Rp challenge-sign ups

86 Blood Elf Paladin
Yay you are back!! I am trying to level my evil warlock to give you all something your level to interact with and rp, he is Alliance worgen warlock...name is Wallen.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
RP wise I'm hating Silithus... Too many bugs... But I can't say I've ever done any Horde quests, any quests at all really, there. So at least it's new.
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90 Human Paladin
I am gearing up and working on Tai so that he can eat you all alive when Nic gets back on and Mia decides it time to have a 2v1 with Malt'ar and Kae vs Tai.


I'll probably level Tyr more later.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Ha you think Kae is geared? lol I should be working on her instead of Jazzy in that case!
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Oh, I can't wait for this fight :P, But i may bring my pally
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90 Human Paladin
I eat paladins for breakfast.
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
I was wondering if arrangements had been made for the wedding, as in you've the dress, flowers, suit etc?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
04/28/2012 04:24 PMPosted by Narrator
I was wondering if arrangements had been made for the wedding, as in you've the dress, flowers, suit etc?

I have the vows written out...

But I can't speak for the bride or groom about their side of things...

*Incoherent mumbling about wedding gifts*
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90 Human Paladin
04/28/2012 04:24 PMPosted by Narrator
I was wondering if arrangements had been made for the wedding, as in you've the dress, flowers, suit etc?

I think Varus is going in his armor and I haven't seen Wyn on to ask her about the dress.

Secondly I had to bump the time up as Tai's initiation/interview for LO is at 5.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh, thoughts on vows/funeral speech, Ashok? I lost the sheet I had written everything out on, so I have to rewrite most of it...

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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Kae can make wedding dress if you need.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok, I am going to go crazy with this....I transferred my level 60 warlock....she is chaotic neutral. She will be nice as long as it suits her. She is very deep and mysterious. Slightly off as far as sanity, but not so far as most.

I am thinking of making her a bit schitzo...just a little bit of a split personality. Let's see if I can pull this off...
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Sign me up Wiizer=Terokkar Horde
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Wiizer, you are more than welcome to come to Cenarion Circle and start the challenge. Please create a character Horde side and whisper one of us or leave an in game mail for the best time to catch you. I hope you have read through this craziness of our rp group and find something that interests you.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Posting to join in this charade, hopefully I can get some friends and my BF to join! =D

I'll contact you once I set up. <3
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
If you are still taking characters for this, I have finally come up with a concept that I think I can pull off with my limited in-game rp skills. It is much easier to act out facial expressions and movement in a live rp setting than it is to type them out. I'll read through the journal to see who is where and what is happening.
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90 Human Paladin
04/29/2012 01:20 AMPosted by Wiizer
Sign me up Wiizer=Terokkar Horde

The challenge is for us to RP and level using a similar set of rules to the Ironman Challenge on Cenarion Circle so if you want to join you have to come there and make a character!

Posting to join in this charade, hopefully I can get some friends and my BF to join! =D

I'll contact you once I set up. <3

Sounds excellent! Let me know and I will be in-game to invite peeps!

04/29/2012 06:32 AMPosted by Evara
If you are still taking characters for this, I have finally come up with a concept that I think I can pull off with my limited in-game rp skills. It is much easier to act out facial expressions and movement in a live rp setting than it is to type them out. I'll read through the journal to see who is where and what is happening.

Just hit me up in game on any of my toons (Varus, Tyrael, or Dalen) and I will get you an invite to the guild!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Got mah purple proto drake this morning! We're meeting in the Hall of Respite later?
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Fantastic we are getting more challengers! Going into game.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Rolled a rogue--Auxilia--it is doubtful that I will be on again today. The live group is meeting. Keep your fingers crossed that this game will be better than the last one. I did get Ashok's toons in my friend's list so I should be able to catch him sometime in the next few days if I am not tagged first.

Still working on the backstory and intro for the IC thread. Puzzling through some family relationships and how to make some things work.
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