RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

95 Human Death Knight
If? IF?

God, that made me laugh ridiculously hard. I gotta get more sleep this weekend.

I'll be in game if anyone needs me.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Breaking window's are so much more fun, Cy xD.

Getting a post up
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
OMG Lia, I am laughing so hard, thanks for the entertainment!

Cyaer? Where are you? The imp is running for his life and trying to get back to Vira who is somewhere on the road getting closer to Mia.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
OMG Lia, I am laughing so hard, thanks for the entertainment!

Cyaer? Where are you? The imp is running for his life and trying to get back to Vira who is somewhere on the road getting closer to Mia.

Your welcome :P

Next post the slaughter will be over
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Now I need to find a new place for Ash to live.....

Frig dammit, house hunting is hard! >< xD
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58 Blood Elf Warrior
The !@#$storm which is Silver's life will now be on display whenever I feel like posting >.>
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Why are we ICly burning to the ground viable places for RP?

Anyway, if I am able to use the Abbey in Tyr's Hand for the final confrontation with Falconsky, I will, but there may be some phasing issues with anyone who has quested in the EPL. If that is a problem, then I will use Greymane Manor, and just pretend that it is someplace else.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
That is the problem with Greymane its phased and depends on if you did certain quests in Silverpine. I hate the phasing myself.

Talking about that, I know that I have not done any questing in Silverpine, not sure if anyone else has.

Waiting for Cy to either post he has found Mia or if the Fellowship hears her heartbeat slowly getting weaker. Someone find her please? Either in game of on forums, no matter to me.
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26 Undead Warlock
Thats right... I'm back to cause more evil again! Muahahahahah...
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58 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'll post a journal entry or two for Sel here in a bit. Hopefully you won't mind if its rather.....dark and in that case possibly find her thoughts rather disturbing or twisted..... :/
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58 Blood Elf Warrior
Greymane Manor isn't a bad place to RP. The whole of Gilneas isn't a bad place to RP. The upside is that a leveled person can complete the entire quest line to unphase it to the degree in which quest completionists are at in a matter of an hour. The downside is that with shared servers, that place will be packed. Trust me on that.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Am I the only one who is having serious doubts about this expansion and the way they are implementing it? I can see the good and the bad about cross realm stuff, and I know we are used to having SMC to ourselves. But I am not happy with the way things are working so far.

Maybe I am just getting burnout, it is just getting harder for me to log in and do anything. Even my final love of rp is suffering. Not because of anything anyone of you is doing, I just find it hard to keep a storyline going. And it is mostly me. I feel like the same old thing is happening, every cliche in the book.

It's like listening to the same song over and over, one you used to like a lot...and now it just seems like..so much repetition. Or you get something in mind to do and you realize you have done it a million times and it just is not that much fun anymore.

I may take a few days off and recharge. When I come back, I may or may not end all storylines and try to find something new and fresh to do. Maybe I will just try and get some more mounts. Do achievements, something...

Again, nothing any of you has done or not done. It's my curse of being a gemini.
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64 Blood Elf Hunter
Just had Quill's first death (killed by a level 85 during a pvp flagged quest).. so only Qin'yn is in the challenge now.

On the bright side it means I can use Quill for guild related leveling in dungeons and whatnot.
Edited by Quillathe on 9/3/2012 1:42 AM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
I dont think that necessarily counts if you're murdered by the enemy during a quest that puts PvP on...
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I do believe I will let you kill off Vira this weekend. The game is getting to me and I need a break, not going to keep you all stranded on it.

Tyrael, I promised Solorin the kill and he will get to do it. My plan is to destroy the Tome of Sin as well. It's going into the lava with Vira. You can all participate if you want. Saturday at 3 server time. Battle for the Tome will be in Blackrock.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Kill Viragona at 3, and stay for the wedding of Mia and Cyaer at 5.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Is no one going to respond to this besides Cyaer? I am going to have her going after the Rune of Power here, so I will set it up in game as such with some info from Jahana. Sydric will be giving you some notations on the runes to use to counteract Vira.

Decided since wedding is Sat. I will let you kill off Vira on Sunday. Then I will just be around to do rp and help with others stories. I need to cut down on WoW time.
Edited by Viragona on 9/5/2012 6:59 PM PDT
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95 Human Death Knight
I keep up, I just don't always post a response, bad habit, I know.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Lia/Ash here

School is keepin me busy.

Am I missin' anything? >_>
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am keeping up on Auxi, will hopefully get a journal post up sometime soon. Saturday should work for me.
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