[RP Event] Weekly Fishing, Reborn

90 Undead Mage
A flier is found posted up in a variety of towns and cities through the two worlds.

Tired of the political drama, wars, and infighting going on around you? Wish you could find somewhere to just relax with a few like minded individuals? Well now you can! Reviving a time old classic, Dernes and Raoul are proud to once again present weekly fishing. Grab your fishing poles and drinks and come on down. The only rules are to leave your fighting and politics at the metaphorical door, unless you want to be forcibly tossed into the drink with the fish. (Yes, that means even if Sargeras himself shows up with a six pack of Darkmoon Reserve.)

What: Fishing, drinking, talking amongst friendly faces, and all around relaxing.

When: Every Sunday, starting at 7:00pm and ending when the last fisherman packs up their tacklebox.

Where: A new location every week. Keep an ear out over your Hearthstones and an eye out to your notice boards to find out where the new week's will be held.

Who: While primarily sponsored by those of Horde races, this event is as neutral as the act of fishing itself. Horde, Alliance, Consortium, Godlike Celestial Beings - so long as you can sit around for a few hours to fish and chatter amongst friends without causing a fight, come on down.

21st of October Location: Turtle Beach, on the south eastern Krasarang Wilds coast. Come witness the Wanderer's Festival!
Edited by Raoul on 10/20/2012 6:51 PM PDT
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90 Undead Mage
((OOC Note! Fishing was a weekly event that ran for years but puttered out come Cata. Dernes and myself decided this hiatus had gone on long enough, and so we've revived it.

As the notice says, it will happen every Thursday, at roughly 7ish pm server, and end whenever the last person leaves. A new location will be chosen every week, with a post and edit here and on the respective cenarioncircle.org thread

While created by the Horde, Alliance are welcome. I'd like to request both sides flag down, though - accidents happen, especially when clicking around with fishing. I don't want to hear anything about permaflaggers, I've yet to meet a permaflagger that has never flagged down for ease of something. You won't be kicked out or shunned, but it is rude not to. This is a non PVP event. That said, hope to see more folks there :D))
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90 Undead Mage
This is tomorrow, folks! And Dernes has *cough finally cough* gotten back to me on a location! It will be in the waters around Sen'jin village, with the actual spot chosen being determined upon arrival and assessment of the weather. I do hope to see some friendly faces there!
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100 Undead Warrior
Sorry, I could not make thisss, yesss

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90 Undead Mage
All will be forgiven, Maggot-Lord. Now, if you can't make next week's, well...

*cracks whip*
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90 Undead Mage
The location for tomorrow's fishing has been chosen! We will be meeting at the southernmost point of the Southfury River, where it empties out into the bay of ratchet. A goblin fellow has a nice little riverboat there. Maybe he'll let us use it!
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
He does indeed have a very nice little boat. Looks like a great spot for fishing! Hrm, maybe we ought to fish from a boat sometime?

Hope to see everyone tonight!
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I know a few good abandoned ships out there.

Gilneas, or off the coast of Tanaris, maybe.
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100 Undead Warrior
Or the abandoned boat running between Theramore and Menethil, yesss.
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( I can't wait to be able to come back to fishing! Sounds like ya'll came up with fun spots :)

- The still alive Dernes, somewhere out there ))
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90 Undead Mage
This is tonight, at the Speedbarge in Thousand Needles! I have a going away dinner to attend a few hours before hand, but I /should/ be back in time. If not, well. You don't need us to be on time to find a nice spot there yourself!
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100 Undead Warrior
We will missssss the next 2 fissshing eventsss, sssadly, yesss.
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100 Human Paladin
this is awesome. I remember the old fishing events. Good luck with this.
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90 Undead Mage
It is truly unfortunate that you won't be wearing a swimsuit, Maggot Lord.


((And thank you!

As the first post says, next week the AAMS Spa Day is happening, so we're just rolling it all into that. AAMS thread for more details:


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90 Undead Mage
As a reminder, this is tonight! Except we're rolling ourselves into the Spa Day at 6. So be there! In your bathing suits!
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90 Undead Mage
Your lovely host Dernes has revealed to me the location of tomorrow's fishing!

Dun dun dun... drum roll please...

... The island where the rivers of Elwynn, Duskwood, and Westfall meet!
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90 Undead Mage
This just in! This week's fishing is no longer a secret. Dernes has revealed to me the location, and it is.... drum roll please.... Bloodhoof Village! A classic, a return to the basics. Be there tomorrow!
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I used to run these on WRA years ago, and they were always fun. I'll be there!
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90 Undead Mage
This is tonight, folks! We're swinging by the Darkmoon Faire, so bring your tickets!
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Reckon ah kin come. Shore enough gonna be late though, wut with all these damn calves ah gots ta watch. ((likely round about 9:00 server, my current hobby is DM fishing anyway, soooo, yay! dovetails! Hope to see some folks there....))

/picks a flaming maggot out fo his fur and flicks at Raoul

DAG NABBIT, where these things keep comin from anyway?
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