Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

52 Blood Elf Warlock
What is this conviction you speak of? Is it a dedication to the life of merriment and mayhem? Or perhaps a bit of trickery...sleight of hand to convince you that I am not a cad.. just misunderstood. Yes that is it!! I am a fire mage...not a warlock...(shoves the imp into a backpack where it squeals a moment before being silenced with a kick)

I feel a need to feed my inner clown with trickery and cards, maybe a bit of silly flirtation with anyone who is not careful. Though it may never go anywhere. It's to feed the ego and garner trust. (clears throat slightly, crossing fingers behind the back)
90 Pandaren Warrior
Welcome all to curtain call
At the opera
Raging voices in my mind
Rise above the orchestra
Like a crescendo of gratitude
90 Pandaren Warrior


52 Blood Elf Warlock
In the Ghostlands, Riavis looked over the shambling undead. They were mindless wretches, knowing only killing and agony. He rode his dreadsteed through the throngs and watched as his voidwalker slaughtered them.

"There has to be a way to use them...not as mindless zombies...but as true soldiers. They walk, they fight, but how to turn them to a better cause?" he is speaking mainly to himself.

The succubus walking beside him shrugged. "Perhaps some music to unite them? Give them purpose....make them dance! Master, that is my advice. Use that magnificent magical instrument you have. You did imbue it with power...why not see if you can lead them to the Undercity, make them see the options."

Riavis turned to her with an incredulous stare. "Use my screaming guitare to entice them? My dear!! That is brilliant! Will it work?" his eyes went back to the undead as they raced after the voidwalker in mindless fury.

She snapped her whip and cooed softly, "Try will like it..."

Stepping off his dreadsteed, Riavis dug into his pack and brought out the instrument. He had originally meant it for a torture device. But he had found a few who actually liked the music he made with it. Gathering the magic into the hollow of the wood and steel instrument he began to play.

The voidwalker beat on the rocks and trees nearby making a stacatto accompaniment. The succubus added shrill screaming lyrics as Riavis shredded his licks joyously.


To his amazement he had the undead dancing and gathering around him. The music transcended the bonds of the Lich King, gave them new purpose...but would it stick after he stopped playing? How would he get them to Undercity? Could he march them through Silvermoon?
Edited by Riavis on 9/24/2013 1:37 PM PDT
I, too, would like to know what kind of conviction is required. Because if it's not legal convictions, then I murdered several people for no gain.

I'm eagerly awaiting a response.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Impressive display, newblood.

And Finn?



Run it by HR. Get back to you soon as we
52 Blood Elf Warlock
(bows gallantly) My pleasure, kind sir. Looking to start a trend here, oh by the way, anyone is invited to join my silliness thread, "Innovation" and I do hope somewhere along the line to get an IC invite to this glorious guild.
Impressive display, newblood.

And Finn?



Run it by HR. Get back to you soon as we I need a lawyer?
52 Blood Elf Warlock
Hmm, I wonder if this song qualifies me as a lawyer?
90 Pandaren Warrior

Mr Tree, you're screwed.
52 Blood Elf Warlock
Stumbling around in Anderhol, the fire mage giggled madly, "I love this!! The wretches dance to my tune now...Maybe I can get this group to Undercity. Lead them on, Kongron!! Drive them forward Fierrida!!" he crows as the whip snaps and the undead chase after his voidwalker, the succubus behind them.

How far would he get? The frenzy of the music gathered more, soon he had about twenty of the abominations and casters following him, skeletons dancing around the edges.
Edited by Riavis on 9/26/2013 5:07 PM PDT
90 Pandaren Warrior
We need a solid tenth to idiot-proof our blusterteam.

Looks like we've got one of every loot variety already, but we don't have any priests or shermins or deekays.

52 Blood Elf Warlock
Hints? Is that a direct query aimed at someone in particular? I can apply bandaids...heal my demons and myself sometimes if I am not interrupted too much.

Or are you hinting at a desparate need for more dps? I like healing but I suck big time at raids. I have a tauren druid at 77, I suppose I could level her and put her here if you wish...but she would need help getting to 90 and gearing up.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Sucking at something is the first step to being kinda good at something.
52 Blood Elf Warlock
You really like to tempt me don't you? I love to rp, but raiding is a job...but I will attempt it if you promise not to yell at me too much.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Yelling is just my way of telling you you shouldn't be doing this bad.
77 Tauren Druid
If you are willing to keep the yelling to a mild roar...I might consider it. Though how you think a Tauren would fit in with all of these ruffians...keep in mind a druid is able to shift forms in an instant, and the flap of wings from a stormcrow might not seem dangerous. But a roaring bear or a lethal cat with horns as well as claws and teeth...might not be so certain to quail with fear from even the mighty Inquisitor. And you know that orcas are not termed 'killer whales' out of whimsy...

I shall endeavor to set a time to meet with a representative at some future date. If you are interested...

(Riavis alt)
90 Pandaren Warrior
Meet with a representative.

How dare you make my people out to be civil.

Oh, and guys, we need a new thread title. Fifty gold to whomever can top Haddawayfarer's. And I dunno. A shot at Taz or whatever.

Both, if I'm feeling magnanimous.
77 Tauren Druid
Chuckles come from deep within as Ginik ambles through the Lorderon Ruins. "So this is where you hide? Nice place for spooks and shades, ghouls and skeletons...the grass looks a bit dull. You might consider hiring a gardener. Though with this dreary landscape it might not help. What you need is sunshine and lots of"

Her hooves make a clopping sound as she wanders through the many archways and through weeds and old crumbling walkways. "It used to be a lovely place I hear. I never saw it in it's heyday. It might have been dangerous then for me anyway. Where is this Inquisitor person? I have words for him if he is around...if not I guess an underling will do. I am here to apply for the job of healer. If you are still interested."

Gini looked around with a bored yawn. This place is too quiet."
"Hathawayfarer's Coterie: Sponsored by Anne Hathaway."

I'll take the cash value, please.
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