot, and I like to think I know a decent bit about Kaldorei culture anyway.

... I'll show myself out, then. *Scoots away.*
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Where do Moonkin fit into Night Elf Lore?
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Fantastic guide. I learned a lot, and I like to think I know a decent bit about Kaldorei culture anyway.

... I'll show myself out, then. *Scoots away.*

*pounces on*
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/05/2012 08:52 PMPosted by Hranu
Where do Moonkin fit into Night Elf Lore?

Moonkin are confirmed to be beasts created by Elune to guard her sacred shrines and artifacts. Time went on and the owlkin forgot their purpose. Many became violent or corrupted. Very few are passive/friendly and those that are have shown to know a few words of Darnassian, though they mostly communicate with hoots and roars.

Druids of assume a Moonkin form are Druids of the Wild, as 'moonkin' don't fall under one distinct totem.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
*bumps with a kimchi bowl*
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/06/2012 07:37 AMPosted by Ashfalina
See..I've always seen them as Druids of the Claw as they are seen with shrines of the twin bears. Lots of people forget one of the twins was shamanistic. Like the Owlkins.

The issue is that owlbears combine two aspects of two totems. We know druids of the talon take avian forms. We know druids of the claw take feline and ursian forms. Moonkin are neither.

However, druids of the wild have a wider range of forms, such as the sea lion form (Or Orca form come MOP). So, essentially, any 'misc' form just gets shoved into the "Druid of the Wild" totem.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/06/2012 07:47 AMPosted by Ashfalina

The issue is that owlbears combine two aspects of two totems. We know druids of the talon take avian forms. We know druids of the claw take feline and ursian forms. Moonkin are neither.

However, druids of the wild have a wider range of forms, such as the sea lion form (Or Orca form come MOP). So, essentially, any 'misc' form just gets shoved into the "Druid of the Wild" totem.

A totem doesn't always mean they assume a form. Druids aren't always taking a form.

... of course not? All druids have a humanoid form. I don't think this is being debated.
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88 Human Warrior
Hey I've seen one, two, thr... tons of druids who can't go back to back humanoid forms!
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/06/2012 07:52 AMPosted by Ashfalina
... of course not? All druids have a humanoid form. I don't think this is being debated.

SO it's shown they revere the twin bears and really there is not much other demigods they are shown to revere. Their form doesn't dictate who they revere.

... wait... where are these shrines filled with moonkin? The shrines to the bears are found in Grizzly Hills and filled with Furbolg, not Owlbears.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
The moonkin shrines are up in Winterspring, I believe. There's a whole slew of quests involving the Moonkin in that area and the "totems". I don't see where the misconception is here..
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88 Human Warrior
04/06/2012 07:59 AMPosted by Qerrathien
The moonkin shrines are up in Winterspring, I believe. There's a whole slew of quests involving the Moonkin in that area and the "totems". I don't see where the misconception is here..

Need links!

No seriously, I've never quested in Winterspring, even before Cataclysm.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Hey Mely, what about those archaeology night elf dig sites in the southern barrens?
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
04/06/2012 08:39 AMPosted by Lito
The moonkin shrines are up in Winterspring, I believe. There's a whole slew of quests involving the Moonkin in that area and the "totems". I don't see where the misconception is here..

Need links!

No seriously, I've never quested in Winterspring, even before Cataclysm.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/06/2012 08:47 AMPosted by Erundo
Hey Mely, what about those archaeology night elf dig sites in the southern barrens?

Potentially old, pre sundering ruins long since buried. Or they're emerald dream related.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Great guide, Mel, well done! Requested sticky on original post.
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