Modas il Toralar is recruiting. (H/RP)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
((I've been trying to join you guys for years, but I made this character the week TBC came out and as you can see I level slowly. One of these days I need to join an RP guild hordeside and I've always fancied you's guys. I even was talking to Aziel for a few days about it when he was still a warlock ))
Edited by Morindai on 9/7/2012 3:41 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Rogue
((Actually, Aziel returned to being a warlock after not too long, IIRC. I know he's back to a Warlock these days, at least.))
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09/07/2012 03:40 PMPosted by Morindai
((I've been trying to join you guys for years, but I made this character the week TBC came out and as you can see I level slowly. One of these days I need to join an RP guild hordeside and I've always fancied you's guys. I even was talking to Aziel for a few days about it when he was still a warlock ))

((Aziel returned to being a warlock around when Cata came out, actually. :P And if you want to join, you should really just apply on the website! ))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
((Yeah I am just lazy and also I enjoy having my own personal tabard to edit to match my current gear. :P I remember Aziel asking me to hit level 20 first, that must have been around 2007))
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100 Tauren Shaman
One such parchment happened to find its way to the stone face lining the entrance of the cave known as the Pool of Visions in Thunder Bluff. Kaeevanrash would not have spotted it otherwise, for he tended to avoid the darker places where these were more likely to be found.

The tauren shaman frowned in disgust as he read and recognized the brand and its authors. Was the parchment erroneously placed in a more open view, or were their recruiters actually getting bolder?

He snorted. It didn't matter, either way. He reached to grab it, but stopped, and looked around. Whispering a soft chant in his native tongue, he then made a gesture with his hand as he waved it slowly over the parchment, using a simple magic to discern whether or not it might have been imbued with some dark magic of its own to prevent tampering. He didn't expect to find anything on it, with it being in a more public view, but this was better than finding out the hard way.

Once he was certain there was no such magic on the parchment, he looked around again, seeing no one, before swiftly tearing it down and crumpling it in his hand as it burned with a call to Fire. He dropped the charred remains to the ground, and stomped it to ashes with his hoof before continuing on his way up to the Spirit Rise.

Were they getting bolder?

He breathed a sigh, hoping that another of these flyers in a public place wouldn't answer the question for him.
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(( -Pokes back up- ))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
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((-Pokes up once again!- ))
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90 Undead Warlock
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86 Troll Shaman
((Also good people. Well, OOCly at least.))
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100 Human Death Knight
(( Bump! Marii's never met the modas.. but perhaps one day! ))
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Bump for you, too.
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((Yay for bumps!

We're always looking for more folks, and now may be a good time to join since we're shortly going to be starting a new story arc for MoP! ))
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((-Pokes up.-))
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((-Pokes up again- Yes, we are still recruiting. :3 ))
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