(A)The Chimaera - Stand for Kalimdor

100 Night Elf Rogue
When the walls at Orgrimmar fell, Kalimdor had cause for celebration, and for worry. A madman was dethroned, but replaced by the people who put him there. The Horde's warmachine was stopped, but left functional. Invading armies could no longer be expected on our bulwarks - but left a wake of destruction, that they or others are soon to fill in.

After all, was this last warchief really different from the one before him with regard to respecting the sovereignty of our lands?

The last war was an alarm bell. It reminded us that the world had changed, and that foreign powers eyed our lands hungrily, along with a variety of smaller groups and threats - and that none of them were going to stop until every last one of us was dead. Today we have victory. Tomorrow will we have complacency? What of the day after that? What of the problems that still remain?

The Chimaera is a Kalimdorian militia that seeks to maintain and expand Alliance influence on the continent. Led by Warden Kyalin Raintree, the group accepts any who will fight and stand for Kalimdorian interests, both for the Alliance or within the Alliance. They are assassins and diplomats, soldiers and scholars, watchers and keepers.

... and they are looking for more to join them.

The Chimaera (A, RP-PVP) is a level 25 Alliance guild with the goal of promoting Kalimdorian RP. We accept all races and most classes, but largely promote western (within the context of Azeroth) themes and storylines.

To apply, simply contact me by mail. Please tell us something about yourself and why you wish to join the Chimaera. Expect contact within seven days to set up an interview. Please keep in mind that we will NOT entertain interview requests with those who do not have an interest at least in RP.

For in-character reasons, we do not admit warlocks. Shadow priests and Death Knights are admitted on a case by case basis.
Edited by Kyalin on 1/27/2014 6:01 PM PST
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33 Worgen Druid
What's a Chimaera? I know what a Chimera is...
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/26/2012 08:53 PMPosted by Konr
What's a Chimaera? I know what a Chimera is...

A Chimaera is a two-headed flying beast, and quite possibly the most effective siege unit in Warcraft III next to the frost wyrm.

It is also a metaphor.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Azure Crusade got a reboot, huh? Eeeeeeenteresting, I daresay.

Either way, I can really see this taking off, and I bid you the best of luck! Hope to see some more Chimaera folks running about in the near future!
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33 Worgen Druid
A Chimaera is a two-headed flying beast, and quite possibly the most effective siege unit in Warcraft III next to the frost wyrm.

It is also a metaphor.

Ah got it (never played Warcraft... hoping to get it soon though)
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33 Worgen Druid
ill join, thanks for invite! I love the fact that warlocks are not accepted and mages, spriests, and DKs are occasionally accepted
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/27/2012 07:32 AMPosted by Konr
ill join, thanks for invite! I love the fact that warlocks are not accepted and mages, spriests, and DKs are occasionally accepted

Shoot me an in-game mail of course. There is still an in character interview to do. :)
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33 Worgen Druid
10/27/2012 09:32 AMPosted by Kyalin
ill join, thanks for invite! I love the fact that warlocks are not accepted and mages, spriests, and DKs are occasionally accepted

Shoot me an in-game mail of course. There is still an in character interview to do. :)

Sure thing
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87 Night Elf Death Knight
Hmmmmmmm.... sounds interesting... I just might try this out. I'll send a message if I get interested enough, this is on one of my most populated realms, too...

[EDIT] I have created a character to join. He is a Worgen Rogue named Arricul. I'll toss you guys a mail once I get out of Gilneas.
Edited by Kirainas on 10/27/2012 3:52 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
10/26/2012 10:24 PMPosted by Tyrynna
Azure Crusade got a reboot, huh? Eeeeeeenteresting, I daresay.

((We're very confident Kyalin will do a fantastic job, between her dedication and her brains and all her sterling character qualities.

((Not that, y'know, I have an opinion on the matter or anything.

((She's now the person in charge, and Adinas and I are very grateful to her for so willingly shouldering the burden that we had to lay down, especially after we've dragged her lengthwise across, what, three servers now? All our support and many hugs!))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((She's now the person in charge, and Adinas and I are very grateful to her for so willingly shouldering the burden that we had to lay down, especially after we've dragged her lengthwise across, what, three servers now? All our support and many hugs!))

((I'm glad to have the support! And... has it really been three?

I guess it has been...))
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12 Worgen Warrior
Again, thanks for allowing me to join, but can you send ingame mail stating a certain time the interview can be? I hope I will be out of Gilneas by then
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/28/2012 08:28 AMPosted by Êridan
Again, thanks for allowing me to join, but can you send ingame mail stating a certain time the interview can be? I hope I will be out of Gilneas by then

Given that it's Sunday now, I'd say about Friday.
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100 Human Paladin
((Kyalin, I could always handle an interview if you need, as this char is still ranked Exec; I'd just have to do it as Bethanna. Or I'm sure I could twist Eldrian's tail and make him do it, since he's the Second-in-Shamand and all.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/29/2012 06:12 AMPosted by Galeas
((Kyalin, I could always handle an interview if you need, as this char is still ranked Exec; I'd just have to do it as Bethanna. Or I'm sure I could twist Eldrian's tail and make him do it, since he's the Second-in-Shamand and all.))

((I'm still calling him the right hand draenei.

But, if you're able, that would be great. I won't be on again until Friday. :( ))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
First event:

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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Chimarea and Die, yesss!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/30/2012 09:59 PMPosted by Abominus
Join the Chimarea and Die, yesss!

(( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-54OpEwE0w ))
Edited by Kyalin on 10/30/2012 10:22 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Bumping this up. As a reminder, we have an event tomorrow!))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Just wanted to thank everyone who came to yesterday's memorial.... except for the uninvited guest of course. We'll deal with you in good time of course.

Everyone else: be watching the forums. I'll be planning more events over the week and thinking of how to advance some storylines. As always, if you're interested in joining, send me some mail. I should be on again by Friday.))
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