Rp challenge-sign ups

1 Worgen Druid
I guess I'll jump in on this lol.

I'll tell you what character I decide to start here haha.
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85 Orc Warrior
Did my journal entrance, would love to hear some feedback, everyone else's seems pretty good!
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Absolutely fantastic all of you are so good to do this with me!! Just add your names here and friend the rest of us and we will be getting the guild going as soon as we get a few more sigs. I will be on tomorrow and will try and catch anyone who wants to join. Telord has the guild charter so hopefully he will catch you and get a sig so we can register it.

As soon as I have met you in game and confirmed your willingness to do the challenge as the rules are in this thread I will post your name and progress.

Again, it is Cenarion Circle, we are doing Blood elves, not sure if everyone wants to stick to that or allow other races. What do you all think?
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1 Worgen Druid
04/07/2012 01:00 AMPosted by Karavaelia
Again, it is Cenarion Circle, we are doing Blood elves, not sure if everyone wants to stick to that or allow other races. What do you all think?

Other races would be cool but I don't really have a preference.

Probably doing a Blood Elf Warrior but we shall see.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
That is cool, just post your name as you have it in game and I will add you to friends. I am stopped at level 6 until we get the guild formed and a few more caught up to us.
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95 Human Death Knight
I'll probably get on in a bit, I'll be on my main some, too, for the holiday meta if there's anything I'm missing, but I give you all kudos for getting me into in game RP. Congrats!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Aha, Allay here with a double post in bad form, but it appears that armory has finally updated!
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17 Blood Elf Warrior
Got my armory pic, w00t! And sorry I'm a lvl 8, didn't know when y'all stopped, had permission to download WoW last night and started to do some stuff xD
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1 Worgen Druid
My character has yet to show up but my guy's name is Tyræl!

Just copy and paste it from here if you want to add me :P
Edited by Fènrìs on 4/7/2012 8:44 AM PDT
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Very Cool Tyrael, I will have to have you whisper me in game to get you on my friends list. I cant do the fancy letters. Anyway, I am not going to stop anyone from leveling at their own pace, this concept is to make it to 90 without dying. There is no doubt in my mind we will be having new characters starting all the time. So it is not a race so much as a challenge to keep the rp going from one character to the next and journalling it.

So I am going into game and see if we have a guild yet. I am going to ask we keep the guild for the challenge people only. That should keep everyone happy. Hey! Who knows we might even actually level the guild!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
One thing that I might suggest as we go, because at some point I know I'll have a hard time deleting characters that I've worked at to get a story put together, is if we die, instead of deleting and restarting, we could keep them in the story if it's reasonable, and just exempt them from the challenge portion.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
I want to make it clear there is no reward for this except the personal satisfaction of making it to 85 without dying. If you make a character and die it is up to you whether you want to re roll and continue. The story part of it that makes it so good for rp is the continuation of the story, the sister or brother or friend who finds your corpse or is notified of your death and picks up the pieces to continue on.

If you lose interest it is fine, I will contnue on my own to do it because it is my personal challenge. So if your character dies it is part of the rp, you can mourn them, get revenge or whatever.

I have had some suggestions as well to make this part of the process but I almost feel it is cheating, but will accept all other opinions on it. Shall we make dungeon runs with our group? and if so shall we make this distinction...if we are in a guild run and all guild members are in the challenge the death will count? This will be discouraging I know. But this is not a race to hit 85, it is a challenge to do so without dying and rping the whole thing.

If we allow dungeons to accellerate the leveling, then some are going to get too far ahead and I feel it is cheating to discount a death at all...but I would like your thoughts on it.
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90 Human Paladin
On dungeons I'd say we should only do dungeons as a group just to keep it simple and to keep us closer together in levels. As to the challenge part I like that, I know I will continue to do that challenge portion of it just because I think its a nice way to pass the time and such but now at least people will get to keep their characters in the story if they want.

I know putting effort into a storyline only having to scrap a character in it makes it very depressing haha.
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85 Orc Warrior
I don't know what to say on that...It would be nice to do dungeons to get some gear that could be used for RP and what not, and to increase survivability chances

But, hey, I'm out the challenge, so *shrug*...nice to know that we don't have to scrap the entire character after death and still be able to RP with everyone, takes a load off the shoulders

But a dungeon is the most likely place where you will get killed, and with other with you...could mess up a lot of stuff, along with battlegrounds.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Well I feel it is up to you if you want to do the challenge, but as far as rp goes, I do not see why we cant at least stay friends. I kind of feel wierd ignoring anyone I already had a contact with.

And the story continues...that is the part I am excited about, even if you die, your story is remembered by the next character you roll to continue the challenge. It does not have to stop unless you give up on the challenge.

As far as the dungeons go, I think if we do it as a challenge group, then the death should count. and I have a nightmare about the whole group wiping and having to start over! But that is part of the challenge isn't it?

If we all do our parts well and don't goof up we should be fine. Also we do not have to go into the hardest dungeons and suicide! I also suggest not using the dungeon finder, so we will have to go there the old fashioned way! Makes it more immersive, which is what I find enjoyable.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Agreed, and I'm not out, I'm still in, definitely.
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61 Undead Death Knight
theres one major problem with this.....the expansion hasnt come out and they havent said when so how do you plan to get to 1-90 ;p
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
I will do it to 85 and if I am still around and still alive I will continue to 90. I was thinking it will probably take me that long to hit the 85 without dying!
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
This is still open by the way, if anyone wants to join us we are having a blast!

Well we could not wait to get guild set up so we went ahead and did the charter. If you come on Telord, we apologise, we are not patient! LOL. Anyway for now Tyrael is GM. That can change depends on if he wants to continue. I dont care anyway. It is just a convenience to make it easy to keep everyone in the challenge informed and away from mindless guild invites.
Edited by Karavaelia on 4/7/2012 7:35 PM PDT
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65 Night Elf Death Knight
I would love to join you, if it's not too late.
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