(A)The Chimaera - Stand for Kalimdor

100 Night Elf Rogue
((Bump. I'll be back tomorrow, I have Monday and Tuesday off for the next week, and I am ready to advance some of these storylines.

We're also still looking for new applicants!))
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61 Dwarf Death Knight
Bump for great justice! ... Literally.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Hey everyone tossing out a bump for two reasons:

One, we still need more people willing to stand for Kalimdor. Bug me pretty much any time I'm online and we'll get an interview set up for you.

Two: I'd like to do a quick interest check for an event held in the Exodar. I've been thinking about one, but I haven't gotten to the point where I'm confident that it would be successful. If anyone would be interested in something like that, send me a piece of in-game mail.

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85 Pandaren Rogue
(( Word of advice, about the Exodar event:

Be aware, this will place you in a city that is CRZ'd 50% of the time.

This, in my experience, can be both a good and a bad thing. I've had experiences both wonderful and horrible during RP events thanks to CRZ.

Just a headsup! ))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
(( Word of advice, about the Exodar event:

Be aware, this will place you in a city that is CRZ'd 50% of the time.

This, in my experience, can be both a good and a bad thing. I've had experiences both wonderful and horrible during RP events thanks to CRZ.

Just a headsup! ))

((Darnassus gets hit with CRZ as well, which is actually kind of fun sometimes.))
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85 Pandaren Rogue
(( Yeah, I've had mostly positive experiences with CRZ in Thunder Bluff. Raoul and I even went to a WrA story-telling event there, once. Was a lotta fun.

It's not my favorite technology ever, but I can't say I've had negative experiences with it overall. Though I should say I do kinda love it for cities like Darnassus, which are normally so empty.

...Though I do kinda wish we had our own Silvermoon back, sometimes, instead of sharin' it with WrA. ))
Edited by Dante on 11/18/2012 4:21 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
(( Yeah, I've had mostly positive experiences with CRZ in Thunder Bluff. Raoul and I even went to a WrA story-telling event there, once. Was a lotta fun.

It's not my favorite technology ever, but I can't say I've had negative experiences with it overall. Though I should say I do kinda love it for cities like Darnassus, which are normally so empty.

...Though I do kinda wish we had our own Silvermoon back, sometimes, instead of sharin' it with WrA. ))

((The problem I've found with Darnassus is that phasing only works on Tuesdays.... then it's back to the inactive RP servers that don't RP in Darnassus. :( ))
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100 Undead Warrior
*darts into Darnassus, plasters the city with Hello,Maggy promotional fliers, then fless, riddled with arrows*
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100 Night Elf Rogue

To everyone I've been RPing with, I won't be able to rejoin any of my open storylines until Friday evening at the earliest. Thank you for your patience.

For everyone else. We are still recruiting!))
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90 Human Warrior
Bumping this because we got to level 21 the moment I collected some Luckydos!

Can you smell what the Chimaera is cookin'?
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Bumping this because we got to level 21 the moment I collected some Luckydos!

Can you smell what the Chimaera is cookin'?

You're cooking grummles, Arch!?

How could you!?
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90 Human Warrior
They smelled like luck, so I though "Maybe if I eat them, I can be lucky too!"

And BAM!
Level 21 guild.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Information no longer valid: 1/12/13))
Edited by Kyalin on 1/12/2013 3:03 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Alright everyone, it's Tuesday. Points have reset and we should be getting those teams rolling once again. If anyone needs help in BGs of course, let me know as well, but for measurement purposes, I've also got a challenge:

Let's hit a town this week. Any town will do so long as it isn't phased and so long as we hit at a time of day where people can respond. The timing will depend on interest for any given night, and may therefore happen randomly, more than once, or not at all. (I'm certainly hoping that we can avoid the latter)

As always, let me know if you're interested.
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100 Human Paladin
I joined Kyalin on a BG spree and ended up with a sparkly new helmet!*

Wow, what a bargain!

Join the Chimaera, if not the guild then our BG runs, and you too can profit!

* Your results may vary. Void where prohibited by idiots on your team or uber-geared Hordies with no life.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I joined Kyalin on a BG spree and ended up with a sparkly new helmet!*

Wow, what a bargain!

Join the Chimaera, if not the guild then our BG runs, and you too can profit!

* Your results may vary. Void where prohibited by idiots on your team or uber-geared Hordies with no life.

Hey, we still rolled TB.
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100 Human Paladin
We surely did that.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Gonna give this the first bump of the new year, and announce some news.

Yes, 5.2 is coming and with it, we'll probably get new gear. Call this counter-intuitive, but this is also the best time to fill our your honor set (so long as you don't go crazy on upgrades), especially if you're a new 90.

Doing this will help you get a reasonable leg up on your competition when the frenzy for the new set begins. It's for that reason that the Chimaera will be running BG runs all this week. I'll be advertising over AOOC, and I encourage those of you who still need gear to participate.
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100 Human Paladin
In other news, we are level 23, and a handful of dailies out from a 15% bonus banner.

Remember to throw down banners just before your BG ends, by the way.
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90 Human Warrior
I need to pick up my honor grind, MoP and their surprinsly addcitive daily quests keep throwing me at PvE :<
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