(A)The Chimaera - Stand for Kalimdor

100 Night Elf Rogue

For some reason, as of yesterday, the guild name magically reverted back to Azure Crusade (what it was known as beforehand). I have a post on the bug forums, asking about it, but until then, I'm putting this up to deal with some of the confusion.

If this is a forced guild name change (I'm really hoping it's just a bug), this thread will be updated.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Is the Azure Crusade / The Chimera still doing its thing? I moved many of my RP toons off CC due to just abysmal population / AH / emptiness issues. However, this (my original Main / one true love WoW toon) is stuck there and I dont feel like I can move him. Old guild is amazing...we rocked in Wrath....but have died a slow death...

I want In!!! Killin Horde is what I do.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
04/23/2014 10:38 AMPosted by Thieren
Is the Azure Crusade / The Chimera still doing its thing? I moved many of my RP toons off CC due to just abysmal population / AH / emptiness issues. However, this (my original Main / one true love WoW toon) is stuck there and I dont feel like I can move him. Old guild is amazing...we rocked in Wrath....but have died a slow death...

I want In!!! Killin Horde is what I do.

We're certainly around, if a bit small, but yes, we are still active, and we are accepting new recruits.

EDIT: Name issue has been fixed.
Edited by Kyalin on 4/23/2014 8:08 PM PDT
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