Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2. (Cont.)

90 Night Elf Rogue
Since the old thread capped (in like... a day) ... but I don't want to clog the thread with 20 pages of the same guide, I'll just link the original thread.

Still more discussion to be had.
Edited by Melyria on 4/5/2012 6:48 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior

Also, yay for guides. :3
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85 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Jaxtoria on 3/10/2013 3:41 PM PDT
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90 Worgen Druid
I'm not sure you got my initial feedback regarding the Worgen, so I'll repost it here.
I'd also like to bring up a few points about the Worgen.

Firstly, that the Cenarion Circle was initially created as a result of the Druid of the Pack's, and by extension the Druid's of the Scythe druidic 'experimentation.

And secondly, that it's incorrect to say the druids of the Pack were the ones who 'propagated' the Worgen Curse, as the Druids of the Pack, by definition, were not Worgen. The Druids of the Scythe were the Worgen, and by definition a Druid of the Scythe has the Worgen Form.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Your first part was added.

The original 'worgen', as in the Night Elf druids using the humanoid wolf form, did actually start the curse. Their bite was especially virulent and potennt. These were the ones summoned by Arugal and by the Scythe in Duskwood.

They started the whole thing. Without them, there would be no worgen curse.

Really, it is a point of semantics.
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90 Worgen Druid
Your first part was added.

The original 'worgen', as in the Night Elf druids using the humanoid wolf form, did actually start the curse. Their bite was especially virulent and potennt. These were the ones summoned by Arugal and by the Scythe in Duskwood.

They started the whole thing. Without them, there would be no worgen curse.

Really, it is a point of semantics.

Yep, fair enough. Still, I'd love for you to add in something about the Druids of the Scythe. As this is supposed to be the exhaustive night elf role-playing guide.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
So, my understanding is that the Highborne were able to return to the Night Elves because of Cataclysm's world crisis.

Now that the crisis is over are they going to keep their relations, albeit unstable, with the Highborne?
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I actually had the chance to read most of it this afternoon, Everything seemed to be quite detailed except for when it came to moonwells.


The well of eternity's waters are placed within a stone well and allowed to absorb moonlight during the night.[74] These are called moonwells. These wells have many practical purposes but Sentinels (and presumably priestesses) keep them as shrines to Elune.[75]

One would think that Moonwells do a little more then just act as religious shrines to their deity. What "Practical" Purposes are you talking about? Seems to me if they have the Well of eternities waters in them they may mean a bit something more.

In Warcraft III, Moonwells provided Mana and nourishment to their forces. Does that mean that Night elves still possess a slight dependency on the Arcane like their high elf cousins?
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I actually had the chance to read most of it this afternoon, Everything seemed to be quite detailed except for when it came to moonwells.

One would think that Moonwells do a little more then just act as religious shrines to their deity. What "Practical" Purposes are you talking about? Seems to me if they have the Well of eternities waters in them they may mean a bit something more.

In Warcraft III, Moonwells provided Mana and nourishment to their forces. Does that mean that Night elves still possess a slight dependency on the Arcane like their high elf cousins?

In WC3, the moonwells were used to heal the elves.

Pretty sure it gave mana as well.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
So, my understanding is that the Highborne were able to return to the Night Elves because of Cataclysm's world crisis.

Now that the crisis is over are they going to keep their relations, albeit unstable, with the Highborne?

Yes. The Highborne are back, they aren't going anywhere. But there are still a large number of restrictions and ill will against them. After all, its only been a year.

Plus, with the Highborne's penchant for... um... jerkiness, it doesn't endear a lot of people to them. In Wolfheart Vard'yn basically monologues how his people see trees as trees, while Night Elves see them as living, breathing, sacred things. He says his people are used to having power over nature, not living in harmony with it.
04/05/2012 03:13 PMPosted by Phairqt
One would think that Moonwells do a little more then just act as religious shrines to their deity. What "Practical" Purposes are you talking about? Seems to me if they have the Well of eternities waters in them they may mean a bit something more.

Night Elves use them to bless food stores and weapons. Fruit grows readily by them, specifically moonberries, and Moonwell water has the ability to destroy corruption, create mooncloth and the water has a number of magical properties, including purification and enhancing spellcasting.
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90 Worgen Druid
A few other things I'm going to bug you about, Melyria. I think you should include a lot more information about both the war of the shifting sands, and what we know of the Worgen, as most of the older elves would likely have been through both of them. I'td be nice to see at least a small section devoted to the Worgen themselves, perhaps just a blurb on their origins and the Druids of the Pack transformations to Druids of the Scythe.

Obviously, this is a night elf role-playing guide, and not a Worgen one, but I still think Worgen were fairly relevant to elves, as they are the reason for the circle's creation, and something that caused a fair amount of Kaldorei to die or be transformed.

As for the war of the shifting sands, I think you'd know the impact of that yourself, and the importance of including it in such a guide.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I have more but I've got a raid to attend to in just a few minutes, more quires to follow though!
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90 Worgen Druid
04/05/2012 03:51 PMPosted by Feralarin
But it wouldn't be an elf guide if it was dedicated to portions of worgen.

This guide is about how to role-play an elf, if I am correct. As the Worgen are a part of elvish history, I think it's worthwhile to have a basic section about how they came about.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/05/2012 03:53 PMPosted by Ferenold
But it wouldn't be an elf guide if it was dedicated to portions of worgen.

This guide is about how to role-play an elf, if I am correct. As the Worgen are a part of elvish history, I think it's worthwhile to have a basic section about how they came about.

The Worgen were not interacted with by the majority of Night Elves. The entire ordeal with the Druids of the Pack was covered up and the actual incidents with them attacking other elves were remote.

The Worgen are, for the most part, not relevant to Night Elven history.
04/05/2012 03:48 PMPosted by Ferenold
A few other things I'm going to bug you about, Melyria. I think you should include a lot more information about both the war of the shifting sands,

We have little information on the actual war. I've looked. I did make mention though that if your elf was a soldier who has been part of the Sentinels for a couple thousand years, they would've likely seen action in Silithus.
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90 Worgen Druid
04/05/2012 04:00 PMPosted by Melyria

This guide is about how to role-play an elf, if I am correct. As the Worgen are a part of elvish history, I think it's worthwhile to have a basic section about how they came about.

The Worgen were not interacted with by the majority of Night Elves. The entire ordeal with the Druids of the Pack was covered up and the actual incidents with them attacking other elves were remote.

The Worgen are, for the most part, not relevant to Night Elven history.
04/05/2012 03:48 PMPosted by Ferenold
A few other things I'm going to bug you about, Melyria. I think you should include a lot more information about both the war of the shifting sands,

We have little information on the actual war. I've looked. I did make mention though that if your elf was a soldier who has been part of the Sentinels for a couple thousand years, they would've likely seen action in Silithus.

Hrm, well I did not know the actual incidents were covered up! Thanks for the info regarding that, then. :D
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