RP Guild Creation

100 Worgen Hunter
I must say, of many of the things I read on how to get a guild on its feet, this is the best. I just created The Halcyon Edict as a brain child of a friend and I. Members are hard to come by, but sticking with it and going by what Imp has laid out has helped my confidence and approach to recruiting/general attitude toward the guild. HUGE thanks to Imperon!
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100 Human Mage
My pleasure, Lorrik. I hope that my many mistakes and failures will help make the creation and running of your guild that much easier!

And I'd still really like seeing this thread get stickied.
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100 Gnome Priest
*bumps for sticky*
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100 Night Elf Druid
*mails Imperon a live trout in appreciation for this thread using standard 3-5 business day delivery stamp
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100 Human Mage
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