*punts to the top of the page. WITH HER MIND.*
Gambit: Level 25!!
I might join this. You all sound fun, and I just created an Alliance on Cen Circle....
I might join this. You all sound fun, and I just created an Alliance on Cen Circle....
Gambit is currently seeking nerdy, unpaid/minimum wage interns to assist in the duties of our Engineering division, the Rooks. No engineering experience required, stunt-man experience preferred, must be willing to be a test-dummy for various bomb drills and madly scientific experiments. Bearing the name "Carl," "Baljeet," "Bob" or "Liore" is a plus. Contact Promethius Nukenson, Kenta Warwing, or Tyrynna Stormshade for more info.
Gambit is currently seeking nerdy, unpaid/minimum wage interns to assist in the duties of our Engineering division, the Rooks. No engineering experience required, stunt-man experience preferred, must be willing to be a test-dummy for various bomb drills and madly scientific experiments. Bearing the name "Carl," "Baljeet," "Bob" or "Liore" is a plus. Contact Promethius Nukenson, Kenta Warwing, or Tyrynna Stormshade for more info.
Does it have to be a stunt-man or can a stunt-woman also apply?
((Excellent news! ;) ))
((Now that I have 2 more hours min. until the servers are back up, I think I'd like to use my last character slot to RP a 'test dummy' for Gambit...it sounds like it'll be a fun idea. I will contact you in game if the servers ever get up and going. *excited*))
Edited by Sïzzle on 11/13/2012 1:16 PM PST
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