Gambit: Level 25!!

100 Orc Shaman
12/03/2012 05:17 PMPosted by Eleriel
He's not my Warchief. I didn't vote for him.

Well, if you don't like it (or aren't prepared to fake it), feel free to leave.

Trust me. It's probably for your own good.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Oskor brings up a good point, Ele. You could leave.... and find us to become a Gambit. ;)

...Except El doesn't want anything to do with my poor rogueling... and I'm not sure I want a pervy elf running around the skybarge anyway.
Edited by Tyrynna on 12/4/2012 3:52 PM PST
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100 Draenei Shaman
You pervy elf-fancier.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
12/05/2012 01:34 AMPosted by Mira
You pervy elf-fancier.

You fancy dead people and yet you're getting on me? Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture? :P

But seriously. We have a Dresscode here at gambit. No nekkid girl hunts for you.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Aw crap there *is* a dress code???
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Yeah, and it's called the "No stripping/streaking/drunken nekkidness" rule.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Picture the flame of the candle. Why does it cast its light?

Picture it in your mind. Focus on the light, like our star. A light in the darkness. Breathe in the air around you. Clear your mind of thought, There is no fear. Fear is a weapon of the enemy, it is not of your own creation. Light and life is from which springs your own time. Like the energy of the candle casting its light. You are like the light cast in the world around you, just as the stars in the darkness of our world.

The world turns in its cycle, just as the cycles exist around you in the passage of time. Just as the stars that where promised to you by your master, their light is a part of you. Their light will continue to exist, because it is a part of you.
Edited by Liore on 12/5/2012 6:30 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter
...First off, Lio, that was awesome.

Second, I just want everyone to know, that Tyr and Luptia of WotN just competed in the staring contest of the century. And it was awesome.

That is all.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I grabbed that from Dustlight on the warrior forums.

Nobody knows who this guy is. He's been around since Wrath, and just pops in and out with the most gripping, non-sequitor zen stuff I've ever heard.

Not sure about the staring contest though. To say it was IC would suggest that your heroes have nothing else going on, to say it as OOC just worries me.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Boredom on an offday, for the most part. Started off OOC, then we made RP out of it.

Even drew in a nice crowd. Cause were cool like that.
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90 Pandaren Warrior

Usually when -I- roleplay, people start to move in the opposite direction.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
White Gambit you say?
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Oh, White gambit I DO say.
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I don't say. I do Stormreaver.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Stormies are for the weak. *sagenod*

*hides Talrun in the corner* Wait here while I fend them off! And no potty breaks!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
This thing is halfway down the page...

am I gonna have to start doing my shameless plug bumps again?
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100 Night Elf Hunter
*yawns and stretches*

So is it too early to ask for another night off? I enjoyed myself the other night, letting my hair down and all.
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47 Human Paladin
We have comic books. JSYK
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Our policy, Raewynd, is that we work hard, and then play harder.

*tosses angry marmots about the channel* LET THE FUN BEGIIIIIIIIN!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
....So punting the marmot didn't help anyone?
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