(A) <Chaotic Intent> is recruiting for 25's

90 Pandaren Warrior
Hello everyone,

Chaotic Intent is currently getting back into the swing of things and it's my job to fill our raid with bodies to mercilessly throw against clusters of pixels.

Currently I am looking for:
Ret Paladin
Feral Druid
Mistweaver Monk (High need!)
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid

Our raid schedule when active is Tue/Thur/Sunday from 6 PM server until 9 PM server time. We hard stop at 9 PM and rarely go over this time.

We're a good core of people and have recently added a new batch of experienced raiders to our group and are really looking forward to starting this raid tier off right!

If you're interested, contact me in-game (Collapser) or hit up Edlund (Or his Monk, Edrund) and Arides. We also have a website that can be found at chaoticintent.guildportal.com

Look forward to hearing from you!
Edited by Collapser on 3/10/2013 12:13 AM PST
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2 Dwarf Paladin

Would LOVE a Resto and Elemental shaman! And mages!
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90 Troll Druid
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90 Pandaren Warrior
CLAN! Who's going to battle rez me during trash when I pop all cd's and Bladestorm now?

I would miss me too.

Another bump just for fun! We also have quite a few Canadians and females! SOMETIMES BOTH.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Another bump just for fun! We also have quite a few Canadians and females! SOMETIMES BOTH.

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90 Night Elf Priest
Just wanted to poke my head in and say that I shared a raid group with Collapser for a decent chunk of my heroic DS progression and the guy never let us down while the group was still active.

If you're the type of person that likes to constantly improve their play, doesn't want to settle for endless NM farming, and do your damnedest (or enjoys butting your head against that one fight you just quite haven't sorted out yet) to knockout HM bosses then his group may be the shoe that fits.
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90 Worgen Druid
10/15/2012 01:06 PMPosted by Clandestine

Why are you horde? :|
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Melee DPS could use a Warrior, DK, Pally, or Shaman, possibly a Monk. Full on Rogues at the moment but exceptional applicants will be considered. Please have your gear raid ready when you apply, that means gems, enchants, and reforges.

Our forums are a little screwy right now. If you have trouble posting your app contact Collapser in game.
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90 Draenei Paladin
lfm bros pst
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90 Night Elf Rogue
10/21/2012 11:42 PMPosted by Lorrescence
lfm bros pst

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90 Pandaren Warrior
Still searching for a few choice classes.

Especially Resto or Elemental shaman, mages, spriests. Ping me in-game with any questions!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Have had a lot of interest so far, spots are filling up at a reasonable pace.

Still searching for:

Resto or Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Possibly a Resto Druid
Ret Pally
DPS Warrior
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100 Human Warrior
Still room for DPS warrior? I'd be very interested.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Hi Lessar,

I responded to your in-game mail, but get a hold of me tonight at some point if you can so I cn talk to you. I should be on around 6 server time.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
el bumpo.

25 mans are back in full swing with lots of activity. Blasted our way through 3/6 MV in our first two nights back. Easy 4/6, possible 5/6 Sunday night.

Currently searching for:

Resto Shaman (High priority)
Mistweaver Monk (High priority)

Resto Druid (Strong DPS offspec a huge plus)
Arms/Fury Warrior

All strong applicants as usual will be considered regardless of class, so feel free to apply! You can find me in-game if you have any questions!
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90 Human Warrior
Back to the top with you! Still looking for a variety of players, but we're slightly more than full on melee dps!
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90 Pandaren Monk
biggity bounce, I think we need some ranged dps and healers
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90 Human Warrior
Bump again. Still looking for the following:

Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Druid DPS (Boomkin pref.)
Holy Paladin

Serious need for a Resto Shaman. All of our mail spirit gear is going to offset specs. QQ.
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90 Night Elf Priest
Heya, Shironi (Kraf) here. You guys still recruiting? I raided with CI back in BC and currently getting back in the swing of raiding. However, I'm a Disc priest and just did a /who on you guys and realize you have a crap ton of priests. I currently have an 86 Pally, and my Shammy is only in the 50's. I'd be willing to try out Holy Pally, as I'm raising her for Ret PvP right now. I'd need to get geared and all that, but are you guys still lookin for people? Also have a mage/85 druid friend who's on the look out with me.
Edited by Shironi on 1/22/2013 9:03 PM PST
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90 Human Warrior
Bump again - class updates

EXTREMELY HIGH NEED: Any high dps player, regardless of class. (Only exception is Shadow Priest)

Medium need: Resto Druid, Mistweaver Monk
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