RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Admittedly, Mia does have a point that guild interviews do have a place. On my other server, I have interviewed many people before inviting them to our guild to make certain that they are a good match. If not, I would refer them to another guild that would better suit what they wanted out of of the game.

Auxi did have a formal interview with the guild (Lillisarei and Nicias) before she formally joined. In game, Auxi has spoken with several prospective members before even mentioning the Fellowship.

While I do not want to prevent people from joining in, Mia does have a point that we should at least talk with them IC'ly before formally inducting them into the Fellowship. It is a small step and honestly, a logical one.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Interviews are a great way to get to know the character before truely inviting them to the guild, just to flesh out anything that might be wrong with their character (Mary Sue's, etc) and help them fix it up so it doesn't sound to rediculous. I'm personally all for it,maybe at some point we can get people to sign up via the guild site? Though I'm not sure how well that would go, but yea, I wouldn't mind it at all.
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99 Worgen Priest
Is this ingame or is it forum. if forum i might if i have a blood elf (cant remember for the life of me) if not im sorry but i cant get on wow till winter break (school >.>)
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95 Human Death Knight
09/09/2012 09:28 PMPosted by Ihealedyou
Is this ingame or is it forum. if forum i might if i have a blood elf (cant remember for the life of me) if not im sorry but i cant get on wow till winter break (school >.>)

This is in-game, we would love to have you when you can!


As far as interviews go, I have been talking to people OOC, and IC informally before I invite them to the guild. A formal interview would go a long way I think.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I am glad I am getting positive feedback on this. I think it would be a good idea to invite people who are interested to join our OOC channel and just chat with us for a bit to get an idea of what the guild is all about.

I had another thought that might help as well. How about we post in here a general state of affairs and current storylines maybe once a week. So that prospective members do not need to read through the entire Journal, unless they want to. This might also help all of us who are not online as much as we would like to be.

Also I think a link to our guild website would be nice.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am going to bring up a subject that has been on my mind for a bit. We discussed this a little in game. We would like to see everyone's opinion on whether we should be more in character with interviews and getting people into the Fellowship.

Please leave your opinion either here or on the guild website on how we can do this and keep the basic premise of the guild intact. I want everyone who is in the Fellowship to feel important and their voice heard. Do we emphasize the Code we developed at the beginning to prospective members? Should we ask for an in character oath to protect and serve the Fellowship and to promote unity by making sure anyone who joins is aware we are all bound by it?

The Code is simple. Honor, Loyalty, Compassion and Faith. I was looking for the thread that we outlined it, but cannot find the right page. But I think this will do. We can do a simple oath after we explain to the person who wishes to join us what it entails and get their agreement.

Again, I want everyone currently in the Fellowship to give some feedback on this thanks. Reply Quote

No, we currently do not emphasize the code developed at the beginning to perspective members, and we should as they are important to The Fellowship as a whole. How often to you think about the code developed for the Fellowship when making decisions for you character?

Should we ask for an in character oath to protect and serve the Fellowship and to promote unity by making sure anyone who joins is aware we are all bound by it? Yes, most definitely. If a new recruit is aware that we are all bound by it, it may help them to realize that they are a member of a group of people that share the same ideals and such.

Honor, Loyalty, Compassion and Faith.
Edited by Cyaer on 9/10/2012 6:09 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am glad I am getting positive feedback on this. I think it would be a good idea to invite people who are interested to join our OOC channel and just chat with us for a bit to get an idea of what the guild is all about.

I had another thought that might help as well. How about we post in here a general state of affairs and current storylines maybe once a week. So that prospective members do not need to read through the entire Journal, unless they want to. This might also help all of us who are not online as much as we would like to be.

Also I think a link to our guild website would be nice.

Excellent ideas, Karamia! Hitting the OOC channel would give them a "taste" of what we are into currently and who we are.

A weekly post might be a good idea, but who can keep up with all the storylines currently running in the Fellowship? Even I get confused. And who gets the wonderful job of doing it?
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99 Worgen Priest
i have been reading up on neyther's journal and it is just heartbreaking :'( and then bam he finds love and im all :D

Then he has to go and say somethin stupid and im all, what the heck man

I just love his journal entries
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90 Human Paladin
09/10/2012 06:08 AMPosted by Cyaer
Honor, Loyalty, Compassion and Faith.

I feel like this basically negates the option of doing characters of a darker personality if we truly were to enforce this heavily. Having it as the motto is good but to truly enforce such bonds on characters would basically give us only half a spectrum of characters to work with.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Really Ashokk, how are we to survive if we allow all the evil to abound? We have enough evil with Aseria, Viragona and now Alenthis and Tyrael? It does not leave many to battle this much evil. We had a discussion the other day in guild chat. We need to have one evil working at a time. Too many tends to over whelm people. They do not know which direction to go or who to fight. Confusion results and people tend to shy away from too much drama.

And we really need more of a balance anyway. What happened to Dalen? Has he deserted us totally? Can't you bring yourself to have at least one good character to help us out? I have both evil (Vira) and good characters. I only created Vira to be destroyed. And she will be IC. The toon will be for OOC use only for dungeons and raids. If I bring her out again it will be as another character with a different name.

Quite frankly I am getting a bit cranky because there is too much evil happening and very little breathing room to develop characters and bring in new people to a semblance of order and unity.

All I ask is one evil at a time to fight. Is that too much?
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90 Blood Elf Priest
One evil at a time to fight? That isn't too much to ask. And we don't need them one right after another either. Let's have some breathing room. I get tired of constant bombardment of attacks and such. Is a week between each storyline too much to ask? Wow, I can go fishing without worrying about going someplace by myself and getting assaulted? Nice.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Really Ashokk, how are we to survive if we allow all the evil to abound? We have enough evil with Aseria, Viragona and now Alenthis and Tyrael? It does not leave many to battle this much evil. We had a discussion the other day in guild chat. We need to have one evil working at a time. Too many tends to over whelm people. They do not know which direction to go or who to fight. Confusion results and people tend to shy away from too much drama.

And we really need more of a balance anyway. What happened to Dalen? Has he deserted us totally? Can't you bring yourself to have at least one good character to help us out? I have both evil (Vira) and good characters. I only created Vira to be destroyed. And she will be IC. The toon will be for OOC use only for dungeons and raids. If I bring her out again it will be as another character with a different name.

Quite frankly I am getting a bit cranky because there is too much evil happening and very little breathing room to develop characters and bring in new people to a semblance of order and unity.

All I ask is one evil at a time to fight. Is that too much?

I was actually gonna make a small meeting regarding this.

After Vira is over of course and before we can move on to another evil person (Ash)
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95 Human Death Knight
Firstly, the code stands as it has been. I would like to enforce it a little more, perhaps, but as the code that it started as; valor, loyalty, love, piety.

I'll address the other things I have to say after I get school stuff done.

Alrighty, in other words, this is what I'm thinking:

We need to have IC -and- OOC interviews. Both to assure ourselves that we are weeding out people who either a) will not try to immerse themselves in our stories (journals, arcs, what have you) and b) just want to be evil.

Yes, evil has its place. Let me be clear:

I am not saying no evil.

We need conflict to have a story arc, I don't want to see -just- conflict though, nor conflict on such a grand scale. I don't want to see just people being evil for the sake of being evil. I am alright with chaotic neutral, etc. I just want to be clear on the fact that we're not going to create new evil willy-nilly.

And again, I will edit this tomorrow morning, I hope, after I take a calc test.
Edited by Allaynna on 9/10/2012 6:52 PM PDT
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58 Blood Elf Warrior
Really, it shouldn't be too stifling. Even my morally grey characters have no problem with this as it stands. They just need a reason to dedicate and commit themselves, which I personally work towards creating if no other opportunity presents itself.

Again, my issue with the way things are going is that people assume evil = drama = plot, ect. There are other ways to make things interesting without defaulting to "Oh mah jeebus so-and-so was corrupt and/or turned/is evil"... There are some people who like the more screwed up concept of an evil character's mind (Like Ashtokk who admits to enjoying it). That's fine. But... seems to me, at least, that the majority of plots is about someone being evil and the main bad guy of the moment. Or, at times, multiple bad guys.

It's as was said. Breathing room, please. Let's have a ball or some public event advertising the Fellowship or something not end-of-the-world. xD Please.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks Silver, I appreciate it. I totally agree. We need things going on besides fighting evil. I for one intend on making Vira less of a problem as soon as she gets the desire rune she will die. When we have a chance to get Solo and a few others together. She will go down in flames, as I intended all along.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
09/10/2012 02:30 PMPosted by Karamia
Really Ashokk, how are we to survive if we allow all the evil to abound? We have enough evil with Aseria, Viragona and now Alenthis and Tyrael?

I will first state that I am not here to tell anyone how to play their character and if you want to play an evil one, feel free, no one can stop you. This is simply my personal opinion on the matter based on my years as a roleplayer.

There are evil people in the world and while they do play an important role in creating story arcs, but not every arc needs a villain. Sometimes just the circumstances surrounding an event or personal goal is enough.

We get enough evil people gunning for us and the Fellowship crumbles as we cannot withstand the constant pummeling. I am already getting the inkling that when I think about the Fellowship it will eventually look like the Justice League, but without the super powers with the string of villains that we have tagging after us (and it may not appear this way to anyone else--this is my personal perception). Az and Silver area correct that having a constant churn of bad guys that autospawn is exhausting and it leaves little room for personal character development arcs.

I will say that evil characters are fun, but they are limited in what they can do, how they interact, and how much interaction they get. I have played them in the past in different games (including evil and chaotic campaigns) and I actually have one running around on CC, but he is limited in what he is doing and his motivations are specific; honestly, the Fellowship is not worth his time. I know of another evil character whose motivations do not involve the Fellowship.

We have a few, "I want to destroy the Fellowship," mentalities going and at this point, I am finding it hard to get motivated to deal with the same subplot over and over. Certainly the methods differ, but in the end, it is the same thing on a different day and it is blending together for me.

Again, this is just my personal opinion.

(Edited to add in Silver who posted while I was writing out this thing.)
Edited by Auxilia on 9/10/2012 6:36 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
Really Ashokk, how are we to survive if we allow all the evil to abound? We have enough evil with Aseria, Viragona and now Alenthis and Tyrael?

I will first state that I am not here to tell anyone how to play their character and if you want to play an evil one, feel free, no one can stop you. This is simply my personal opinion on the matter based on my years as a roleplayer.

There are evil people in the world and while they do play an important role in creating story arcs, but not every arc needs a villain. Sometimes just the circumstances surrounding an event or personal goal is enough.

We get enough evil people gunning for us and the Fellowship crumbles as we cannot withstand the constant pummeling. I am already getting the inkling that when I think about the Fellowship it will eventually look like the Justice League, but without the super powers with the string of villains that we have tagging after us (and it may not appear this way to anyone else--this is my personal perception). Az and Silver area correct that having a constant churn of bad guys that autospawn is exhausting and it leaves little room for personal character development arcs.

I will say that evil characters are fun, but they are limited in what they can do, how they interact, and how much interaction they get. I have played them in the past in different games (including evil and chaotic campaigns) and I actually have one running around on CC, but he is limited in what he is doing and his motivations are specific; honestly, the Fellowship is not worth his time. I know of another evil character whose motivations do not involve the Fellowship.

We have a few, "I want to destroy the Fellowship," mentalities going and at this point, I am finding it hard to get motivated to deal with the same subplot over and over. Certainly the methods differ, but in the end, it is the same thing on a different day and it is blending together for me.

Again, this is just my personal opinion.

(Edited to add in Silver who posted while I was writing out this thing.)

That pretty much summed up what I wanted to talk about as well. Not only that, it's the choice of evil characters and story archs that kinda...well...disturb me a little.

Now, I'm not sure if this will be related to the topic or not, nor do I want to sound like I'm just being picky and harsh, but most story archs that I've seen, along with a lot of people's back stories always seem to end up with the same out come:


It's practically everywhere.

Demon did this to my sister

Demon did that to this dude

Demon is the reason why I'm bad

Demon is the reason why I'm so Uber.....it just feels like people are screaming for attention useing the same, cliche topic that keeps running around peoples heads and, to be honest, I've seen so many it has become a huge bore to me.

I mean, Vira and her demon book, I'm cool with that, because I can see the logic in all of it and such, then we move to Al and his demon problem...it doesn't really make sense to me. He's a death knight, I just don't feel like demons and death knight lore is a really good mix togeather, infact it's a huge reason why I cringe every time I see Death Knight RP because there are always those few that over do things when it comes to story archs.

No, no offense to Al, this is my opinion, and there is nothing really I can do or say about it now to change that because it's already a thing in action, what I will say is I think we should just leave everything demon related out of the picture for a very long time. Beat it up, spit on it, just chuck it into the 'For another time' pile because I feel it has become EXTREAMLY cliche.

RP is about making creative story archs, yes? Then get creative! I mean, I've had Ash been corrupted by a Crazy Witch useing shadow magic. Nothing denomic unless you include the fact that she summons void beasts, which isn't really the reason why Ash was corrutped. Looking to Ashok's character, he's going with a necromancer being corrupted by the Sha (correct me if I'm wrong, Ashok). There are so many different things out there that can be worked with and yet a lot of people seem to go crwaling back to the same thing which is something that involves demons, and then making a huge fuss or it. Hell, we could even have a little internal issues (Jealous a X person and wants to beat them up, huge arguments, etc)

I would touch on more ideas, but I think I'm done venting for now. Sorry :P
Edited by Cøron on 9/10/2012 6:53 PM PDT
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95 Human Death Knight
And... I suppose I should add one more thing before I crash, and that is this:

I plan to put a halt to all of the story arcs that are/contain evil.

Just for a week or so, just for a while. I will justify in the morning.

I am open to discussion, so long as it's civil, and preferably not over the forums, if only because I hate the forums currently.
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48 Blood Elf Paladin
09/10/2012 06:52 PMPosted by Cøron
Demon did this to my sister

Just to clarify, demons didn't do anything to Ly's sister, just the thing she picked up her cousin believes to be demonic in nature, but they aren't sure.

It was dropped by someone, and picked up by Evelise. Anyone could have had a warlock make it or something. No one meant to do any harm to the girl. I was going to explain this later. I put it in for Ly to have a reason to join the fellowship, being the way she is. Said reason will change and already has started. I'm killing her sister off anyways so her goals will become closer to those of the Fellowship.

And Mia, I'm all for your suggestion.
Edited by Lyrilia on 9/10/2012 8:18 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
09/10/2012 06:52 PMPosted by Cøron
Looking to Ashok's character, he's going with a necromancer being corrupted by the Sha (correct me if I'm wrong, Ashok).

Tyrael is a sorcerer (warlock/mage cross) who weilds shadow magics and willing chooses to serve the Sha. So basically right.

But my only point was that we are limiting the amount of, to use the DnD personality chart we lose out on Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil. Simple as that.

That is not to say that all evils need to be like what we have. My Death Knight Tai is evil but he fights for causes that don't get him killed by everyone or works for someone who will let him off the leash from time to time.

As another suggested internal conflict between members based upon their different beliefs is great RP and leads to more RP. I wasn't suggesting we just let all the "big bad evil guys" in but honestly with how I've seen such RPs go the evil bad guy has to be super powerful to withstand the assualt of the 3-5 people that come after them all the time.

Having 2-4 evil players in the game, working in concert some times and working against one another at other times creates further internal struggles. Such as Tyrael is going to try and stop Vira, helping the Fellowship while also serving Tychus' end game objectives. He's still evil but he is doing something "good" to help his evil ends.

That was all I was suggesting, if you enforce that motto strictly you cut down on the ability for RP'ers like myself who love playing those types of characters that people despise that create internal conflict and force people to really get down into their characters.

tl;dr: Basically we should allow evil characters in simply because there is a vast number of ways to play someone who aligns themselves with evil.
Edited by Ashokk on 9/10/2012 8:22 PM PDT
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