We have a relatively loose background. It started out as a group of five or so people who came together because of their interests, and loneliness, I think was part of it.
I think I'm (Kel) the only one left of the original group on their first toon.
We have a code of conduct, in and out of character (Pasted from the CC promo thread below)
The Code
In character...
We fight for our families, our comrades, our friends, our lovers. We fight with honor, we fight so that others would not have to. We fight with integrity, and we are not cold-blooded nor merciless. But as in equal peace, as in war, we stand strong. We honor ourselves, and others, always.
And out...
We ask for a code of honor, you won't come into what we're doing, mess it up, and then walk out. We don't ask for a huge commitment, and we understand that life happens, but if you start something, please try to finish it. We don't like being left hanging!
In character...
Loyalty. Loyalty to those you love, to those you care about, to those you protect. Be loyal to yourself, and you will go far. Just as in war, so it is in peace, we are loyal to our goals and our ideals, and we are not swayed.
And out...
Don't stab us in the back, please. We've had it happen before. And no, you can't be evil suddenly. We can work with you, and we want to, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
In character...
We are who we are because of who we love. Love comes in many forms, familial, romantic, passionate, and more. Whatever the case, we have bonds. We have ties. Ties formed out of necessity and cemented in love for one another and our goals. Our ideals.
And out...
Just be nice, be respectful, and have fun! We don't ask for vows of undying love, we just ask you to be nice.
In character...
The Light is strong, it burns within us all. The power of faith is not to be underestimated. We see the Light in our lives, daily. We see the faith, in one another, and in ourselves, in our goals, and in our ideals. We see the faith that binds us into a coherent whole, and we savor it.
And out...
For the most part, we know roughly what we're doing, and everything works out in the end. We want to make people happy, yes, but have some faith. I promise nothing will happen that you don't want to, to your character at least.
Restrictions and guidelines?
We're fairly relaxed, we ask that you're respectful, and keep a journal semi-regularly. The biggest thing about joining us is that we have a fairly loose framework, that accommodates the majority of RP styles, races, and classes within reason.