Journal of the Rising Sun Fellowship

90 Blood Elf Rogue
A small leather bound journal, the cover scratched and worn, some of the edging browned from dried blood, some of the pages appear torn and muddy, a small sheet of paper is folded and tucked within it's pages...

I was careless and I am paying the price for it now. My whole body aches from the experience, and I believe I may have a concussion.

While writing in my journal, several of the trolls I had been contracted to kill found me. I was able to defeat them easily enough, but I spent many hours in the darkness searching for my journal. I know it contains nothing important to anyone, just the private thoughts of a rambling fool. Yet it is a close friend that I cannot leave behind. Perhaps from now on I will be in a safe place before I decide to write in it.

But my injuries did not result from the trolls, no, they come from my greed in searching for herbs and ore to sell to fatten my bank account. Not scoping out the territory first, I ran around a set of ruins and found myself beset by two dwarves. One of them was some sort of spellcaster, because instead of two dwarves I now faced two ghostly wolves and the dwarves. I choose the better side of discretion and fled, however the wolves were not fooled by my tricks, and hunted me down. As I fell into the inky blackness of unconciousness, my last thought was of Karamia.

I have never cared for the Forsaken, their haunting features, and hollow voices, well, I don't care for them. But it was a patrol of them that found me laying beside the road. They told me it took their healer several hours to get me back to conciousness, and to keep me from bleeding out. My head hurts and the constant pounding is driving me insane. At least I am alive. For now.

I will rest here for several days, to regain my strength, and repay my rescuers with some light jobs they have here.

Fel, was I ever stupid. What was I thinking running willy-nilly in the dark in an area I knew was patrolled and held by Alliance forces? I just hope Mia never learns of it, I will never live it down - the scout who didn't scout. By the Light, thank you for that patrol, and thank you for watching over me. I need to rest, and oh! can someone please tell that guy to lay off the drums!
Edited by Cyaer on 6/25/2012 8:19 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Thump, thump. Thump thump.

Her voice is faint, she whispers to me...

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

What? What did you say?...

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

Kill her? No, I cannot...what?

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

Not, my you sure?

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

No, I will not...I will not...I...I...

Thump, thump. Thump, thump

Yes, mistress...I hear you...I...I...

Thump, thump. Thump, thump

I obey...I obey...I obey...I obey...

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

I will obey...
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38 Blood Elf Mage
A blue tome with gold embroiding. It appears fairly new.

I had a most wonderful evening last night. I was on my way back from some most stressful magical studies, when I ran into some members of the Fellowship. We met near the pavillions set up for the Midsummer Fire Festival. Seeing the bonfire and the festival attendants made me sad, for this was my brother, Tavaras's, favorite festival. But back to my evening. Soon we had made our way to an inn, and Az bought us all drinks. I like to tell myself I was not completely drunk, but my mentors did not seem to happy when I turned up for studies this morning.

One of the members of the Fellowship was most intrigueing to me. He is called Myroendis.
He has some sort of condition that causes him to constantly cough up blood. He claims himself a mage, but I am not sure if I believe this entirely. I sense magical energies within him yes, but they are hard to identify. He gives me a feeling that reminds me of my sister. I have taken to reading books regarding magical afflictions. Tavaras always told me I would make a great mage on account of my intelligence.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I fear for the fellowship. They are all young and lack experience. Vira grows stronger by the day. Nicias is corrupted by an undead, and I am constantly busy with training initiates. I will ask for a leave soon and will try to rid the the world of Vira. I may need help though. There is one other, a strong mage who I may ask to help. She is the head of a house hold, but I do not know if she will help, perhaps if her brother were to convince her? Anyway, if I have to go alone I will. I will not have anyone else fall into Vira's clutches.

As for Nicias, his corruption is slowly getting better, but it still has a hold on his mind. It will take much more healing, and I have to choose between healing him and going after Vira. I fear what ever decision I make, there will be bad results no matter what....
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Journal of Karamia Dawnstrike

The days of my recovery are ended and I must go back to Northrend. The Blood Knights insist I finish my training. I am needed there. I will miss Cyaer. I had no idea he could be so sweet and caring. It does my heart good to know he is training well and staying safe. I watched him fight and he was highly skilled and dove in when I was distracted. He makes an incredible back up for a skilled paladin. I only hope my training does not keep me away too long.

Part of me is afraid he will push himself too fast and be distracted by his zeal. Light watch over him! He needs to develop a healthy sense of self preservation! Before I leave for Northrend I stop by the scouts traning area and check with Cyaer's trainers. They assure me he is coming along well and is in good hands.

Myroendis is a strange elf. He does not seem in any worry about curing his condition. Though it sickens me to watch him as he coughs. I hope someone can convince him to seek a cure. Or at least a control so he can regain some of his strength. I wonder what happened to make him this way?
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62 Goblin Death Knight
Two books are in the heavily locked and magically sealed trunk in the private lockers of Acherus Hold. One is a ledger with codenames and appears to be a bookkeepers account. Some of the entries are credited with jobs done or battles fought. Others with gold or other trade items. Each name has a page and the entries are dated from many years ago. Some of the pages have a distinct entry of deseased written as the last entry.

The other book is a Journal. Many entries seem to have been dated from just before the Rise of the Lich King. The hand that wrote these entries is now steady...making clear and concise entries that tell the story of his fall from rich beyond belief to the near pauper state he finds himself in now.


The Lich King offered us glory and immortality, he neglected to warn us the payment would be in blood rather than gold. His betrayal and use of the many who fought at his command brought him to an end eventually.

I still crave the blood however, the suffering and the screams of the dying are still music to my ears. I have found an outlet for my cravings and it satisfies not only me, but others who enjoy the glory of intense combat and the flow of blood.

She lurks in the Shadows, this beautiful blood elf. A demon by her side with a huge axe. She watches the fighting with avid attention. I suspect she drains the souls of the losers, though I have no proof. Needless to say, she stays in the background and asks to remain anonymous. I wonder who she hides from? She has the gold to back up the Arena, and the goons to help capture the cats and other beasts to give the fighters something to fight against, besides themselves.

Sometimes she takes a fighter aside and offers more...intimate rewards. They seem to come back from the encounter with renewed zeal and utter devotion to the task. Giving her souls to feed upon...and pleasure. She likes blood elves, and humans. I suspect the night elves would rather kill her, but she may even corrupt one or two of them eventually. Other races seem to intrigue her, who knows how kinky she will become or even what goes on behind the closed doors of her Keep?
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38 Blood Elf Mage
A blue tome with gold embroiding. It appears fairly new.

I ran into Az today, while on my way to the Bazaar. Before long we had a conversation going speaking of the day. He then proceeded to tell me my hair looked beautiful in the sunlight. All I managed in reply was blushing and a thank you. I replied in this simple way because I did not know what else to say. Never before have I been complemented on my apperance, only on my intellegence. I must say though, I did enjoy the encounter. It was nice to see him again.

I met another of the Fellowship's members today. Karamia Sunstriker, or Mia as she likes to be called, was very kind. She and Kel were in the Hall Of Respite, discussing Kel and Nic's argument, when i met her. I have yet to meet Nicias, but Kel loves him so he must be a good person... I feel bad for Kel, she is quite distressed by there argument, but things will get better.

We must believe that.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The gates of Orgrimmar loomed in the distance. The dry, cracked ground of Durotar could be seen in the distance beyond the gates and just below the tall canyon bluffs, people bustled about the Valley of Honor oblivious to the happenings by the zeppelin towers. People were going about their business as usual and nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happening.

The woman with the brown hair reached the top of the platform bound for Grom’gol. Dressed in simple traveling clothes, she had a single backpack and an unassuming demeanor as she politely nodded and smiled to the pair of orcs and single troll that was sharing the platform with her.

The zeppelin to Grom’gol was early, something that happened on occasion, but what no one realized was that this was not the normal crew of greedy goblins. They simply could not see the crew from the ground and a mishap in the tower’s interior—a load of cargo crates had fallen and a group of orcs were trying to get them cleared—prevented anyone else from entering and climbing to the platform. Manned by orcs and trolls, the zeppelin quickly boarded a small party and departed again. The great airship slipped quietly and quickly towards the ocean and disappeared on the horizon.


(New entry in a plain brown leather journal)

I know that I should not have taken this journal with me; it divulges things that probably should not be shared where I am heading—such as the Fellowship, I pray to the Light that I do not put them in danger—but I have the need to have some connection to myself and since this book literally contains my life as I know it, it is the only thing that I have.

I came in place of a close friend, one who had much more to lose than I. He is one of the few people who know that I woke up in a hospital without a memory. He knows how I came about my new name since I could not remember my old one and he helped me to fill in the gaps of my lost memory by pointing out what things I was missing. His wife doesn’t know these things and sometimes I feel as if I should be more open with her, but I have been wary about sharing my amnesia with others: some see it as something to take advantage of, others—the worst—look upon me with pity and try to “help” as if I were some invalid. I may not remember what my parents named me but I do remember how to walk, open doors and put on my clothing.

I have been given another code name, this one only slightly better than the last one. At least this one is a color, one that the orcs deemed suitable for a blood elf. I am not certain if I agree with them but I have learned just to smile and nod. Things go a lot smoother that way.

(This is unsigned.)
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
A small leather bound journal, the cover scratched and worn, some of the edging browned from dried blood, some of the pages appear torn and muddy, a small sheet of paper is folded and tucked within it's pages...

The morning came with a roar. The aches and bruises that assaulted my body, did nothing to compare to the misery in my head. The terrible throbbing had kept me up a vast majority of the night.

And the one dream I had, didn't fit the pattern of the nightmares I had been having. As I thought about it and tried to analyze it, I began to come to one upsetting conclusion - all the worries, pressures, and stress of Viragona, Karamia, and the Fellowship had caused my fears to run amok. This dream wasn't some new ploy by the wiley warlock, though I'm sure she would approve of its content if she had known about it. No, it was a product of my own mind.

I have looked at myself in the mirror, and seen my well developed body - a machine of agility and strength. I have felt confident in my abilities to fullfill any commission or contract I chose to attempt. My skills are excellent, and I acknowledge nothing can stop me if I set my mind on it.

And there's the rub, my mind. It has been allowed to run free and rampant with all the various input that has occurred within the past few weeks. Well, that stops today. I'm reigning in my thoughts, and emotions.

I am the captain of this vessel, this is not some free floating piece of flotsum held sway by the currents of the world around it. I am the rudder, I am the sails, and I am he who controls where I go, what I think, and what I feel. I refuse to have it any other way.

That said, the Forsken have allowed me to fly to Undercity under the care of one of their doctors. Though I loathe the smell of the place, at least I am that much closer to home if I chose to be.
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31 Blood Elf Priest
An simple book with various leaves and plant stems sticking out from it's pages

The day has been a busy one, and I for one am exhausted. I have mined my last piece of ore, and bundled my last bit of herbs, and explored enough for the day. A break is what I need, and I shall have one.

I wandered the streets of Silvermoon City, the participants of the Fire Festival all around me. And a bright spot in my day happened when I ran across the lovely mage I had met yesterday, Tislina. We conversed for a moment ot two, and we went our separate ways. However, I must say I had a bit more bounce in my step after having talked with her. She was a refreshing breeze today after all the work I had done.
Edited by Azjorilynon on 6/23/2012 8:41 PM PDT
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85 Undead Warlock
A large white tome, elegant golden inlaid edges and three words down the center of the tome.


Light Forgive Me.

This tome weighs heavy like that of the sins I carry with me.
Will the light ever forgive me for the actions that I take?
All that I do is for that of the Sin'Dorei, but is that a true enough goal?
Is that a righteous enough excuse for these heinous acts that I commit?
Only time will give me the answers that I desire, and until that time comes I shall continue to protect the balance. I shall be the righteous that seeks out and destroys all that would oppose my people.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Light Forgive Me.

The day was long, my time spent in the Ghostlands begins to take a physical toll upon me. Though I have easily been able to heal any wounds I may have acquired, the stress upon my muscles still weighs heavily though.

My mind is calm and steady. My goal in sight, the Shadowpine Trolls shall be erased from existence this day. Kel'Gash's head shall rest at my feet for it is the will of the light. And I shall follow the light wherever it may take me, I shall slaughter who must be slaughtered. Some may see me as an evil being but I know that I simply do what I must for the light, and for the Sin'Dorei!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Light Forgive Me.

I find myself now at the docks of Hardwrench Hideaway, some sort of gathering that I somehow or another found myself at. The sun soothes my muscles and the drink puts my mind at ease. The people that surround me I find rather curious, I spoke to three in particular, a Blood Elf male named Kreindis I believe it was, as well as a young female that went by the name of Tislina. Her self control seemed to lack, but yet she seemed so free. A quality in life that few seem to be truly able to enjoy, her high spirit also made me feel a bit at ease. As for Kreindis, I still have yet to decide how I feel about him. And another. Another female that goes by the name of Kel'tira, she seemed pleasant enough. Though she seemed to share the same stress that weighs heavily upon my shoulders. And for this I sympathize.

As I write this entry the Blood Elf known as Kreindis leaves my side, I shared drink with the Elf as well as a few words. He seems a simple enough Elf, not incredibly intelligent but also not the dumbest being I've ever spoken to. The conversation was short, though pleasant enough.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Light Forgive Me.

After much drink, and few words shared between myself and some others I once again bumped into Lady Kel'Tira. There was mention of a Fellowship that I am to attend a meeting for this following day. As well as a name, the name of a Warlock that rang familiar in the back of my mind as it was spoken, also a very foul taste in my mouth. Though for the life of me at this moment I can not seem to remember where I had heard the name. Perhaps it is nothing.

I have made my return to the Ghostlands to finish my work, there is much to be done and very little time for preparation. A certain Nerubian and his underlings must be set to slaughter as well as two wanted Abominations that wander the great scar that stretches through the Ghostlands. The day is late but these quests must be complete, the night will be long and sleepless yet again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Light Forgive Me.

My head is pounding, my ears are ringing and I am covered in the liquid of a ghastly beast. Yet I am the one standing, Knucklerot and Luzran the wanted Abominations now lay at my feet, their corpses mangled by the Light and what little soul they may have had left now purged and no longer within' this world.

The heads of these two beasts retrieved and turned in, I now have more coin within' my pocket and I feel as though I have learned to shield myself whence an Abomination is about to pop in my vicinity. A lesson I will not soon forget. Hours of time wasted back in the Eversong woods scrubbing what I could off of my robes, but what needed to be done is done. Only one thing remains for me here in the Ghostlands.

Dar'Khan shall fall at my feet.
His kin slaughtered in my wake.
The Lights will be done.
The Light shall guide me in all.

- Kel'Thul Fallah Lightweaver "Guardian of Balance"
Edited by Lucretiá on 6/24/2012 2:51 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The orc sat with his arms crossed against his chest as he considered the woman sitting across from him. She was a blood elf, brown hair pulled back in a pony’s tail with an average frame. There was nothing particularly dangerous looking about her and he had to wonder why they picked a blood elf over an orc.

In the background the gentle patter of the zeppelin’s motor could be heard and the warm salt air wafted over the upper deck of the airship and drifted down the stairs to the hold where he and the others sat. They would disembark tonight onto a small boat that would then take them to the base camp that had been set up.

“Why are we sending that again?” he asked in a gruff voice, jerking a thumb at the blood elf.

The blood elf rolled her eyes but didn’t respond to the slight.

“She is going because she made the cut,” another orc replied putting an emphasis on the word 'she'. “We need someone who can slip in, do the job, and slip out without anyone being the wiser.”

“If you think they don’t know about this already, then you are too naïve for words,” the first orc retorted, casting a dark look in the second orc’s direction.

“If they know, we would have heard by now—trust me. Besides, we have access to places they do not—case in point the Undercity,” the second orc shook his bald head not wanting to think about the mission failing. Tensions were already tight and there was no room for error. The blood elf had to succeed. He turned back to the first orc, “But it is only a matter of time before they pick up that there is a Forsaken loose in the city. It is not something that can be kept secret for long.”

The first orc looked at the blood elf. “What do we call you?”

The blood gave a small sigh and waved a hand in the air as if she were trying to brush the name away. “For this, you’re supposed to call me Scarlet.”

“That is a stupid name,” he sneered. The blood elf shrugged the comment away and he turned to the second orc, “So, tell me again why we kept this from the warchief.”

“Because if he knew he would not take the conservative route and take great pains to exploit the situation,” the second orc replied before he looked at the blood elf. “It is not that we wish to be disloyal, mind you, but some matters just need to be taken care of quietly and our warchief is anything but quiet.”

The blood elf nodded and adjusted her position on the hard bench. “Perhaps it is time that you filled me in on what you need me to do. If you expect me to be ready to leave anytime soon, I will need to have a plan in my head.”

The first orc snorted, but the second one leaned forward to speak. “As you know, the Kor’kron keep watch in the Undercity. We have surveillance operatives among them and they brought to our attention that the Forsaken have moved the materials for the current plague out. While the Horde has expressively forbidden the use of the plague, there are still Forsaken that are willing to use whatever means they have available to them to meet their ends. We do not know if Winderunner knows about this—she has failed in the past to keep appropriate tabs on her people—but at the moment, we have chosen not to bring this to her attention in case she is involved.”

“We learned our lesson in Gilneas about her ability to follow orders concerning the plague,” the first orc interjected.

The second orc nodded before he continued, “This could be someone working with Cultists—a possibility that we have discussed but at the moment, we don’t know. Part of what you need to do gather information about who is behind this. We have tracked the rogue Forsaken to where we now believe he is working to set up the plague.”

“How he got there, we have no idea aside from having someone on the inside letting him in, which is one reason why we think it is Cultists,” the first orc added.

“Alright, you want me to find this Forsaken…” the blood elf spoke but was cut off by the first orc.

“Find and kill.”

She looked at him and gave a small nod, “You want me to find and kill this Forsaken, take care of the plague and gather any information about who set this up?”

The two orcs nodded.

“Alright, so where I am going?” she asked as she lifted a cup of water to her lips.


She choked on the water.
Edited by Auxilia on 6/24/2012 12:47 PM PDT
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38 Blood Elf Mage
A blue tome with gold embroiding. It appears fairly new.

I had a most entertaining day yesterday. First, I met with some of the Fellowship's members in Undercity. We discussed various topics, and Kel revealed that Aranthil has decided to begin tracking Vira. Myro will hopefully accompany him, which is good. I do not think it wise for anyone to face Vira alone.

On another note, I attended a party at Hardwrech Hideaway. It was quite fun, but I think I must have over did the drinks. One moment I was sipping a delightful beverage, the next Kreindis was standing over me and Kel was shaking me awake, telling me I passed out on the beach. She wanted to know what happened. I traced it back to the drinks. After words Kel had to depart. Krei and I decided to swim. We dove underwater, began laughing, and watched the bubbles drift to the surface. When we had finished in the water, we sat together on the beach, and watched the beautiful sunset. Unfortunatly, we had to part ways not long after, but Kelthul, a priest we had met, bought us all beverages, and we shared one last drink before departing.

It was such a wonderful time.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
A red journal, bound by a gold rope. A name is printed in running writting in gold...Aseria Sunblade


Five words expressed from some members of the Fellowship...these words disgust me, even now I feel the bolted up and harnessed rage within me about to expload, it hungers to consume the flesh of those who think low of, seems to be a distant thing. I feel the only one who really trusts me is Kel, at least she is kind enough to trust me at least...the others...not so much. Soon though..very soon, I will show them, I will show them all that I am not weak. When it comes time for the Warlock that has been messing with the Fellowship comes, I will incinerate her body to ash, that as to dust, and that nothing, she will not escape my wrath.

I practice the blue flame my master teaches me, and I feel he has noticed the rage of my flames as I unleash them upon the dummies and targets that he places for me. He experssed is concern about it, but I ignored him, not rudely, but I brushed him off and kept going with the task he had set me. If there is one other person I plan to break after I help destroy the Warlock, it is a Paladin called Aran, supposidly Nic's healer. The man is foolish for calling me a young naive child, and I plan to show him I will never be trifled with...personaly.

I don't care what others may think, I don't care if they boast on how strong they are, I will crush them, who ever dares cross the line that will make me lash out. If they plan to play with fire, they will be burned, I will make sure of that.

I am Aseria Sunblade.

I am a Pyromancer.

Wickedness is nothing, Insanity is everything!

I will show them.

Every.Last.One of them
*^These words are underlined strongly in the red ink it was written with*
Edited by Liå on 6/25/2012 3:20 AM PDT
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80 Blood Elf Priest
A large white tome, elegant golden inlaid edges and three words down the center of the tome.


It's been too long since I've had time to write, but I finally find myself with some time to rest.
Much has happened since my last entry, Dar'Khan and his followers fell without much resistance. The Light always has prevailed and will continue to do so, and I will continue to be it's vessel to ensure that it is so.

Ah, I attended the meeting with the Fellowship today and I believe I was formally admitted. There was however a certain character. Varus, I believe his name was. Him and his wife, something about them simply makes me cringe with anger. I can only pray that the opportunity to purge them from this world will present itself. Though they are of the Fellowship I suppose I should not be thinking, and especially not writing these things. Though giving them the benefit of the doubt perhaps they will prove to be useful allies that I can learn to live with.

As for the actual meeting not much had happened, a few arguments broke out about the Warlock that we seek but other than that not much important was said, which I suppose I should be thankful for. There isn't currently much else I'm interested in when it comes to the Fellowship...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My travels have taken me far and wide across the Eastern Kingdoms, I spent a brief moment in Stranglethorn Vale. I stopped by to do a few quests for anyone willing to pay, I assisted in purging many of Zanzil's creations which made it all worth it. There were also pirates that I purged from this world, leaving not even their souls behind the beach was in fact red whence I left. Other than that, nothing quite note worthy.

After leaving Stranglethorn I found myself assisting in the battle for Andorhal Western Plaguelands. Many foul Undead fell before me. As I lay each and every one of the beasts to waste the Light seemed to course through my very veins, a feeling of empowerment spread through my every fiber. Pushing me to go on and on, pushing me to massa-.. To purge every of the evil beings from this world.....

Light... Please Forgive Me...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With time to myself I have had time to sit and meditate, and think on my actions.
Though I know the things I do must be done they weigh heavily upon my shoulders.
I feel as though I'm slowly slipping into darkness.
I feel as if something is consuming... No... Tainting my very soul with every action I take.

But it cannot be.
For what I do is righteous.
What I do is by the Lights will alone!

I must stay strong in my resolve.
I must not question.
I am a vessel for the Light.
I shall purge this world of any evil that stands in my way.
I shall maintain the balance.
The Sin'Dorei will rise to the appropriate power!...
The Light will guide me in this...
For without the Light I would find myself lost...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It seems as though having time alone with my thoughts has done only bad.
I feel as though something is crawling within' my brain.
Something deep inside of me, something constricting my very soul...
Something is not right...
This stone has been glowing brighter and brighter the longer I sit here...
It begins to burn at even the slightest touch.
Has the Light turned from me? Not it is not possible. Perhaps it only wishes that I destroy the evil that remains in this land?
This must be the reasoning... Yes... Must......

*The rest of the page has random strange characters and spotting from the excess ink used while writing.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The stone...
Something strange has happened. No, something strange IS happening.
I seem to have misplaced the last hour of time... Holding the stone, my blood began to boil with an uncontrollable rage... I blacked out and when I came to I was still seated here... But only complete silence surrounded me, I feel as though I may have done something terrible...

This is not possible though. For the Stone is the Light itself! And the Light is righteous and good in every way, the Light guides me and I am the Lights vessel.....
* *
The Light guides all.
The Lights will be done.
I am a vessel for the Light.
I shall follow the Light.
The Light commands me.
All shall be purged from this world.
* *

(The words written show much force was used, as if rather than writing the words were carved into the Journal, they also appear shaky... As if the writer were struggling against himself.)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The once-white cover is now black, and wear and tear of has left its mark on the thick book. Pieces of paper and other small mementos peep out of the pages, and a piece of soap on a rope hangs from the binding as a bookmark. The entire tome smells of sea-salt and a soft, lilac perfume.

Kel'tira Sunblaze

This is who I am.

I am Kel'tira Sunblaze, married to Nicias Sunblaze. I am leader of the Rising Sun Fellowship. I am lady of the House of Sunblaze. I am me. Who is me?

No matter, that is something I am not prepared to answer just yet...

I need to speak with Nic... I need to apologize to him, tell him just what I feel, which is that I love him to no end, and will never leave him, that he means more to me than the world, that I am so sorry.

Cyaer is like a younger brother than me. I worry, perhaps, that I have burdened his young mind with things I should not have, but he seems to genuinely understand. He is almost the right age to be my younger brother who died in childbirth.

Times change, lives take shape and fade away, there is nothing we can do but correct our own mistakes.

Times change, lives take shape and slip into the past, there is nothing left but hope itself.

(On a scrap of parchment tucked into the book is a set of lines)

Lit shadows and darkened light,
Fire burns, and ice can strike,
The hearts of those we hold so close,
Are unreachable, untouchable... (A number of words are scratched out)
Love can hurt and tear apart,
The pains of day and the fears of night.
We stand against the dark,
Always cherishing that spark.
Nonetheless we smile.
By grace of Light and braver hearts,
Set in order these painful (Again words are scratched out)

(The entry continues down the page)

Kreindis, Kel'Thul, Jahana, Istuidir... all new-comers who are deciding whether to join us. They each bring something to the Fellowship, that much they were able to prove to me last night. The meeting went over well, Sylvanas's song will become our own, as well.

Varus has agreed to check on Nic, as well, and perhaps he can shed some light on the matter. I need to apologize... I need to set things right. Before something else happens.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
A small leather bound journal, the cover scratched and worn, some of the edging browned from dried blood, some of the pages appear torn and muddy, a small worn sheet of paper is folded and tucked within it's pages...

The burdens of life. The joys of life. Existence is nothing. One must live to improve the corner of the world they are in. When I joined the Fellowship, I existed - the only goals and thoughts were what was good for Cyaer. Selfish? Maybe. I existed, that was all.

Now, the life I live is fuller, more exciting, and carries its own share of responsibilities. And I feel more alive than I ever have. The Fellowship has brought me to this point, and for that I am grateful. The opportunities that I have before me are immense, and boggle my mind. Are they too much? I think not...I am a part of a family, and I love each one and each chance to share and grow.

My thoughts entertain me as I fulfill commissions and contracts in the Plaguelands. It has always been my desire to see these lands, and yet I am saddened by the depressing state the lands are in. I lend my hand to aiding the people sharing my concerns...will it be enough? I can only hope the Light finds it so.

My times with Karamia are small, and seem all too short in length. She in Northend, and I am out here in the Plaguelands. I try to make these moments worthwhile, and give her my full attention and affection. I wonder, is it enough? I long to hold her close, and feel her close to me. I am ever thankful to Kel'tira for the wonderful sketch she gave me of my Karamia. I gaze upon it often, though it is a pale comparison to the real woman I have come to know more about and grow deeper in love with.

Kel'tira Sunblaze...a sister I have never had, and yet I feel a kinship with her that I cannot explain. She holds a special place in my heart, and always will. I love her so much, and I tried to let her know that I am there for her anytime she needs me. She bears a heavy burden, and if I could relieve her of some of its weight, I would do so gladly. I worry about her, and for her. I can see the pain in her soul through her eyes and her heart, and I feel helpless in aiding her. I can only hope the Light sees fit to rid Nicias of his troubles, and that these two can grow together once again. Light let it be so!

I have become more and more responsible as I have grown within the Fellowship. I am trying to get to know each member, and let them know the Fellowship is here for them. Perhaps I am the only one who sees the Fellowship as more than a guild of people, but as a family with shared values and vision. Perhaps I am looking through rose colored glasses. Time will tell.
Edited by Cyaer on 6/25/2012 8:28 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The orc looked at the sleeping blood elf. Her face was relaxed, the troubles that had etched it hours before had been smoothed away by the oblivion brought by slumber. Her brown hair was loose, framing her face, her body was slightly curled in a position that was both a little enticing and vulnerable. At least she seemed to be having a pleasant dream—her brow was not furrowed and her lips held a hint of a smile. He had to wonder what amnesiacs dreamt about—did pieces of her past filter in? Could she access the memories that were lost? Or did she dream of something else—her life as it was now?

He knew that she had been meant for something other than the demanding life as a reconnaissance agent but the near fatal blow from an Amani troll had taken that former life from her. When she was not focused on the task at hand, she had a caring, gentle way about her. She seemed genuinely concerned about those she cared about and while she did not speak of them in anything more than the vaguest of terms, he knew that she had friends outside the Organization.

He also knew that she had no one waiting for her to return. There wasn’t some poor guy trying hard not to chew his nails over worry that she had something dangerous to do. There was a time a few weeks ago when she had a smile on her face and a bit of a spring in her step. He knew that she had found someone that interested her, but slowly the smile and bounce had disappeared and he had to wonder what happened. Perhaps the mystery man had slipped through her fingers like her former life.

That was probably a good thing in this case; the orc knew that she could complete the mission—it was fairly simple in itself. Getting in and out without being caught or killed was a whole other matter—it was also a bone of contention with her current mentor. There was no diplomatic immunity here and he could only hope that if she were caught, the Stormwind agents would be understanding with what they were trying to prevent. He had no love for the humans but a scourge plague let loose in their city was not something that they could happen; there was no honor in it.

The sun was still moving across the sky, but night would be falling quickly enough. It was a new moon and it would be a dark night, perfect for the blood elf to slip in, complete her mission and slip back out again. The vials to carry a sample of the plague were ready as was the concoction that would neutralize it. She had studied the map of the city and had been direction to the location where they suspected the rogue Forsaken had set up—it was just a guess on their part and if they were wrong, she would have the difficult task of trying to locate him without being spotted. It was their hope to complete this in a single night; whether or not it could be accomplished in the allotted timeframe remained to be seen.

He set the small pack down and looked back at the sleeping elf. He had given her the codename of Scarlet for the mission—something that he thought the humans would identify with since she was a blood elf.

‘Scarlet… red?’ he had explained. ‘Blood is red… blood elf, get it?’

She had just shaken her head and given a small laugh. ‘It is better than Princess,’ she had replied with the smile still playing across her lips, referring to his personal nickname for her.

Soon it was time to wake the blood elf. She still had some distance to travel to get into position to enter the city when night fell. He walked over, knelt down and gently shook her awake.
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31 Blood Elf Priest
An simple book with various leaves and plant stems sticking out from it's pages

The time spent amongst the dusty librams and parchments of this old establishment bore me, and send my mind wandering...

A sunny day over Silvermoon City, a light lunch in a basket, and a bottle of Pinot. Her light laughter brings a smile to my lips, and I enjoy the warmth of the afternoon in her presence...

...the scholar frowns as his loud cough brings me out of my daydreaming. And I go back to filing some old papers that will never be seen again by anyone. The scholar grumbles as he passes me, and a small grin comes to me.

Tislina. Why does she vex me so? I wonder.
Edited by Azjorilynon on 6/25/2012 12:26 PM PDT
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Dirt surrounded me. But I had died. An earthy silence permeated what little space I had. Surely the earth entombing my body would have halted all airflow. How was it that I remained? My body! My lungs had stopped, my heart had ceased its rhythmic beating. But I was not frightened. I lacked the anatomical components to be capable of feeling. Brightness. Val'kyr. I had risen...


They told me to kill today. I did not much care why, nor did I ask. Zombies, skeletons, spiders, darkhounds, blah blah blah. I gutted them all. It felt good.


Brill... What a silly name for a town. Met a fellow Undead by the name of Baneflesh. Odd fellow, he gave me sixty gold pieces and rambled on about how he was an "alt". Crazy fool, but his leg looked like it still had some meat on it. I was hungry.


Forsaken Rear Guard... That's what my organless comrades call this tiny town of backwash and filth. I call it "Land of the Diseased Bears and Unsanitary Ettin." Even the worgen here don't look good to eat. Mangy things...

I did help these useless orcs carry crates around because it was funny to see the beasts struggle to catch them at the rate I tossed them out. Unfortunately, none of them were crushed under the weight. Heh...
Edited by Vorix on 6/25/2012 11:55 PM PDT
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