Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2. (Cont.)

85 Dwarf Priest
Bumping in the name of High King Varian Wrynn, Chinlord of the Alliance and romancer of night elf maidens.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/13/2012 03:17 PMPosted by Hragli
Bumping in the name of High King Varian Wrynn, Chinlord of the Alliance and romancer of night elf maidens.

Thems fightin' words.
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/13/2012 03:17 PMPosted by Hragli
Bumping in the name of High King Varian Wrynn, Chinlord of the Alliance and romancer of night elf maidens.

How can he romance anything with a fox's hind end glued to the back of his head?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
04/15/2012 08:01 AMPosted by Saeja
Bumping in the name of High King Varian Wrynn, Chinlord of the Alliance and romancer of night elf maidens.

How can he romance anything with a fox's hind end glued to the back of his head?

Well, he can romance foxes.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bump to help support the more up to date version ^.^
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90 Night Elf Druid
This thread is alarmingly on topic.

Keeping it on topic, how likely is it that after the WotA there would have still been druids walking about? I recall reading/seeing somewhere that not every druid went into hibernation, but it seems that they dropped off the map.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
This thread is alarmingly on topic.

Keeping it on topic, how likely is it that after the WotA there would have still been druids walking about? I recall reading/seeing somewhere that not every druid went into hibernation, but it seems that they dropped off the map.

Druids took shifts of sleep. Every thousand years or so, Druids would awaken, rejoin society and linger for a bit. It is unclear if this is the time when new druids are trained, then they join the dream, or if they went to Cenarius, became novice druids, then went into the dream at any given time.

We know druids awake every few hundred years, as Malfurion specifically says in WC3 that it had been a thousand years since he saw Tyrande. Meaning the druids were not asleep the entire time.

This is, of course, barring any sort of need for the druids like a war.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/07/2012 04:47 PMPosted by Wrug
We have so many of these, from the same person too.

I made the first one, which became outdated due to the RPGs being invalidated. I reposted that one once.

I then made the updated version, with this as a repost because the last one capped out. So I think four threads, two guides, in a year's time isn't that bad. Especially when I went out and gathered actual cited sources for this one.
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95 Troll Rogue
Trolls, how do they actually fit in relation to Night elf lore/society?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/07/2012 05:17 PMPosted by Mithjara
Trolls, how do they actually fit in relation to Night elf lore/society?

Night Elves don't particularly have any 'spot' for trolls in their personal lore. With MOP we might see a change in how they view them, there is rumor that only two generations prior to Azshara were the ones fighting the Trolls and Mogu.

Post well expoding, we have the Dark Trolls, who the Night Elves fought off/on for a while. So Night Elves were aware of Trolls, but considered them a long time enemy and/or annoyance. We also see Trolls aren't really taken all that seriously by at least some Night Elf sentinels, possibly due to their constant battle with Dark Trolls.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
04/13/2012 03:17 PMPosted by Hragli
Bumping in the name of High King Varian Wrynn, Chinlord of the Alliance and romancer of night elf maidens.

Coronation of Varian I, Emperor of the Grand Alliance
Alliance Throne-City Stormwind

"Fellow Alliance, I come to you in the wake of recent events to issue a call to reason. Let no multicolored human deny the perils of our time. While we argue with one another, divided by the petty strife of our respective cultures, the tide of a greater conflict is turning against us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for us as nations, and as individuals to set aside our unique characteristics and unite.

"The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us, and we must seek refuge upon higher ground, lest we be swept away by the flood. Your leaders' screentime is no more. Whatever semblance of individuality and diversity it once provided is a phantom, a memory. With our enemies left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection?

"The devastation wrought by the Horde invaders is self-evident. We have seen our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of the quest design team. We have seen, firsthand, our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish neutral factions. Unprecedented, and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our time.

"The time has come, my fellow Alliance, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength. Already, many of the dissident factions have joined us. Out of the many, we shall forge an indivisible whole, capitulating ONLY to a single throne! And from that throne, I.... shall hog the story.

"From this day forward, let no multicolored human disagree with any other multicolored human. Let no allied nation conspire against this new beginning, and let no multicolored man consort with Horde-aligned powers. And to the enemies of the Alliance: seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through*, no matter the cost!"
Edited by Kyalin on 5/7/2012 8:47 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bumping to support Kyalin's epic speech. ^^
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85 Human Paladin
Ok now that I'm in the right thread I'm going to cut in paste my other post into here. Though I didn't see it when I skimmed the current Night Elf guide here is my curiousity.

So I'm curious about your section on Death Knights. I'm not trying to flame or anything, but I've never seen any information that supports it. I'm not here for that though, I'm here because I found something that kind of debunks it and I'm more or less curious about it.

In Lor'danel to the east of the Moonwell on a Nightstaber is Sentinel Lendra. She has the eyes of a Death Knight, the lip coloration of a Death Knight, and the non standard facial marking of a Death Knight. I compared all of this with other female Night Elves in the town to makes sure I wasn't crazy, but by all appearances she is a female Night Elf Death Knight who has assumed, or perhaps resumed, duties as a Sentinel. If they loathe the Death Knights so much why would this be allowed?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
When Cataclysm was released a great deal of NPCs got updated and/or changed. Blizzard has made numerous mistakes during the update, frequently giving non-death knight NPCs death knight skins/eyes.

The reason for this is conversion. Every physical 'stat' on your character's base, unarmored model has a number value tied to it. Skin color, hair color, hair style, etc. All of these are simply numbered 1 through whatever. When the update happened, some NPCs had these numerical values boosted by Death Knight values. Thus a skin color of "2" pre-Cataclysm may've been dark purple but now "2" could be 'Rotting Death Knight Skin 4".

This has been seen a number of times prior to this. The Lor'danel Flight Master and the Booty Bay Baron are two notable examples. It took a period of several months before these were changed back to their original appearance, separately.

TL:DR. Its most likely a bug we've experienced before. She isn't a Death Knight.
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1 Blood Elf Priest
Without getting too much into the numbering behind it, the basic explanation for the bug is that an NPC can have skin 1-16, but not all of them exist for a given model. The game handled an NPC pointing to a bad skin by wrapping the numbers around, so if there are 12 and an NPC mistakenly asked for skin 15, the game automatically used skin 3 and went on its way.

When DKs were introduced, they used the extra skin slots (teehee, skin slots) for DK-specific skins, and these had some extra magic attached: an NPC with a skin in this newly-filled range implies the DK effects should happen too. Now that those skins were defined, the number wraparound was no longer triggered. NPCs that became DKs aren't strictly an artifact of conversion, as their data didn't change, but of changes to the code that interprets it.

Their mistake here was changing the code behavior and not checking that it would have unexpected effects with existing data. Usually during the downtime just before patches, they do have a conversion process that would correct those outliers.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Because of a fair few requests in game, I'll be bumping this thread.

Also, thanks Lito for the expansion and explaination.
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90 Tauren Priest
A bump for one of two Alliance races Auri has any respect for. o/
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