The Long Awaited Unofficial Oceanic RP Realm!

33 Worgen Hunter
I wonder can I play on both NA servers and Oceanic...since my account is North America
my BTag is Wyldefyre#6175

We can always try, I'll add you right now and I'll try talk to you sometime today.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
OK I have a nelf hunter called Ngio and a nelf DK called Gnarla
my friend is a nelf DK called Meseeker
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33 Worgen Hunter
OK I have a nelf hunter called Ngio and a nelf DK called Gnarla
my friend is a nelf DK called Meseeker

Sick, made proper contact with someone finally! :) Welcome to Saurfang RP!

Oh and Ruby, maybe we should add each other on RealID, establish contact and invite to the guild then we can un-friend on RealID. Just to make contact, it's cool if you don't want to.
Edited by Rubon on 12/1/2012 2:43 AM PST
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13 Human Priest
I have a DK working on making me some gold to start off with, but I am disappointed no one is using the channel to connect. I tried talking and got no response?

And I do not like to give out real ID or battletags just yet. I am not sure this is going anywhere since you have so few interested.
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33 Worgen Hunter
I have a DK working on making me some gold to start off with, but I am disappointed no one is using the channel to connect. I tried talking and got no response?

And I do not like to give out real ID or battletags just yet. I am not sure this is going anywhere since you have so few interested.

I know we have few interested, this is a long term project and no offense but getting together the numbers is a hard task. I have a few dedicated people working with me with several more who have expressed interest. (Gomir, Mathogg etc.) I'm trying to get in contact with you, believe me, I'm trying but I don't have all the time in the world, I, like you most likely, have a job and end of year school work to do and cannot dedicate every hour of my day to waiting for someone that may or may not even come online all day.
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33 Worgen Hunter
Super sweet 2nd post update! :) Check it out!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
well I have joined and I have told my friend to join the OOC Alliance chat too.
Unfortunately this close to Christmas I wont be on much this week except in the late afternoons. I am doing relief work...hahah and I am supposed to be retired

I have to get my DK out of the starting blocks and my nelf hunter up to 20...I have no intention of walking her all the wat to the inn at Thelsamar
Edited by Wyldefyre on 12/2/2012 12:46 PM PST
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33 Human Paladin
Bump for an awesome concept.
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33 Worgen Hunter
Thank you Valentie, if anyone is interested in joining our currently small community, add my BattleTagID thing: CorvoAttano#6708 or send Rubon an in game mail. :) If anyone is interested I'd love to hear from you. Hint hint Gomir. :)
Edited by Rubon on 12/3/2012 11:44 PM PST
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90 Draenei Death Knight
12/03/2012 10:49 PMPosted by Valentie
Bump for an awesome concept.

its a brilliant idea
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33 Worgen Hunter
Yes. I'm alive. Sorry for leaving for so long with no explanation as to why, I've been busy with some... stuff that I won't bore you with. I'm ready to get back to work, with another person expressing interest and some more great ideas stocked up, some small events may start soon enough, just for fun and to get the ball rolling.

Thanks for your patience.
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
An official oceanic realm would be very lovely as I grew tired of my own realm, everything here is just hopeless and not to mention we get bombarded with fail rps,etc.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thumbs up for you guys
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90 Human Warrior
Kolzi will be all over this
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
honestly if rp in gundrak there is a very low chances that pvp will occur due to low population.
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33 Worgen Hunter
Capziell, you raise a good point, but we don't want to raise the risk. And thankyou for the thumbs up. :)

Barabbus, mind getting 'Kolzi' to add me? CorvoAttano#6708 :)

Kimerian, yes, I'm working on getting an official one up, but for the moment, this is the best we have. If you want to join, add me. :) My main has actually RP'ed with you a few times back on WRA. But I won't mention names, my main is not one for that.
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90 Gnome Warlock
I wish I had seen this thread before I transferred my heirlooms to Dath'Remar. :(

I would LOVE to be part of the RP!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
i would like to give an example a good RP server such as Moon guard.
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