RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

86 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello Manjooku, and yes the object of the challenge is to level from 1 to 85 without a death, so no DK's are not accepted for the challenge. But you are welcome to make a DK for rp or even just as support for your character with gold. Review the rules for the challenge as listed on the first page link. The whole guild is set up primarily as an rp guild. So if you like rping a DK then go for it. But a challenger has to be started from level 1 and not die.
99 Worgen Priest
10/10/2012 04:45 PMPosted by Karamia
Hello Manjooku, and yes the object of the challenge is to level from 1 to 85 without a death, so no DK's are not accepted for the challenge. But you are welcome to make a DK for rp or even just as support for your character with gold. Review the rules for the challenge as listed on the first page link. The whole guild is set up primarily as an rp guild. So if you like rping a DK then go for it. But a challenger has to be started from level 1 and not die.

Right thats what I thought.... Man Shorren needs to meet the leader of the Fellowship hes tired of being unimformed :P
100 Blood Elf Paladin
10/10/2012 11:22 AMPosted by Manjooku
Also, for the journal entries, could we write them in game via mail and saving the pages and then mailing copies to the masters? That would seem the most in character to me, and a cool way to use the mail system as a method of rping.

Oh no...

Oh no no...

Please don't do that to me. I will scream.

Nicely, of course. But seriously, please no. I don't want to be responsible for typing people's journal entries up for them, it's not hard to do yourself.

EDIT: As far as meeting Kel goes, I'll be around some today.
Edited by Kellatira on 10/11/2012 5:58 AM PDT
99 Worgen Priest
10/11/2012 05:57 AMPosted by Kellatira
As far as meeting Kel goes, I'll be around some today.

I am on only o weekends but not saturday this week... got a forensics tournament :|

Oh well maybe sunday
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm going to be out all weekend, except possibly sunday night, I have a big meet.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I will be out this weekend, too.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Auxi, I stand and applaud your entry today. It was clear, concise, and scared the bejesus out of me. Woman, you make me want to be a better writer. No kidding, that was and is my favorite posting you have ever done! Excellent!

Edit: My heart is pounding in my chest. I want to know what's going on so badly I can taste it. And I have re-read that entry over and over. Oh...
Edited by Cyaer on 10/11/2012 11:02 AM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Hey, Auxi...

I just realized something. If you go back and read all the entries on that page, yours kinda makes sense.
86 Blood Elf Paladin
That has to be the shortest post for Auxi I have ever seen. And yet it has all of us on the edge of our seats...

ok posting for Mia
99 Worgen Priest


100 Blood Elf Paladin
Explanations will come.

99 Worgen Priest

/picks up table

/flips table again

100 Blood Elf Paladin
*Pats gently*

No one is dying, I may have to bring in a friend, though, to explain...

Auxi! I'm going to give them hints as to what happened, people may or may not jump on you when you get back.

EDIT: You know there's a flippable table item?
Edited by Kellatira on 10/12/2012 5:13 AM PDT
95 Human Death Knight
Ash now knows what happened, but he's keeping his mouth shut so as to not spoil Auxi's and my fun.
86 Blood Elf Paladin
I know I still need to have a final death for Vira, I miss playing my warlock. But I am having so much fun exploring Pandaria. Cyaer and I want to explore it slowly and absorb the lore and do all th eneat new things. I found some books in game too, very excited they have kept this feature in game. I love looking for books.

For anyone who wants to find out what Vira has been doing, she has been almost taken over completely by her demon form. She will be looking for members of the Fellowship to add to her collection again soon. I wish I could make her more like the Jade witch in Pandaria. Turning people into statues and setting them in her garden....what a nice picture it makes...
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Sounds like the Winter Witch/Queen from the first Narnia book, "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe". She enjoyed turning people into stone.

And no, we don't need Viragona doing that.
90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh I know you all missed me, and I so enjoy wreaking havoc. Hmm so many new members to meet and torment. Delicious little morsels...ah this tome has taught me so much.

I shall set a trap and coax them in with promises of power and gold...
87 Blood Elf Paladin

EDIT: You know there's a flippable table item?

Flippable table item?

I want...
99 Worgen Priest
will post for Shorren in a bit... alot happened
95 Human Death Knight
I'm back! And have been up for 13 hours!

I make no promises about mental capacity, but I owe Cy, Sol, and Ash RP.
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