%*&#&%#@ Trollbloods. I swear I'll kill you.
Gambit: Level 25!!
Haha! <3 How adorkable.
*tosses a bomb to Syllea* Hold this for me for a sec...
*smashes camera* What happens on the Homeland Forums, STAYS on the homeland forums.
What?? I just asked her to hold it......
Can we still kill Garrosh? I mean *cough* For the warc..... ah hell he isn't my warchief. *shrugs and walks away*
That's right, folks. Gambit has expanded to the red side of things to help further their cause for peace through the vicious hitting of various things. If you're a Hordie with neutral intentions and a love for head-smashing, look no further!
Whisper this well-placed, convenient Tyr-Alt, poke us on Guild Finder, or just ask around for White Gambit if you're interested.
...Now if only the forums would acknowledge the guild change on this toon. *le sigh*
Whisper this well-placed, convenient Tyr-Alt, poke us on Guild Finder, or just ask around for White Gambit if you're interested.
...Now if only the forums would acknowledge the guild change on this toon. *le sigh*
You can have whats left.
He's not my Warchief. I didn't vote for him.
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