RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

86 Blood Elf Hunter
Sorry for the short and boring journal entry, Fyn's life just isn't overly exciting at the moment, lol.
Edited by Fynnariel on 6/4/2013 1:07 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin

Also: I'll be around tonight, I was raiding last night and I'm working all day today, but I'd like to set my priest up with the fellowship in an unorthodox way.
90 Night Elf Hunter
I'm moving my Priest over to CC >:D Thank goodness for that 50% off character services....

Krystala is coming.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh gawd. Don't hurt me.

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Oh dear, like we need a crazed priest...(joking!!!)

I hope to see more new faces soon. We need to get more active. Summer is here, and I see a whole ton of new threads opening up including Lia's. I may be spending more time on forums than I do in game!!

What did you have in mind Kel? I hope things are working out for you in real life. I pray for all my friends here. I am not doing much but trying to figure out if I want to add a window AC unit for my room. It can get rather warm in here in summer.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
An unorthadox way eh? I'm excited to see that.

Sorry Jahana, my life is rather hectic at the moment and I've been logging in extremely late at night. Usually the only one on at those times, lol. I'll try to get Fyn in there at a more reasonable hour for some rp.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Unorthodox indeed. We'll see what happens to her.

I have a plan, and it shall remain a surprise.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Can't wait to see it, Kel.

With all the 'couples' in the guild I almost feel like I need a partner for Rhannah, but I'm rather fussy about who she's with and of course my schedule kind of makes things hard.

Anyway, I'm working on my next journal entry, I just have to sort a few things out before I post it.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am surprised not a word from Ratheron and Shadow all week! Where you guys hiding? Don't tell me you are too busy raiding to rp?
70 Blood Elf Warlock
Shhh. Close the door. Mommy and daddy are having private time. Just get a drink of water and go back to sleep. *locks the door*
90 Blood Elf Monk
Shhh. Close the door. Mommy and daddy are having private time. Just get a drink of water and go back to sleep. *locks the door*
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Sigh... Private time... sounds wonderful.

On an OOC note, I soloed Chess for the first time ever and got the Netherspace Abyssal pet to drop from Prince!
70 Blood Elf Warlock
50 Blood Elf Warlock
87 Human Warrior
I started a level one priest. Horde side on CC. for the soul purpose of taking you up on this challange. Sounds fun. But, may have to be on Fri/Sat Only :-( I would ask for invite but no one is on now :-(

Name OraStorms
Undead Horde.
Edited by Jacobstorms on 6/7/2013 9:07 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Private time? (looks around) Hey guys...they locked the door...and left us all alone... let's go to the basement and have a party!! Shhhh!! Not too loud....pass the pipe...

Hey there Jacob!! Sorry for the early morning hours being so quiet. We have a few that are east coast I think, if that is where you are. But I think a lot of us don't show up until later in the day.
Edited by Jahana on 6/7/2013 9:35 AM PDT
49 Blood Elf Warlock
Private time? (looks around) Hey guys...they locked the door...and left us all alone... let's go to the basement and have a party!! Shhhh!! Not too loud....pass the pipe...

Pass the pipe? (Zyss shakes her head.)
90 Blood Elf Rogue
It's a bubble pipe!! Don't get yer knickers in a knot!! *blows bubbles everywhere* Wheee!
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
It's a bubble pipe!! Don't get yer knickers in a knot!! *blows bubbles everywhere* Wheee!

*has his own pipe* Bubbles.....right....sure....*goes into bathroom*

I'm moving my Priest over to CC >:D Thank goodness for that 50% off character services....

Krystala is coming.

*has drug-induced nightmare filled with Krystala slapping Lin with a Tuna fish* Don't do troll hooka kids....
Edited by Lineron on 6/7/2013 3:14 PM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock
*has drug-induced nightmare filled with Krystala slapping Lin with a Tuna fish* Don't do troll hooka kids....

You do realise Lin, that Krystala would do waaaaaay more than just slap Lin with a dead fish?
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