Modas il Toralar is recruiting. (H/RP)

Written in fine script on leather parchment, hung from the door posts of backstreet taverns, on the walls of darkened alleys, and handed out with illicit deals. A prominent black chaos star is branded on each notice.

The Modas il Toralar is always seeking like minded individuals who seek a safe haven from the ethics and moral dilemmas that come from being within the confines of the Horde or Alliance. Many would have you believe that we are simply a group of crazed cultists, illegal slave traders, and blood thirsty criminals. But the Unwashed masses would have you believe many things that are simply not true. I can tell you that we are so much more than this. Seek us out. All you need do is send us notice and we will see for ourselves if you are truly fit to be among our numbers. We will rebuild this world into a better vision of perfection.

Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in the Modas il Toralar.
M. Weishaupt
Seneschal to the High Karcist

(( The Modas il Toralar is a Horde RP guild which primarily consists of evil aligned characters. For more information or to apply, please see our website at, or feel free to contact Thelinna, Aziel, or Kaerina in game if you have any questions!))
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85 Human Paladin
((Join them, yes. Get murdered by Terrans. Yessss.))
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08/22/2012 09:46 AMPosted by Lahkin
((Join them, yes. Get murdered by Terrans. Yessss.))

((Or murder Terrans! -nodnod- ))
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The jawless forsaken looks down at his ever faithful companion Clucky, a chicken of the Westfall region, half expecting the chicken to start talking. Unfortunatly for The Shift, the chicken merely clucks and walks around stupidly, maybe that means something important.

[May have to actually move this toon to a 'real' guild instead of this placeholder one. Especially if it means killing Terrans (I kid I kid, don't hurt me! /cowers in fear of Lahkin)]
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[May have to actually move this toon to a 'real' guild instead of this placeholder one. Especially if it means killing Terrans (I kid I kid, don't hurt me! /cowers in fear of Lahkin)]

((Huzzah moving to different guilds! :3 Killing Terrans is just one of many perks! :P ))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((YES! Join these people! Murder Terrans like they murdered Pillars! :D ))
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Modasss or Die, yesss!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock

[May have to actually move this toon to a 'real' guild instead of this placeholder one. Especially if it means killing Terrans (I kid I kid, don't hurt me! /cowers in fear of Lahkin)]

((Huzzah moving to different guilds! :3 Killing Terrans is just one of many perks! :P ))

((We have lots of perks. *nodnod* Full dental, health insurance....))
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90 Undead Priest

((Huzzah moving to different guilds! :3 Killing Terrans is just one of many perks! :P ))

((We have lots of perks. *nodnod* Full dental, health insurance....))

((And don't mind the bits about...*takes a deep breath, even though he doesn't breathe*


*whew* Anywho, it's just legalese fine print.))
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100 Worgen Rogue
Join the Modasss and Die, yesss!

Fixed that for ya, Maggot-man.
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100 Undead Warrior
*flailshaves Harmath in greeting*
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My Dear Thelinna,

So lovely to see the black banner flying proudly once again! I shall keep an eye out for young ladies and gentlemen of a darker nature in Homeland's longhouse. All sorts do pass through, you know, on their way to find themselves in the world, and one or two might prove useful to the old Order.

You may additionally count on us for aid in any public military expeditions. I won't lean on old friendships to pry into your secret operations -- I rather enjoy being surprised when they come to light, to be perfectly honest with you! -- but I will certainly encourage Homelanders to lend a sword in open warfare.

I hope you find many new Toralites! They add such character to our Horde.

Yours in Friendship,

Greatmother Arjah,

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100 Human Warlock
((Good peoples! Well, OOCly anyway!))
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Dearest Arjah,

I appreciate your offer of support to Modas il Toralar, as I am certain others do. I trust you and yours are well. I will be certain to keep you out of the loop and I do hope that Dree'jin will appropriately keep you out of our business, so as to maintain an appropriate distance and to keep you surprised as to what our activities are. We will consider taking your offer of assistance as it suits us, but we will gratefully take any Homelanders whom you may deem appropriate and would serve Lord Aziel well. We are always looking for new blood, as I am sure you are aware.

Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in Modas il Toralar.


Lady Thelinna Que'sheth
Claviger of the Fel Hand
Consort to Lord Aziel V'Ghera
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100 Human Warrior
(( This is a really good group of bad guys ))
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((-Pokes up.- Yes, we are still recruiting!

And we can totally cover your bad guy-ing needs, too. Other folks are always welcome to contact Aziel, myself, or any member who could direct you to the right person to talk to. Always looking for more guilds to roleplay with. :) ))
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100 Worgen Death Knight
((These are quality people top to bottom (and below; some of 'em stay below; easier to do evil deeds below...), and you should patronize them! They're responsible for all the fond memories I have of Burning Crusade, and are no doubt continuing to be amazing!))
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((-Pokes up.- ))
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
((Come for the evilness, stay for enthusiastically setting the world and its people on fire.))
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14 Undead Rogue
There's room for me, yesssss? *evil grin*
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