RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

90 Blood Elf Monk
So Rath's character is shaping up to be interesting :P

Working on a post for the journal now.
21 Blood Elf Hunter
Holy crap, it took me three posts to put that up! Anyway, Elleanor's conclusion is written and posted. Let me know what you think. :)
Alright, first post as Muruk is done! And it's Muruk with one 'r', just so everyone knows. The name "Muruk" was already taken in game.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Muruk, that was so cool to read. I feel your frustration of wanting to be a warrior, and being told what you will be instead. Well, written!

Elleannor, what can I say, excellent. I could feel the cousin's pain. As always you keep me intrigued in what you write. Even after having been there, I like your descriptive writing skills in giving an old saw, new skin so to speak.

Looking forward to the continued story of Muruk. And perhaps of a certain lady mage too?

(Elleannor, I know they are both yours, but you gave Muruk a good slant in his career path, and I'm curious about the mage too. Love your writing!)
Edited by Cyaer on 3/4/2013 10:32 AM PST
Thank you so much for the positive feedback Cyaer! It's encouraging to hear that I'm at the very least capable sending a message across to other people. I'm looking forward to having more compelling quest-lines to write about, because I was really bored with Durotar. As for Laurissa, I'll definitely come in as her at some point, once I feel that I have enough time on my hands.

Just read your post and I like it; just when everything seemed to be perfect for Cyaer, tragedy strikes. I'm kicking myself for not having read through the other threads yet, but hopefully I can get it done soon (hopefully!).
Edited by Murruk on 3/4/2013 4:27 PM PST
90 Blood Elf Monk
Liking the posts people.

Ah the joys of quick leveling!
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm so bad about this. I'll be writing for Kel, and possibly Arathiana, because I have an idea, and then... just writing in general.

I'm impressed with everyone's writing, and now I know I need to up the bar on my own...

Have a great week!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
My apologies for Friday night and Saturday morning but this weekend is a take your wife on dates weekend!

Friday night we are going to a MS gala fundraiser/dinner/auction. This will be a fourth annual evening going, and we have so much fun. I remember I bought a cat basket that had DVDs for cats. And the cats loved it!

Saturday morning it is to the Imax theater for Oz the Great and Powerful in 3D! Oh, we are both stoked to go see this, and are looking forward to seeing it with a big barrel of popcorn and soda.

I might be able to sign on briefly Friday night around 10 or 11, but the movie is at 10:30 am and I want a little sleep under my belt.
Edited by Cyaer on 3/8/2013 12:48 PM PST
38 Blood Elf Mage
So, yeah. I'm back and stuff. :3 A good friend of mine has trasferred over to our ealm to RP with me and so a lot of my journal entries will be what's going on between him and Tis. So, let's make it a great day and stuff! :)
90 Blood Elf Paladin
TIS WELCOME BACK Xal Will be happy to see you again, as for the new comers, I haven't seen you all around much, but I look forward to meeting y'all in game! I loved the journal Entries, very interesting to read made me want more, especially yours tis, that sounds like a very interesting storyline for you Have fun with it, Ill see y'all soon ingame and such!
38 Blood Elf Mage
Well thank you! And Tis will be very happy to see Xal again.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Ah yes, I would also like to add one more thing to my agenda,

I plan to use the Death Knight (Now Farkas no longer solorin) for some more Musing evilness, and I require 2 people, it doesn't matter whom, just anyone that wants to help me out on my RP Schemes :3 afterall whats the fellowship with out a few bits of evil here and there :D

I need 2 things,
Another Death Knight, I already Have Saro, and hes fantastic!!
and 2 a victim so that I can catch some notice, any one willing to help, it would be Greatly apreciated! Just contact me In game or via ingame mail if you have any questions or Concerns :3
90 Blood Elf Monk
Oh this is good.

Rath gets to kill people! ^.^

*Steeples his fingers* Excellent...
90 Blood Elf Rogue
03/12/2013 10:51 AMPosted by Sølorin
afterall whats the fellowship with out a few bits of evil here and there :D

Quiet, peaceful, and not at odds with itself.

I guess some haven't learned to read the Message of the Day.

Instead of tearing itself apart from within, why not something that will build the Fellowship, and strengthen its members? I grow weary of kidnappings, and evil for evil's sake. I guess there's no way to edify the members of the Fellowship.

Fine, Cyaer go try building a member edifying/building activity. Hmm, I'll admit I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, or the sharpest knife in the drawer, thinking isn't my forte, but how about a scavenger hunt, where our members go searching for those ever elusive clues or artifacts strown all over Azeroth's lands.

Or maybe just a time to get together in fellowship (what? fellowship?) and just enjoying meeting others in the guild, like a picnic, or dinner, or such?

Or ice cream! An old fashion ice cream social with ice cream, cake, and of course cookies and ice cold milk?

I don't detect anything "evil" or tearing down the Fellowship there. And maybe we can RP some as far as meeting others in our "family" of the Rising Sun Fellowship.

It's easier to destroy, and hurt, but what about thinking about ways we can build up and help instead. And we have some really excellent RPers in this guild. Why not RP with our new recruits or such?

*Slowly steps off his soapbox, and clears his throat*

Have a good day, Fellowship.
Edited by Cyaer on 3/20/2013 11:12 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
How sad the only things you can all come up with involve treachery, crime, sadistic torture and mental breakdowns. I agree with Cyaer. There are plenty of scenes you can play out that involve something besides personal tragedy.

I know you are all good rpers and maybe having trouble thinking of new storylines. Why not try and play out some of the things that are happening in the game? I had an idea to open up rp with the lower levels on another realm I am playing on and it is a lot of fun. We set up tutoring sessions with the higher levels giving out quests for the lower levels to complete. The rewards are crafted items they can use. It makes for some interesting rp.

Honestly, you can all do better. You have gotten into a rut of playing sad scenes and violence. It is depressing, try for some happier things!
90 Blood Elf Rogue

Someone understands.
I agree with some of what was said by Cyaer. A guild has to have a varying plot-line that ties in all its members. This... "Hey I'm a bad guy now!" mentality works in small group settings but when you are trying to do a -guild- RP you have to take into account several different factors.

1. Guild direction - What is the current direction being set by the leaders/members (This all depends on how the guild is set up, in our case this means either a democratic decision -shudders- or Kel sets the direction).

2. Achieving the guild direction - This is where Kel assigns individuals tasks, for instance if the guild direction is to distance itself from the Horde then Kel would assign people the tasks of working to sever connections there. If the goal is to set up a base of operations outside of the city then Kel would assign tasks to accomplish that. This is where you get to have your individual story-arc bits, where you develop your character and create a complex enjoyable character. No 2-D characters, I dislike them as do most people.

3. The wrench in the gears - This is the time when things go haywire, when things start to fall apart and the -guild- must work to build it up again. These usually come in the form of plans being squished by other guilds/organizations or external enemies. For instance the Alliance, Zandalari, Scoure, etc. However if a villain is requested then that villain must be well thought out and not just some one-time evil do'er. (More later)

4. Overcoming challenges - This is where Kel/officers lead the guild to rally against the challenges and mesh together to face the multifaceted challenge of reaching their goals with opposition ahead of them. How that is done is purely based on the characters who are GM/Officers, you should not be OOCly directing this. If you are I -will- smack you.

5. Success/Failure - At this point the goals come to fruition and either are a success or failure. Failure is not a bad thing, it does not mean someone is dead and things fall apart it means, "Alright back to the drawing board while we lick our wounds." Which is great for character development which is the -entire- point of good RP.

On the subject of villains since it appears absolutely none here no really how to do a good villain.

1. Creation of Villain - Its multifaceted, complicated and doesn't come in cookie cutter builds. An evil villain could be like Illidan, evil by necessity to save his people and then betrayed by them. Arthas, a fallen hero trying to save his people but in the end destroys them. For less cliche villain arcs we could look at character who is evil -by- choice. A character who knows they are evil/monstrous and have no qualms with who/what they are, in fact they -like- who they are.

Examples of these types of characters are visible in many different stories, the main thing is to let the character create itself. Take a personality trait, set it in a character and let the character build itself.

2. Insertion into the story - When it comes to placing the villain upon a path that crosses the guild it is a delicate matter. You can't just have them go "SMASH!" and let the chips fall where they may. Villains, -good- villains, don't just go all Hulk on a storyline and say "SMASH!" Good villains plan, think and work to isolate elements. They have to find the guild fascinating in someway. Whether its because the love of their life (The woman/man they've stalked and helped grow, at least in their own mind, betrays them in some way that only they know) or they find the philosophy of the guild interesting and want to tear it apart.

The villain has to have the -desire- to do this, if there is no desire you can't just -create- some to suit your OOC goals of adding "drama." I hate drama. I get enough in real life and I don't like drama for the sake of drama. If I wanted to read a story where there was constant killing/drama/vomit worthy bullsh*t I would go read a Shakespeare play. He did it well and is the only person I will allow to get away with such nonsense.

3. Plan, Plan and more planning - The villain plans, keeps planning and when they think they are done plan some more. They don't actually just -act- they think they maneuver they deploy assets into the field and act like they are the Spymaster of the greatest nation in the world. They draw to them a group of truly evil and broken people. These people are easily persuadable and can be made into perfect tools. Villains hate free thinking minions because free thinking means that they might turn on them.

Once they have assembled their assets and intelligence -then- they act. And they do it subtlety, they play 1 pawn and wait. Then they move another and wait. They -never- play their hand till they believe they have undoubtedly won. Any villain worth their salt isn't stupid enough to just go "Hah! I have you where I want you know die!" Until they have their enemies separate, broken, disorganized and easy to kill. So if you think you can just go out of the blue and say "Hey kel! Can my villain come kidnap you?" The answer will be no and I will smack you with a bat.

You must have a fully worked out plan, with goals and plans. When a villain kidnaps/kills someone they do it with a purpose. They do it with an end game in mind, if you aren't worth their interest they will disregard you and either kill you outright or just ignore you as a non-factor.

4. Action - Here is where the first few moves occur, the villain steps out into the world and makes a few moves. SENDING out their minions to do the dirty work while they watch through a crystal ball, or from afar and smiling as they watch their plans work out. These early stages never decide anything and so the villain will win these engagements/moves. This builds his/her confidence and allows them to make their future moves.

If they are defeated early on they will quit and go back to the drawing board which ends up just destroying the villain as most will just move on to an easier target and those that do not are either insane or just don't give a flying f*ck.

5. End game - This is where the pieces all fall. Everyone shows their hand and the villain let's his overall plan play out. The "heroes" come to stop him/her in a place of the -villain's- choosing, this is important because if it isn't then the villain will be swarmed by the number of heroes and defeated easily and decisively which is just stupid so no more nonsense of big epic battles where its 2+ verse 1.

The villain's minions/traps stop/snare/injure/kill several of the heroes adding more to the creation of good character development and by the time they reach the villain there are only about 1-2 left. Good odds for any villain we can create and battle begins!

The villain will normally try to twist the two against each other and as things go on it becomes obvious the villain will lose he plays a desperation card and threatens to either blow up his doomsday device, kill the one he/she is holding, or lashes out with rage allowing their power to take control. At this point the heroes, if it is decided that the heroes are to win (They do not have to and I love it when they don't because it makes so much better character RP creation, no this does not mean they have to die) then the villain is defeated and the heroes try to figure out what to do.


@Jahanna: Some of what you said is good however sad/violent story lines have something that your "Let's train and forget the world is dark/evil!" plots don't. The ability to create complex and deep characters with faults and strengths and allow them to fall from grace or rise to the occassion.

I -hate- 2-D characters and I see a lot of them. 2-D characters are the bane of my existence and I hate working with them. It makes the RP dictated and control and hard to play out because you know what will happen. 3-D character, yes, are harder to make but they are so much more fun.

Level should never define a RP and when it does you have to sigh and say "Ugh so I am stuck doing this nonsense till I decide to level this toon?" Yes it should have a small amount of bearing on what happens but nowhere near saying "Low levels are stuck being trained by higher levels."

For instance should Cyaer and Ratheron ever get into it; Cyaer would have more experience on Rath but Rath would have the strength of far better training and control over himself.

This would balance itself out and make any RP fight a 50/50 toss up despite level, not because we use dice (This will be stopping by the way I hate it just decide OOCly) but because we look at the characters and their strengths/weaknesses.

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Any lecture I could give, even on a good day, is mostly topped by Tyr. So.

This has my stamp of approval, if that counts for anything anymore. And I agree with Cy and Tyr.

And, by the way, I really do have a plan. Trust me for once. We'll work it out next weekend when we have a meeting.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Honestly, you can all do better. You have gotten into a rut of playing sad scenes and violence. It is depressing, try for some happier things!

Also.. Mia.

Really? Can I point out that -your- dragging on the Vira storyline is a large part of what got us stuck in this rut?

Not to be rude, or anything. Never that, simply I've had a long two weeks, so forgive me if I come across as b*tchy.

I do, however, agree with Tyr in that level doesn't preclude RP, and never has in the Fellowship to my knowledge.

Now. Let's be done with this immature silliness and move on.
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