Interesting enough, once Cyaer had debriefed the warlock and I as to what would be required of us so we could go our separate ways, Jahana managed to contact me. I had stayed behind in Silvermoon City to make preparations for what would, no doubt, likely be a very long standing post in Hillsbrad - I haven't had a chance to see how the foothills have developed, and I am eager to gaze upon the lands I once lived. However, in the meantime, though she wasn't so forward as to say so, I'm certain that Jahana wished to see a demonstration of my combat proficiency before fully entrusting me with the mission that Cyaer saw fit to give me.
Though I had thought myself finished within Silverpine, it turned out that I was wrong. It would appear that, amid the fighting between the Forsaken and the Worgen, a sect of undead rebels stormed the ruins of Shadowfang Keep. Now these wretched lost souls had turned the fabled fortifications of Archmage Arugal to their own devices. Jahana seemed to have been tasked with the eradication of these foul traitors, and requested the aid of my shield in her endeavor. Upon hearing the Blood Elf woman ask for my services, I was suddenly filled with a strong desire to prove myself capable in the eyes of my companion. Other than when I was tasked with killing backwash Scarlet Crusaders in the Tirisfal Glades, I had not felt such a strong desire to strive toward glory.
Thus, after sharing her mission with me to venture into the bowels of the dark keep, we journeyed to Shadowfang taking our separate paths. As we arrived at our destination another few troops were placed with the two of us, and ordered to help subdue the rebels who had taken the keep for themselves. Jahana and the others at my side, or back, I led the charge into the fortress that had been abandoned to the shadows so long ago.
Inside we found masses of the dead, more than we could have possibly imagined lying within the castle. The rebels had truly managed to entice a large number into their fold, far more than we had been led to believe, but I refused to let that stop the mission. Our orders were to eradicate the rebel threat, and, no matter there numbers, that was exactly what I intended to do.
Looking upon the shambling ghouls and decrepit bones of the many skeletons now filling the halls, I thought allowed myself to think about their lack of loyalty. I let my mind mull over the thought that there would possibly be some who would allow the meaning of the word to bear such little value. Staring at the foul, miserable, rotting, scum...I was reminded what it was like to look upon a real traitor. What blood I still possessed began to boil.
I all but dove into their midst, and, using my sword to cleave limbs and rend flesh until ichor and marrow poured forth upon the ground, causing my foes to slip upon the fluids which once gave them life. I ducked and swerved beneath a flurry of clawed swipes, clumsily thrown jabs, and the wide swings of massive flesh horrors or the greatest champions of bone, each who stood well over eight feet in height. Between my own vicious strikes and quick parries, I occasionally managed to slam my shield into my foes, wielding it with all the lethal efficiency as the blade in my right hand. More pleasurable than the parting of flesh, I became almost ecstatic and swept away in the euphoria as I felt bone turn to dust beneath the weight of my thrown shield.
At the end of one such battle, I managed to locate a shield among the dead that seemed to serve as an excellent replacement for the one which I previously bore. Until this moment, I had been wearing a particularly tough shell that I managed to cut from the back of a massive tortoise. However, such direct use of an animal's hide almost seemed barbaric to me, and I was more than a little enthused once given the opportunity to use a shield formed of actual metal. Fortunately I had the chance to find out how useful my new personal barricade would be, and continued delving deeper into the keep. Before long, all of the rebels had been routed.
Shortly after we had finished cleaning Shadowfang Keep, Jahana and I parted, going our separate ways. Though, before we did so, she acknowledged my prowess and skill in the field. Oddly enough, I felt content upon hearing her words.
I look forward to when I may next serve useful to those in the Fellowship. Until then, I will continue to traverse this broken world, and, perhaps, repair the damage that it and I have both suffered.
- Elron Narus "Blackmold"