RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Fynn, I suggest you put some of your story in the Journal, and detail what you are doing to work on the assignments that Ratheron gave you. We are still working on getting the community ready at the Scarlet Enclave. We have plenty of things going on in game to comment on like the rebellion and what you might be doing to help.

Journal entries help us to keep track of what is going on. We need everyone who is interested to post your story, even if it is a personal effort. Honing your skills, learning new things, finding information on the Horde conflict or something about what the Alliance is doing.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks Jahana.

Am I supposed to be posting Journal enteries on the guild website too? I did apply there and it's saying membership pending on approval of an admin, it's said that for awhile now. I applied under the user name Isseld, but stated the character I was using is Fynnariel.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
*blinks and checks the guild site*

I haven't seen anything new, I'll look at it.
Fyn I'd rather have you post them here in the IC thread as its something we all check regularly, not everyone checks the guild website.

*Whistles innocently as he strolls away*

Here we go ladies and gentlemen.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I finally finished the What a Strange Trip it's been! achievement earlier so I now have my violet proto-drake.

I also went back and captured the bugged pets so I now have the Eastern Kingdoms Safari achievement and am 3 pets away from the Kalimdor Safari one as well.

I'm working on my next journal entry and will get that up as soon as it's finished. Hopefully I'll be able to convince one of my friends to take on the role of Rhannah's partner. If not, well, that part of her story line will have to be put on hold.
Edited by Rhannah on 6/24/2013 1:34 AM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Sorry about the double post. Just had to tell everyone, my night elf dk hit 90 about half an hour ago, making her my 5th 90, all of them alliance.
Congrats Rhannah! Sorry I haven't been on of late, busy raiding and such but trust me things are moving forward!
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Thanks Ash. I'm kind of jealous about the raiding though, I haven't done any serious raiding in a long time.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Congrats Rhannah :D

Hey Guys! Unfortunately I won't be making it to the guild meetings today or tomorrow. I work 2:45-10:15 today and 1:45-10:15 mountain time this weekend....One of these days I will make it to one!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Meeting tonight right? I am planning on being there. Probably on Jahana.

Someone needs to start a new OOC thread. this one almost at end.
Edited by Jahana on 6/28/2013 3:14 PM PDT
90 Human Paladin
Meeting tonight right? I am planning on being there. Probably on Jahana.

I most likely won't as I'll be at a Redbirds game.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Doesn't seem like anyone is interested in this meeting. Guess its just summer and everyone is busy elsewhere.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
My apologies for missing the meeting, RL arose, and I had a date with my wife. We were out late, and went to bed early.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!!

86 Blood Elf Hunter
Not so much enjoying summer...as working, but I did enjoy that music vid, thanks Jahana!
70 Blood Elf Warlock
Thank you to those who were patient with me for having other things to take care of. To those who couldn't wait, we're going to be pushing the plot forward and start working on the next arc, I do believe. If anyone else has anything they'd like to see done, please speak up. :>
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Might want to make a new OOC thread, this one is almost at the end. ;)
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I"m kind of thinking of the sort of person I want for Rhannah. She can't hide away from being hurt again for ever and she won't grow while she stays a loner. My problem is that I'm fussy about who she's with and I have a very specific scenario in mind for her.

After going through my entire friends list and not finding anyone interested, I'm left with a hard choice. Leave her as a loner and accept that she's always going to take a back seat in any rp, or reach out to someone that I had removed from my friends list.
70 Blood Elf Warlock
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a character as having a f*ck buddy as being that important on that character's priority lists. Not a one of my own are defined, as a person, by who they're with, and I'm kind of sad to see that anyone should have to feel left out because they don't have someone that their character is 'with'.

Realistically, the 'back seat' is where people fall when their character, as themselves, has nothing to contribute to what is going on. I think that instead of worrying about talking to someone who, I would assume you removed for a good reason, you should consider a bit of personal character development and think of ways to get more involved.

And this doesn't just go for you. I would hope to see a lot more people contribute to the group RP, reaching out to each other and adding thoughts to the current 'situation' as it were.

A new OOC thread will be coming up as soon as we finish the format for the new one.
Edited by Bane on 7/5/2013 9:26 PM PDT
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