Kel'Tira Sunblaze
Silvermoon City
Al diel shala anar'alah belore.
From Light's Hope, to Fuselight. From Fuselight to New Kargath. From New Kargath to Orgrimmar. From Orgrimmar to the Thorium Brotherhood. From the Thorium Brotherhood to Orgrimmar. From Orgrimmar to Fuselight. From Fuselight to Silvermoon...
Vendel'o eranu...
I went from Light's Hope, Eastern Plaguelands, to Fuselight-by-the-Sea, Badlands, by rocket. The former smelled of rot and plague, the latter was full of exploding sheep. Sheep! From there, I went to Fuselight proper, where I spent a great deal of time shoving goats off of cliffs, and disposing of ogres. The Reliquary. The worldbreaker's scar. New Kargath. The land there is deadened. Black dragons and ogres. Carrion birds and large cats run rampant.
Tyrael and I had a...disagreement. When I returned to Orgrimmar with the intentions of spending time with Nicias, I had no choice but to speak with him. Something I was not looking forward to. If I wished to reignite his anger, I might mention to him that the issue was resolved with words. Likely he would only laugh and ridicule me. Something I wish to avoid.
Nic... I worry about him so much... I cannot help it, Outland is dangerous, and I know well enough how much harm can come from a simple mistake. Our time together is precious. One day, we will have all the time in the world, but for now, it feels as if we live on stolen moments.
Time slips by, and it never comes back. I cannot understand how the shorter-lived races can live lives such as they do. I have more time, have had more time, and still... Still it seems like it is not enough. I do not want to die. I used to... I have come so close to death, both by my own hand, and by other means, but it is only recently that I realized I have more to gain by living than I do by dying.
Once death would have been its own form of release. The pain was too much, and I could feel myself slipping deeper into hopelessness. I have another reason to live, now. A reason far greater than just myself. Nic... The Fellowship... All of it. I stand to gain, and gain I shall.
He saw me drinking, and, unfortunately, drunk, as well. I am trying to stop... I know it is bad for me, but something is to be said for the release drink offers. Forgetting... Most do not understand. For that matter, I am not sure Nic did, either. I will not hold it against him.
He is to have this journal when I am gone.
I have only three words for the Searing Gorge. The place is miserable:
Back in Orgrimmar, I met with Wyndd, Traly's sister. Tyrael has asked me to preside over both Traly's funeral and Wyndd and Varus's wedding. Something is not quite right with Tyrael, if you ask me. He... I do not know. He seems distant. It came as a great surprise to hear that Traly and he we lovers! What other surprises does the Firehawk family hold?
Wyndd and I were interrupted by a Goblin on Mia's guildstone... She was hurt, badly. We raced off, Wyndd, Tyrael, Nic, and I from different places, to Fuselight. My heartstone was calibrated to the Searing Gorge, and I arrived at Fuselight first, finding Mia on the ground in the inn, unconscious. Nothing helped... I could do nothing by sit and wait with her until Nic and the others arrived.
Being helpless is hard.
As we prepared to load her onto a wyvern for the long flight to Silvermoon, the damned death knight showed his face.
I have never been so scared in my life.
Vendel'o eranu...
(A sketch of Tai is on the bottom half of the page, between the next two pages is a small stack of parchments. They read as follows.)