RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

100 Night Elf Druid
09/10/2012 08:08 PMPosted by Lyrilia
Just to clarify, demons didn't do anything to Ly's sister, just the thing she picked up her cousin believes to be demonic in nature, but they aren't sure.

I didn't really say that useing your sister for an example, I was just using it for a example in general, hope you didn't take offense.

09/10/2012 08:21 PMPosted by Ashokk
tl;dr: Basically we should allow evil characters in simply because there is a vast number of ways to play someone who aligns themselves with evil.

This was kinda what I was aiming for Ash trying to help bring Vira's downfall for their own evil needs.

I WOULD discuss this further, but not on the forums.
Edited by Cøron on 9/10/2012 8:42 PM PDT
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48 Blood Elf Paladin
09/10/2012 08:42 PMPosted by Cøron
I didn't really say that useing your sister for an example, I was just using it for a example in general, hope you didn't take offense.

Oh no, its all good xD was just clarifying
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58 Blood Elf Warrior
An'giel's reason for becoming truly bonded to the Fellowship lay with Tyrael's dying wish for her to make certain the Fellowship keeps going. Due to various things (Me, her pregnancy, the guild's issue with Malathir and complications involving a paladin being with a Death Knight), she's had to keep her distance. I've been wanting to worm Silver in... and in fact had an idea in mind xD That Silver would get into contact with An'giel and introduce the plot drama that's been growing in secrecy (Because, of course, Keladryn/Malathir was pushed off of a cliff by someone :3)... which sorta has to get put on hold due to Kel'Tira getting dimension punted.

I don't mind this xD The entire thing has shown Silver all of the bad things going on with the Fellowship, though. I'm wanting to get her involved, but Silver has to get involved by her own means. And roughly by the time I had things set up, and Silver even told Kel'Tira that she needed to speak with her very soon... lol.

Silver, I can't put anything to her. Though I've bragged about her maliciousness, there is something dark and yet horrifyingly true to her being. I think that she might add an aspect to the Fellowship that, in her eyes at least, is lacking, though how this happens and when depends on the plot and how things go down.

Silver will either become unquestioningly dedicated, and might even get Shadow into this entire thing if possible, or... probably won't be a member more than a drifter. I don't know for sure how things will happen, of course. As with anything Silver, I can never promise her reactions to anything, but things are falling into favor for what I told Kel'Tira I wanted Silver to potentially be doing. :3

But, feel free to interview Silver if you truly want to, I don't care. An'giel basically gave her a stone, said it would be like a new home to her, but I'm fine doing an actual RP with it.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
The game is so full of evil we should be battling, do we have to have such evil characters on top of that? It's all I am asking, some kind of normalcy. The wedding was nice even though not everyone attended. I understand not everyone has time to devote to the game at a certain time.

I want to see more fun and happy events. I want to see a way to bring people together that is not all out fight and battle and someone dies. It gets very depressing!!
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90 Human Paladin
The game is so full of evil we should be battling, do we have to have such evil characters on top of that? It's all I am asking, some kind of normalcy. The wedding was nice even though not everyone attended. I understand not everyone has time to devote to the game at a certain time.

I want to see more fun and happy events. I want to see a way to bring people together that is not all out fight and battle and someone dies. It gets very depressing!!

I feel like these events would be fun as well but not all of us like playing characters that enjoy this events. I know personally most of my characters tend to be men of action and would rather be out doing something than sitting around playing cards and drinking games (I get enough of that in real life XD).

The evil we fight in game is not real an evil we truly ever really face. Sure Deathwing caused a great massive cataclysm but we, as our heroes, would never actually be in the fight against Deathwing. The most we could ever do is join forces with the Wyrmrest Temple guardians and do battle against the cultists and disturbed elementals around the base of the Temple. We wouldn't ever fight DW or his lieutenants.

So the ability for us to create big bad guys that we actually get to fight is fun for us since we never actually get to fight real bad guys in RP settings, or say we did and talk like we did. But it is up to the guild, I am simply saying that parties and small hang outs and get togethers, while fun don't always suit everyone.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Ashok I understand you like the harsher environment of killing and fighting, it's your thing and you do it very well. If you want to organize some battle type things or even some raids, we have enough higher level folks in guild now to do that, in fact I know some have said they wanted to raid.

Only way that is going to happen as a guild is for someone to schedule it on the calendar. The biggest problem is getting everyone online at the same time. Good luck with that. And that is one reason I can only use the forums or the guild's website if you prefer, to talk things out.

The rest of us, those who are into more personal character development in a nicer , non conflict way, would like to see some events that are not raids or dungeons. We have some people trying to get into the guild to learn to rp. I think a few smaller events would help that to happen.
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90 Human Paladin
09/11/2012 07:46 AMPosted by Karamia
The rest of us, those who are into more personal character development in a nicer , non conflict way, would like to see some events that are not raids or dungeons. We have some people trying to get into the guild to learn to rp. I think a few smaller events would help that to happen.

I wasn't making any suggestions as to what we do RP-wise I was simply saying we can't just cut out an entire personality section or certain types of RP because we feel that we have too much of it.

I feel like its kept going back and forth from "We need evil bad guy!" to "We don't like all this evil!" We try to close RP story arcs way to fast, we should elect people to play the bad guy, those of us who like doing it should do it and let it play out throughout the guild's development.

Using the LO as an example they have the story line of them creating an undead army using powerful weapons from the era of the Lich King to control the Undead and are taking control of the ruins of the Scarlet Enclave, that plot is going on for months now. If we could get a plot like that where the bad guy isn't in our 24/7 and we aren't out to see it end so soon then we'd have more fun with it.
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95 Human Death Knight
The game is so full of evil we should be battling, do we have to have such evil characters on top of that? It's all I am asking, some kind of normalcy. The wedding was nice even though not everyone attended. I understand not everyone has time to devote to the game at a certain time.

I want to see more fun and happy events. I want to see a way to bring people together that is not all out fight and battle and someone dies. It gets very depressing!!

09/11/2012 07:15 AMPosted by Ashokk
So the ability for us to create big bad guys that we actually get to fight is fun for us since we never actually get to fight real bad guys in RP settings, or say we did and talk like we did. But it is up to the guild, I am simply saying that parties and small hang outs and get togethers, while fun don't always suit everyone.

We have to cater to many different sets of skills and likes/dislikes. We're all unique, as far as our styles go. I really hate to say it, but you're both right. We can't ask people to change for a game, and I'm very damn well not even going to go down that road.

09/11/2012 08:03 AMPosted by Ashokk
Using the LO as an example they have the story line of them creating an undead army using powerful weapons from the era of the Lich King to control the Undead and are taking control of the ruins of the Scarlet Enclave, that plot is going on for months now. If we could get a plot like that where the bad guy isn't in our 24/7 and we aren't out to see it end so soon then we'd have more fun with it.

We need to find a balance, yes. I have nothing against the LO, but we're -not- the LO. Imperion has a great set of stories, and a great set of people, but again, we're our own set of people and characters, and we have our own stories.

I am going to ask that we wrap up what can be wrapped up, as far as Vira, Alen, and Ash go, and we put a pause in Tyrael's story arc and get ourselves in order, IC and OOC. I'm asking for you all to help me with this, we need to get everyone together, in game, on skype, or on the guild site, and work things out. I see a lot of drama and flames boiling up here, and I want to stop it.

We need to decide where we want to go with things. A larger, more involved story-line where we're not fighting someone off constantly would be good, I think. We're looking for people who are capable of working together, not fighting with each other. And, to be honest, that's what I'm seeing, is arguments that could be more civil. I want to move this off of the forums, for a number of reasons.

I also want to have a conversation about where we want the guild to go.

Admittedly, Mia does have a point that guild interviews do have a place. On my other server, I have interviewed many people before inviting them to our guild to make certain that they are a good match. If not, I would refer them to another guild that would better suit what they wanted out of of the game.

As far as interviews go, I think it is a very good idea, and something else we need to discuss as a group.

09/10/2012 06:08 AMPosted by Cyaer
Should we ask for an in character oath to protect and serve the Fellowship and to promote unity by making sure anyone who joins is aware we are all bound by it? Yes, most definitely. If a new recruit is aware that we are all bound by it, it may help them to realize that they are a member of a group of people that share the same ideals and such.

I am hesitant to force an oath on anyone. If they want to join the guild, they can prove to us that they will try, and abide by our rules, but I think it's a bad idea to choose to force a character decision on them. That's not why we're here. We're here to have fun, and the help others have fun.

09/10/2012 08:21 PMPosted by Ashokk
But my only point was that we are limiting the amount of, to use the DnD personality chart we lose out on Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil. Simple as that.

Yes, we lose out on some of this, but at the same time, I don't want to open up the Fellowship to evil, because as a concept, that's not what we are. We're aiming to be a group of characters that help each other, and yes, we fight evil, but on such a large scale? Maybe.

Maybe not.

It's not all about fighting evil, nor is it all about not fighting evil. I keep reiterating that we need to find a balance, and we will, eventually, but we need to talk things out. Alright?

Now, I think that's all I wanted to say. I am open to talking to all of you, privately or not, just we need to be careful.

Let me also say that I'm not trying to ostracize anyone, understand that. I know I can come across harshly, but I think that's necessary right now.

Questions? Comments? Want to yell and me and b|itch? Feel free, but do it to just me.
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58 Blood Elf Warrior
I wasn't around when there was a request for "more evil", but I can certainly say that the guild's plot line could do with more variation. No insults meant, this plot line with Vira has gone on for quite a while, and I commend Mia for wrapping up a lot of people's individual storylines of corruption with it. Even An'giel got a spot, though it was during a time when I was swamped with other stuff and couldn't participate that well. xD Again, I apologize. But maybe a more quest-oriented thing that has something of everything for everyone. Sitting, talking, planning, fighting, conflict, conclusion, without involving an evil. It takes me a while to come up with anything, so if someone else has a suggestion for the next idea...

My personal thought would be to... let Silver sit in actively in the next meeting and have her two words, I can promise either her face will get bashed in, or there will be some kind of change for the guild from that point onward. Either way, I'll be amused. That, and it's the last guild meeting I'll be able to attend, the week after when MoP hits, I'll be gone for a while, perhaps up to two weeks.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I would like to encourage everyone in the guild to register on the guild website and we can hold some kind of discussion there so we do not clutter up the forums with guild drama?

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83 Blood Elf Death Knight
I didn't want for my story arch to go for a long time and it hasn't. It's happened over three afternoons. And it's over now. I'm merely an instrument of Vira so I'm tagging along with her story. As for Tyrael...if you havent noticed demons are everywhere in wow. and ALOT of nps characters have served them, been driven mad by them. Of course it was unoriginal...if you haven't noticed...rp in wow is unoriginal because we can't smiply make things up that don't exist. I chose demons because it is a completely plausible storyline that a man approaches a demon and pledges himself in exchange for a reward. This has happened many times in wow...and will no doubt, happen again. And personally. I have no idea what the Sha are and I can't find any Blizzard confirmed facts about them besides that they exist and are bad. I like your story...but I have no idea what's happening.

Secondly...I have no idea how to use the guild website lol. I'll take some time today to figure it out.

And thirdly, I agree that there was a bit too much evil going on at once. There was none going on when I first joined the guild so I thought I'd start up a bit. But then Vira started taking runes and Tyrael returned and Falconsky started kidnappings and I had already started my story. The world needs a bit of conflict but this might have been a bit much. Luckily, we have resolved several of those. All that's left is Tyrael and Vira's arc that I know of.

And 4thly. This guild is awesome and I thoroughly enjoy the rp even though it's not perfect. And nothing is perfect so I can live with that.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
All right, I have a plan in mind for Vira to go out with a bang. I am setting it up in game and I need a few volunteers to make it work right. I wanted to get a few of the Alliance characters who love rp and pvp to come and challenge a few of our characters in one of the battlezones. It can be either the Swamp of Sorrows or the battlezone in Anderhol. That way it will be close enough for Vira to attempt to get away into the depths of Blackrock.

She will get the Rune of War and make off with it. I expect everyone who chases her to have a flying mount or the flight points to get to the Searing Gorge. This will be a couple hour rp with battle and mayhem. I will let it be the end of Vira.

Then we can do anyone elses storyline or just try and have some easy going laid back week or two to relax. I know school and other things have sidelined a few of us.

As for the rune of Desire I don't see a way to get us into Kara without having at least 5 to 6 the right level on at the same time. So I will cut out that rune in game and have her pick it up by Journal entry. I am giving into the idea of ending this plot as it has gone on too long for me as well.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Personally I would like to get Ash's storyline on the go and get it over with after Vira, just because I kinda miss RPing as normal Ash (Who is still a bit insane, but not blood thirsty). Plus I got some normal plans with her and my warrior when I move him over, they aren't super baddie evil, just cheekiness.
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90 Human Paladin
Tyrael's is not something that will be completed over a short period of time and while it looks like your generic bad guy its not. It ties in a lot to what happens with the Sha and that's why I'm okay with all this putting it on hold, but I still want to be able to RP with y'all without having to make someone who's different than Tyrael if that makes sense.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Next challenger to ding 85 successfully is here. *tosses flower petals* :3

How many is that now? With my absence, I haven't gotten to congratulate even half of the new 85s here. xD And I certainly don't know who managed to do the challenge.
Edited by Angel on 9/11/2012 10:08 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yay Ang!
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95 Human Death Knight
Next challenger to ding 85 successfully is here. *tosses flower petals* :3

How many is that now? With my absence, I haven't gotten to congratulate even half of the new 85s here. xD And I certainly don't know who managed to do the challenge.

You and me, hon, you and me.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Congratulations, Angel! That is super!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
You all make me hang my head in shame!! I start so many and die...I wanted to do this totally from 1 to 85 with 0 deaths. I have yet to do it, I may make my Monk and do it that way, and go to 90.

OK...I will try one more character to 85 here. It will be a slow and meticulous occational level with quests and no dungeons. I still have not done a warrior to any level worth while, but without heals its hard. I need a partner. The main reason I keep getting killed is no one to be there with me to help. And besides its a rp challenge, I want a partner! Someone who will stick to me like Angel and her sweetheart.

Any volunteers?
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I would volunteer...but I am not on as much as I was before...but I would run a paladin to run beside your warrior anyday. I want to see 85 or 90 without one death...a big goose egg. But I'm a slow leveler, and you are a quick leveler, between us, we might be able to pull it off.

Edit: By the way, I just wanted to say, I read Vira's journal entry today. And I have to admit, I never saw her as a woman, just an adversary...but that journal entry got to me.
Edited by Cyaer on 9/12/2012 11:37 AM PDT
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