Since we have a lot of paladins in the guild and Tyræl liked my blood knight set I thought I’d pop on here and post where I got mine. (There are several different ones but this is the one I liked the most sure it’s a little greyer than others but I think it matches the tabard better because of it, also it’s a rather easy to obtain.)
All of the pieces I picked look the same as the blacksmith made Dark Iron set.Chest:
Torn-Heart Family Tunic(This is a quest reward from Shadowmoon Valley “The Cipher of Damnation - The Second Fragment Recovered” this is part of a quest chain, there is also a pre-requisite quest chain starts with “The Hand of Gul'dan” starts from Earthmender Splinthoof in Shadowmoon Village. Once the pre-requisite chain is complete it will split into 3 chains the start of the chain you want is “Ar'tor, Son of Oronok")
Aternatively you can buy the same look:
Inferno Tempered Chestguard(sold by G'eras in Shattrath City for 156 Justice Points)
Singed Vambraces (This is a quest reward from Shadowmoon Valley “Capture the Weapons” it’s part of a quest chain the first step is “Illidari-Bane Shard” dropped by Overseer Ripsaw who can be found in legions hold.)
Fists of Phalanx (drops off Phalanx in Blackrock Depths; he’s found in the bar you need to do the repeat quest to give the guy booze to activate the boss.)
Goblin Girdle (This is a quest reward from Netherstorm “Breaking Down Netherock” starts from the wanted poster in area52 it is a group quest.)
Runed Sketh'lon Legplates(This is a quest reward from Shadowmoon Valley “Thwart the Dark Conclave” it’s part of a quest chain the first step is “The Sketh'lon Wreckage” given by The Sketh'lon Wreckage in Shadowmoon Village.)
Aternatively you can buy the same look:
Inferno Tempered Leggings (sold by G'eras in Shattrath City for 156 Justice Points)
Death Knight Sabatons (drops off Marduk Blackpool in Scholomance; he’s found in the viewing room, attacking him will turn all mobs in the room aggressive so clear the room first. Doing the quest “Alexi's Gambit” which is given upon entering the instance can aid you in killing all the trash mobs.)
Aternatively you can buy the same look:
Inferno Tempered Boots(sold by G'eras in Shattrath City for 104 Justice Points)
Bloodforged Guard(This is a quest reward from Shadowmoon Valley “Blast the Infernals!” it’s part of a quest chain the first step is “Besieged!” given by Blood Guard Gulmok in Shadowmoon Village.)
Or there is
Blood Knight Defender(Drops from Watchkeeper Gargolmar in Hellfire Ramparts)
Head: I don’t like using helmets personally so I don’t have one matched to this set but there are some out there.
Shoulder: There are quite a few different looks that work perfectly with this set. I will separate each look by -
Warmaul Epaulets(BoE drop… search the AH)
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Ebonsteel Spaulders (drops off Princess Moira Bronzebeard in Blackrock Depths; she’s found at the very end of the instance, not sure if it’s the same for horde as alliance but I know alliance need to kill her first or she will turn friendly when the emperor dies.)
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Mech Tech Shoulders(This is a quest reward from Netherstorm “Pick Your Part” starts from Papa Wheeler in area52, I think there is a pre-requisite quest or two but I can’t remember.)
Or there is
Polished Obsidian Pauldrons (BoE drop… search the AH or farm The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20) for it drop rate is rather low.)
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Expedition Mantle (This is a quest reward from Zangarmarsh “Leader of the Darkcrest” starts from the wanted poster in Cenarian Refuge.”
Or there are
Darkcrest Pauldronsand
Boulderfist Epaulets(Both are BoE drops… search the AH)