To the top, still looking for strong applicants from any class.
(A) <Chaotic Intent> is recruiting for 25's
Yup, up again.
Non-priest heals (SERIOUSLY)
Any high dps player. Lack of Rogue/DK dps.
One non-DK tank.
Non-priest heals (SERIOUSLY)
Any high dps player. Lack of Rogue/DK dps.
One non-DK tank.
90 Night Elf Druid
I simply cannot accept Pandaran warriors.... you should race change again. Also hi! Hope your spot filling is going well >.>
Edited by Happington on 2/17/2013 12:50 PM PST
Updated needs on the first post.
I'm interested in your feral druid opening. I'll look for you in game tonight.
Always looking for new people.
Could use Warlocks! For reals. We have none at the moment.
Also another rogue, mage, and a couple more healers!! Still looking for Druid dps with a heavy leaning towards a Boomkin!
Just contact me in-game with any questions!
Could use Warlocks! For reals. We have none at the moment.
Also another rogue, mage, and a couple more healers!! Still looking for Druid dps with a heavy leaning towards a Boomkin!
Just contact me in-game with any questions!
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