RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

90 Blood Elf Priest
Alright! *rubs her hands together* The long awaited RP is here.

And. If it takes up like. 20 posts. I'm sorry. This is about... what... 8-10 hours worth of straight RP just to write it up?
90 Blood Elf Monk
15 Posts*

22 pages on google equates to 15 posts hehe

Anyway yes that is the Tyrael Eve Shadowless front! Enjoy them for they are gonna be so much fun!
90 Blood Elf Priest
Yeah. 15 posts. It's still a new record for one entry on the Journal. Haha! I don't think it counts, being collaborated, but there will be more like this in the future :x
68 Blood Elf Mage
All right, posts are up and I will be going into game to meet with Cyaer and arrange some letters to be sent. I enjoyed your posts, Ratheron and Shadow. It helped me to understand a bit more of what you are trying to do. I hope I can bring some rp you will enjoy. Vivi is a cultured elf with some eclectic tastes. As we discussed, she is a snake charmer and uses her pets to intimidate others and for her own amusement.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Oh, my. We just turned to page 22 of the IC Journal thread. I cannot believe we are ready to move to #4 so soon. I think of it as an dedication of our members writing their little hearts out.

Of course, having a 15/15 post helped immensely. LOL.

Rising Sun Fellowship, I salute you, and the next mile marker as we will soon be entering our fourth book? YAY! Woot, Woot!
90 Blood Elf Monk
Cy, just you wait until we start getting into Ares vs Selethen. That will be a very, very long entry. And it will be spanning over the course of... maybe a week or two.
That's gonna be longer than the date. My combat RPs usually span many pages.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Yeah, but I'm absolute !@#$ at writing combat, so it'll be on him again. The two things I can't write... horror and combat. lmao.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
For some strange reason I feel this is the rp I have been dying to get into. I salute you Ashoc and Shadow. I think the Fellowship is becoming more of the "As the World of Warcraft Turns" variety than it ever has!

But I digress. This is Mia alt, by the way for those of you who did not know. I do not often play male characters, but Syd has been one of mine for a long time and I do not often get to play with him in rp. I have been trying to develop him a bit more and get comfortable with playing a death knight IC.

Sydric is still the head of the House of Silverhawk. He will be a crony of Vivieka's and tied to her by a treaty negotiated many years ago when the Houses were both struggling to gain power. There is no romance, nothing more than friendship. Besides I am in the camp of firmly believing that DK's just do not have that functionality. Of course this is open to some debate with some insisting it is.

At any rate, I am glad to see the return of some great rp to the Fellowship. Suffer well my friends!
90 Blood Elf Monk
Hey Nic.


I know it's not perfect, but there's a gist and you can look into it as much as you want while you wait to hit 90 and do the quests for yourself. :3
90 Blood Elf Rogue
"If you never say hello, you won't ever have to say good-bye."
Edited by Cyaer on 4/11/2013 2:14 PM PDT
74 Blood Elf Rogue
Only 6 posts :> We kept it shorter this time.
90 Blood Elf Monk
[06:05] Shadow drops heavily into his lap.
[06:05] [Shadow] says: Raaath.
[06:06] Ratheron Firehawk laughs as he wraps his arms around her, "Yes my dear?"
[06:06] Shadow nuzzles into his stomach, clinging to him with a whimper, half soaking wet. "Fishing is hard."
[06:07] Ratheron Firehawk nods sagely at her, "Yes do you know what fishing requires?" He asked in an unreadable tone, as if he was hiding something from her... maybe his amusement.
[06:07] [Shadow] says: Catching fish!
[06:08] Ratheron Firehawk laughs and shakes his head, "Oh no that is the easy part... If you can master the hard part." He continues to keep his face and tone unreadable as he looks down at her.
[06:09] [Shadow] says: ... Catching fish...?
[06:09] Ratheron Firehawk shakes his head at her, "It is something you are still learning." He said quietly.
[06:09] Shadow grows silent.
[06:09] [Shadow] says: I have to heal the fish!?


Dear god. *facepalm*
90 Blood Elf Monk
Yeah. Triple post. I'm sorry. This is something I've been promising people I'd post for days.

So. There’s been a lot of confusion about what this is that Ashy is doing. This plot. People want to influence the major overall theme, the large bits. One person asks why they can’t just ‘hide’ someone from a very large house with a major influence. Another says that there isn’t enough creative room in the plot. I think that we should just sit down and I’ll do my best to explain exactly what this is.

So what is this?

This is a story driven roleplay. It isn’t a freeform, completely creative roleplay where you can be, do, and say anything you want and the only reaction made is by those around you.

The actions your character makes not only influences your character, those roleplaying, and the theme of the roleplay itself.

Basically, think Dungeons & Dragons.

Ashok is our Dungeon Master. That means, he controls the NPCs, the environment, and how he wants to see this thing through. Not us. Not our characters. What our characters and us, as roleplayers do, is try to find a way to overcome and outsmart what he has set up to be fact. We are not here to make our characters change the facts.

The first rule of a story driven roleplay is... enjoy it.

I have seen very few people actually willing to enjoy these roleplays because they worry too much about it and overthink it. They don’t seem to know how to handle it for what it is. And that’s fine. Many people I know actually avoid story driven roleplays because they enjoy being the ones to run the story and have complete control.

I, for one, enjoy letting go of my characters and letting them run into more dangerous and creative situations than I, alone, could come up with. I enjoy seeing my character interact with the NPCs and being put into drama and danger that all leads up to a fun climax and a resolution that made me go “Man, that was fun!”.

My characters might hate it. But they hate me, anyway. I’m never nice to them.

The second rule of a story driven roleplay is to relax.

The third rule is to not be afraid to hash things out with the one leading the roleplay. If you want your character to do this to that guy or be the one to find the throne of bananas, let him know. If it fits in his story, he’ll weave it in with you. If it doesn’t, then don’t be afraid to think of new and creative ways to immerse yourself into the world.


I have an assassin. There is an assassin in the Firehawks. I ask if it’s okay to let the two of them go head to head by saying “Gee, wouldn’t it be fun if...”. With no intention of having my character kill the other or be victorious. I never have any hidden end in mind when saying “Gee, wouldn’t it be fun if...” because it leaves so many things open!

If my assassin were to fail, there could be a rescue mission if he lives. There could be someone who finds him near death, creating some roleplay to further tie him into the Fellowship as a group, or let him get to know one or two individuals, who also might get to know him better than others. He could even get brainwashed and everything he knows would belong to the enemy, creating even more conflict than before.

If my assassin wins, he could gain some real points for taking out an enemy. He could learn some vital information that could turn the tide of battle. He could have the enemy come after him, either to kill him or to try to bribe him with money to become the new assassin. He could become a double agent or he could give in to his greed and betray everyone he once cared about for the money and power that held the previous assassin he killed.

That’s the entire point to these roleplays. To give up control and say “So, what if...”. If it doesn’t fit into the overall theme, that’s okay! Don’t think of it as a restraint, because it’s the DM’s job, Ashy’s job, to make sure that the (yes) already complex plot doesn’t get over complicated. Trust him, don’t be too worried, and don’t think that he’s out to get anyone. He’s doing this for fun just as much as we’re participating in it to have fun. And if it’s not something we can enjoy as being fun, then there isn’t too much point in having it at all, unfortunately...

And I would love to see this roleplay come out strong, as a positive thing for everyone, and as something that we can all enjoy. Because, these events are really rare because they do become stressful for the one(s) running these things.

In the immortal words of Crabby. Be kind, rewind!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am glad you are trying to help us fit in Shadow. I like to see this kind of rp as well. I have not been able to get into it too much though. I see a lot of interaction between your characters and Ashoc's. I do not see a way as of yet to tie in my characters. I am holding off until things are worked out for Kel.

I want to see a way to get Vivieka offering support to the RSF. I want to have Jahana helping with the guildstones. I already talked to Cyaer about it. This is only small things and nothing that would do much to further or disrupt the main plot.

Trying to be involved is hard when I am not sure where I can fit in. Most of my characters are relatively new to the Fellowship. So none have the longstanding knowledge of the Sunblaze House or any of either of your or Ash's characters. I did have a mage that was a Firehawk but she was one who ran off with someone against the family's wishes and I switched her character to Alliance. She is not involved at all.

So give me an opening, how can I fit in? I cannot use the OOC knowledge to know things, I am not one to do that. I offered to bring Jazzy in from the Alliance side to investigate the disappearance of her only tie to the Firehawks and was told no it won't be happening. I understand that.

So now Kel and Cy are involved with a love triangle with Nic. This is hard for them to deal with on top of the rest of it. More drama.

Sorry I am trying to see a way to get involved and I keep coming up with a blank. If Kel and Cy are in hiding, and the rest of the Fellowship is running all over trying to avoid running into Firehawks it feels a bit hopeless. Since we really do not have any of the knowledge IC to do anything.
04/12/2013 12:34 AMPosted by Jahana
So give me an opening, how can I fit in? I cannot use the OOC knowledge to know things, I am not one to do that. I offered to bring Jazzy in from the Alliance side to investigate the disappearance of her only tie to the Firehawks and was told no it won't be happening. I understand that.

Honestly you could just don't expect me to be able to give you Dalen at the present. I like where I have him, all mysterious and lost simply because it fits the plot and the story. I may have him come back and if you wish to include Jazzy that is totally acceptable imo.

04/12/2013 12:34 AMPosted by Jahana
Trying to be involved is hard when I am not sure where I can fit in. Most of my characters are relatively new to the Fellowship. So none have the longstanding knowledge of the Sunblaze House or any of either of your or Ash's characters. I did have a mage that was a Firehawk but she was one who ran off with someone against the family's wishes and I switched her character to Alliance. She is not involved at all.

I think the issue is you are trying to have your character already involved. The Fellowship hasn't stopped recruiting or offering its support to anyone who wishes to join. Your blood mage might find it prudent to challenge the Firehawk's subtlety by sending aid and "champions" to fight for the Fellowship against Tychus/Firehawks to achieve success. If the Fellowship beats the Firehawks they will look weak and the other Houses will descend upon them to devour them.

Right there you have an angle for Vivi to play and gain entry into the plot.

04/12/2013 12:34 AMPosted by Jahana
So now Kel and Cy are involved with a love triangle with Nic. This is hard for them to deal with on top of the rest of it. More drama.


Sorry I am trying to see a way to get involved and I keep coming up with a blank. If Kel and Cy are in hiding, and the rest of the Fellowship is running all over trying to avoid running into Firehawks it feels a bit hopeless. Since we really do not have any of the knowledge IC to do anything.

You sent a letter by courier mail to Ratheron he received it. He will contact Fae to get in contact with Vivi. Sometimes patience is the best thing for such things. This is a very large plot and it won't end in the near future. It will take many months to play out because it all culminates in 5.4 which is many many months away.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Ok I am sorry for being impatient. I will wait until Ratheron sends Pfaedra or Vivieka (Viragona) a letter asking or setting up a meeting. Vivi cannot move until she gets an answer. Pfaedra escaped the city and is in hiding in the Ghostlands. Jahana is in Northrend staying out of sight.

In the meantime I enjoy reading your posts and the story, it feels like I am watching everything happen from a distance. But it is a good story.
90 Blood Elf Monk
To be honest, Mia. That's the point. There are plot points to the story that we wanted to share with everyone that is taking form in a 'private' RP and we want to share the threads with you.

What would be more interesting to the other RPers? Tyrael and Eve suddenly announcing "Oh, by the way, there's these dudes called The Black Hand and they're evil, kay?"

Or reading about how it was discovered and how Tyrael and Eve are moving. They are a separate unit from the Fellowship so their interaction is extremely limited, leading to a lot of the story points that will all come together in the future being cut down to a few lines of dialogue or completely lost all together.

The same goes for Ares and Selethen. A lot of my characters right now aren't even tied to the Fellowship, so their stories right now are mainly interacting with the Fellowship in forms of their journal posts.
Shadow has it right. The plot points, where the first major point in the plot comes (Which is coming soon) requires these elements as they are. When it comes to that point and I'm not revealing anything related to it yet because I still have to talk to Kel about it and finish setting it up is that unknown factor.

I will quote Rath because he said it right, "Two swords is far better than one." ICly this makes sense and ICly this is going to help push the plot forward, or down, however you wish to look at it.

It will get intense, it will get epic, it will be a nail biter. Your characters won't die but don't try to write them as surviving this unscathed. This is, plain and simple, a war of survival against a force that could swat the Fellowship down without so much as a thought if it wanted to. But being who they are they don't do that so this is how it happens.

Shadow got it right just relax and let it move forward think of it like a Meep thread this isn't a short 1 round RP plot. This is "Hey we are following the story of the expansion because it works with what we want." plot and therefore it will span a long time.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Very well, I see we can do a lot in the forums. I will do some things and you can observe or react how you choose. All of these things could be done on the forums if it is easier for Kel and others to keep up.

edit: I added a few things. Neryth can add his own flavor to my little story of how we beat the bandits. We traveled at night and sleep during the day. Have fun with it Neryth!.

The rest of it is just stuff that Vivi and Syd are preparing to do. Small moves and nothing too world shaking. Trying to be subtle!! As soon as they get the word they will do more. After the meeting with Ratheron. All the things they did are not directed at anyone or anything.
Edited by Jahana on 4/13/2013 4:38 AM PDT
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