A small leather bound journal, the cover scratched and worn, some of the edging browned from dried blood, some of the pages appear torn and muddy, a small sheet of paper is folded and tucked within it's pages...
I was careless and I am paying the price for it now. My whole body aches from the experience, and I believe I may have a concussion.
While writing in my journal, several of the trolls I had been contracted to kill found me. I was able to defeat them easily enough, but I spent many hours in the darkness searching for my journal. I know it contains nothing important to anyone, just the private thoughts of a rambling fool. Yet it is a close friend that I cannot leave behind. Perhaps from now on I will be in a safe place before I decide to write in it.
But my injuries did not result from the trolls, no, they come from my greed in searching for herbs and ore to sell to fatten my bank account. Not scoping out the territory first, I ran around a set of ruins and found myself beset by two dwarves. One of them was some sort of spellcaster, because instead of two dwarves I now faced two ghostly wolves and the dwarves. I choose the better side of discretion and fled, however the wolves were not fooled by my tricks, and hunted me down. As I fell into the inky blackness of unconciousness, my last thought was of Karamia.
I have never cared for the Forsaken, their haunting features, and hollow voices, well, I don't care for them. But it was a patrol of them that found me laying beside the road. They told me it took their healer several hours to get me back to conciousness, and to keep me from bleeding out. My head hurts and the constant pounding is driving me insane. At least I am alive. For now.
I will rest here for several days, to regain my strength, and repay my rescuers with some light jobs they have here.
Fel, was I ever stupid. What was I thinking running willy-nilly in the dark in an area I knew was patrolled and held by Alliance forces? I just hope Mia never learns of it, I will never live it down - the scout who didn't scout. By the Light, thank you for that patrol, and thank you for watching over me. I need to rest, and oh! can someone please tell that guy to lay off the drums!
I was careless and I am paying the price for it now. My whole body aches from the experience, and I believe I may have a concussion.
While writing in my journal, several of the trolls I had been contracted to kill found me. I was able to defeat them easily enough, but I spent many hours in the darkness searching for my journal. I know it contains nothing important to anyone, just the private thoughts of a rambling fool. Yet it is a close friend that I cannot leave behind. Perhaps from now on I will be in a safe place before I decide to write in it.
But my injuries did not result from the trolls, no, they come from my greed in searching for herbs and ore to sell to fatten my bank account. Not scoping out the territory first, I ran around a set of ruins and found myself beset by two dwarves. One of them was some sort of spellcaster, because instead of two dwarves I now faced two ghostly wolves and the dwarves. I choose the better side of discretion and fled, however the wolves were not fooled by my tricks, and hunted me down. As I fell into the inky blackness of unconciousness, my last thought was of Karamia.
I have never cared for the Forsaken, their haunting features, and hollow voices, well, I don't care for them. But it was a patrol of them that found me laying beside the road. They told me it took their healer several hours to get me back to conciousness, and to keep me from bleeding out. My head hurts and the constant pounding is driving me insane. At least I am alive. For now.
I will rest here for several days, to regain my strength, and repay my rescuers with some light jobs they have here.
Fel, was I ever stupid. What was I thinking running willy-nilly in the dark in an area I knew was patrolled and held by Alliance forces? I just hope Mia never learns of it, I will never live it down - the scout who didn't scout. By the Light, thank you for that patrol, and thank you for watching over me. I need to rest, and oh! can someone please tell that guy to lay off the drums!
Edited by Cyaer on 6/25/2012 8:19 AM PDT