Hey, is this just for ally's at the moment or is there a horde side to it too? Cause I think I have a few horde characters on that realm and I think it sounds awesome :3
The Long Awaited Unofficial Oceanic RP Realm!
12/26/2012 07:12 PMPosted by Capzielli would like to give an example a good RP server such as Moon guard.
Just keep out of the Inn at Goldshire
as for a horde side that would be cool..specially if we all have Btags.... the horde guild could be called the Redtail Tavern
I'd help set up one on the horde side if I can :D My character's arent very high levels yet though >.<
Pardon the bump (it might be necessary!) but how's this all going? Saurfang, right? Any guild still alive over there, because I'd be more than willing to offer a hand if I can. Oceanic timed RP is something I've been looking for since I started playing.
I reckon dreadmaul good server likely suitable for RP its a fine server
SAURFANG=TROlOLOlOl all day you wont have a chance to RP
So where do all the oceanic Rp'ers hang out?
/emerge from small fissure
Bump... is there still interest?
Bump... is there still interest?
Hey guys, if you're looking to make an unofficial rp server maybe check out nagrand. I've recently met quiet a few rp'ers there. Also the few times I have joined in with the RP people seem to have left us alone and not trolled/abused.
Edited by Forbalex on 8/13/2013 7:24 AM PDT
In the face of a huge amount of procrastination, my friends and I have formed a RP guild on Aman'thul <iRoleplay> .
We have had many recruits in the first 24hrs, held our first event and are looking to expand. We also have had a blue post and sticky in the oceanic forums for our guild recruitment (yeah, i know, a blue post on a rp thread....) So get in here people! Whisper me or Miayshu, send us ingame mail. Download MRP or similar.
Thursday night is now RP night on Aman'thul!!!!
We have had many recruits in the first 24hrs, held our first event and are looking to expand. We also have had a blue post and sticky in the oceanic forums for our guild recruitment (yeah, i know, a blue post on a rp thread....) So get in here people! Whisper me or Miayshu, send us ingame mail. Download MRP or similar.
Thursday night is now RP night on Aman'thul!!!!
In the face of a huge amount of procrastination, my friends and I have formed a RP guild on Aman'thul <iRoleplay> .
We have had many recruits in the first 24hrs, held our first event and are looking to expand. We also have had a blue post and sticky in the oceanic forums for our guild recruitment (yeah, i know, a blue post on a rp thread....) So get in here people! Whisper me or Miayshu, send us ingame mail. Download MRP or similar.
Thursday night is now RP night on Aman'thul!!!!
I second that. We are growing every day and accepted even by normal server characters. We are doing quite well and welcome anyone who would like to join us. Alts or mains alike.
Hey im a old wow player from back in the day and decided to start up again
and i was just wondering if this is still a thing? or should i just go with these <IRolePlay> guild people?
id really like to start playing the game again in a RP fashion
and i was just wondering if this is still a thing? or should i just go with these <IRolePlay> guild people?
id really like to start playing the game again in a RP fashion
Yes, Oceanic RP is hard to come by and there is still no dedicated RP server for us and I'd hazard a guess that they aren't planning to give us one.
So in the meantime, we at <iRoleplay> on Aman'thul are still going well and searching for new members. We have a small core of people who come to many of our events. Sometimes just two of us and sometimes five or six.
We have our Thursday night sessions and have started giving a Saturday night session a go too. Invisibelle and I are on just about every Thursday and Saturday night and we both get on as much as we can during the rest of the week. Shoot us a message/request if you are interested in joining.
So in the meantime, we at <iRoleplay> on Aman'thul are still going well and searching for new members. We have a small core of people who come to many of our events. Sometimes just two of us and sometimes five or six.
We have our Thursday night sessions and have started giving a Saturday night session a go too. Invisibelle and I are on just about every Thursday and Saturday night and we both get on as much as we can during the rest of the week. Shoot us a message/request if you are interested in joining.
Yes, Oceanic RP is hard to come by and there is still no dedicated RP server for us and I'd hazard a guess that they aren't planning to give us one.
So in the meantime, we at <iRoleplay> on Aman'thul are still going well and searching for new members. We have a small core of people who come to many of our events. Sometimes just two of us and sometimes five or six.
We have our Thursday night sessions and have started giving a Saturday night session a go too. Invisibelle and I are on just about every Thursday and Saturday night and we both get on as much as we can during the rest of the week. Shoot us a message/request if you are interested in joining.
i went ahead and sent Invisibelle and ingame mail and request for the guild :D really keen to join up
Community Manager
There is currently no Oceanic RP realm but Aman'Thul looks to have a few role players. Maybe check out the RP guild on this thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15699784198
yeh i believe Aman'thul is the choice . dont get involved with trade chat , and your good to go an we are not a joined server as of yet :)
good luck role playing /roll 10+ dexterity does charisma an reflexology come into killing the gnoll ?
There is currently no Oceanic RP realm but Aman'Thul looks to have a few role players. Maybe check out the RP guild on this thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15699784198
yeh i believe Aman'thul is the choice . dont get involved with trade chat , and your good to go an we are not a joined server as of yet :)
good luck role playing /roll 10+ dexterity does charisma an reflexology come into killing the gnoll ?
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