03/12/2013 10:51 AMPosted by
Sølorin afterall whats the fellowship with out a few bits of evil here and there :D
Quiet, peaceful, and not at odds with itself.
I guess some haven't learned to read the Message of the Day.
Instead of tearing itself apart from within, why not something that will build the Fellowship, and strengthen its members? I grow weary of kidnappings, and evil for evil's sake. I guess there's no way to edify the members of the Fellowship.
Fine, Cyaer go try building a member edifying/building activity. Hmm, I'll admit I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, or the sharpest knife in the drawer, thinking isn't my forte, but how about a scavenger hunt, where our members go searching for those ever elusive clues or artifacts strown all over Azeroth's lands.
Or maybe just a time to get together in fellowship (what? fellowship?) and just enjoying meeting others in the guild, like a picnic, or dinner, or such?
Or ice cream! An old fashion ice cream social with ice cream, cake, and of course cookies and ice cold milk?
I don't detect anything "evil" or tearing down the Fellowship there. And maybe we can RP some as far as meeting others in our "family" of the Rising Sun Fellowship.
It's easier to destroy, and hurt, but what about thinking about ways we can build up and help instead. And we have some really excellent RPers in this guild. Why not RP with our new recruits or such?
*Slowly steps off his soapbox, and clears his throat*
Have a good day, Fellowship.