[RP Event] Weekly Fishing, Reborn

90 Undead Mage
This week, folks, we're heading back to Alliance territory! Surwich, in the blasted lands!
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90 Undead Mage
Its decided, folks. This week we'll be meeting at the Twin Colossals in Feralas. Bring your cliff jumping gear.
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90 Undead Mage
Tonight. You. (Goldshire)
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90 Undead Mage
Tonight! Sholazar! West of the river!
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96 Tauren Hunter
I just wanted to thank everyone that keeps coming back and make fishing so entertaining! I'm very glad that everyone is embracing the spirit of fishing, even if all that gets fished out sometimes are sticks and cloth...

Until next week!
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90 Undead Mage
BUMP! This is tonight. Lushwater Oasis, Barrens, near the Wailing Caverns.

Hopefully we'll have our first cross-server attendants tonight. Put on your nice faces, people :P
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90 Undead Mage
I actually updated the topic! Be impressed!
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96 Tauren Hunter
Tonight! Desolace, out on Ranazjar Isle.

And no I'm not late at all. Fishing starts in half an hour. Still early...
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96 Tauren Hunter
Fishing is tonight!

This week we are fishing in Azshara! I was trying to think of a smart way to describe it... on the last island of the southern tip of land inside the Bay itself...? Coordinates 83.3, 55.9?

There: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v412/p00ks/FishingSpot.jpg

Hope to see everyone there! And if you haven't done so, don't forget to train fishing...
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33 Orc Warrior
I respect & admire Dernes, and pray he'll forgive me for forsaking my fishing pole again this past week for a spectacular box-o-fish-em-up that . . . .

Bhayne nearly made me cry handing me that lovely sky smile. Even now I grin widely, remembering the wind and it's playful smile and whiskers. And my thin but not ephemeral connecting tug to it.

Which distracted me from showing everyone a new way to fish: with a spangly box-o-fish-em-up that some mates on the Crew helped me build. Finally I thought I'd be coming home with fish.

But, between the wind's smile from Bhayne and the visitors from afar ((both of the bear and the trans-worlds kinds)), the fish were safe this week.

And so I guess I'll truck this box back to the fishing hole next week. But for now, it's back to street sweeping. Even with so many folks out of town these days, there still sweepings to be had.
Edited by Dorgot on 10/2/2012 8:02 PM PDT
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33 Orc Warrior
((and no offense meant by me toward you Raoul, but Dorgot is still uncomfortable around mages and other esotericals. Hence the blantant non-mention. I, on the other hand, thank you for hosting & helping keep the stories rolling around the fishing hole, esp with the all too distracting lure of stories on the new side of the world.))
Edited by Dorgot on 10/2/2012 8:04 PM PDT
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( aww thank you! I unfortunately didn't make it last week... I ended up finishing up homework until ungodly hours into the morning and felt really bad about it :( I don't know who ended up going to fishing at all actually ))
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100 Human Paladin
((I'm so glad y'all revived this event. Good job.))
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33 Orc Warrior
((was a small group again this past Sunday: some of the usuals - Dorgot, Kezzie (kezrin), Raoul, Lynnie, Bhayne; and some of the unusuals - an elf troublemaker *grin* whose name I don't remember how to spell; a couple of wanderers from Pandaren with a peculiar penchant for ears [gonna have to read up if that's a racial buff]; a cross realm dropin then emergency flyaway; and a couple other folks who I'm sorry to say I didn't catch what with all my wind smile watching.

We missed you but know how it is. But don't worry Dorgot is still 0 for a gazillion casts so there'll still be fish when you return.))
Edited by Dorgot on 10/3/2012 2:58 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
((Unfortunately, between people leveling alts in preparation for the expac and the actual release, rp events are suffering a bit. They will pick back up soon.))
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( That's the great thing about fishing, it doesn't need to be big. I've had as much fun with 3 people there than with a dozen. Different kind of RP, different kind of audience for Dernes!

I guess I need to start thinking about where to go fishing this week... I forget, have we been anywhere in Stranglethorn lately? ))
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90 Undead Mage
((Magical discrimination! Tomorrow! folks are meeting out at Yojimbo Isle in STV))

Edit: I have been informed I have no idea what day it is. This is the 7th >>))
Edited by Raoul on 10/6/2012 11:57 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
((The event is the 7th?))
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33 Orc Warrior
Yes, fishing is on the 7th at 7pm. I'm not a sponsor or host, but am well aware of the calendar & clock *glances across at Raoul*, and how they work. As for the confusion, *heavy sigh & head shaking* what can you expect from an arcane-addled one? Eh?

*Pauses, then continues*

Although fishing is actually pretty quiet, you know. It's not like we have a lot of partyers whooping it up, so I'm not sure that "I'd" call it an "event." *shrug* But you and your friends are welcome to join us.

Apparently, IF the mage got it right, we'll be fishing out on Yojimbo Isle. I'll keep an eye out for you. As them far southern dwarves have been known to say, "Ya'll come down now. Ya hear?" Or is that gnomes? Hmm.
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33 Orc Warrior
If you get lost, give out a holler on the hearthstone or, if you're near enough, just listen for the wheezing & gurgling of the Fish-a-Tronic 5 that I'll be showcasing tonight. See how Real fishing happens!

Oh wait! Your a puny human . . . hmm, well listen for the Fish-aTronic 5 then. I'm sure it will be heard even in the southern hills of Duskwood. You might also ask around on your own hearthstone network. We've had a few Alliance fishers join us; they may be able to help direct you to our location.
Edited by Dorgot on 10/7/2012 10:00 AM PDT
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