Worst experience ever

100 Night Elf Mage
Last night I had my worst experience playing this game, courtesy of CRZ. Instead of enjoying an evening of RP with friends I ended up in the middle of an argument between groups from two different realms over whose server was whose. It started out pleasant enough, a regularly scheduled Guild event. We were discussing matters ic when a group from another realm arrived and told us we had to leave. I whispered the apparent leader of the group and tried to discuss the matter with him and was told flat out we were intruders and not welcome. While I'm sure they thought they were in the right I was floored by the rudeness, arrogance and condescending manner in which I and members of my Guild were treated. The message that was hammered home to me was that we were from a lesser realm and should be honoured to be allowed to share theirs. CRZ has been forced upon us, I am not sure when we're even on our servers anymore or if they even exist in this format. what I do know is for every good experience I've had there's has been several that have been less than stellar. CC is my realm, of all the ones I've played in it is by far my favourite and my home. CRZ has made it so there are zones within it I will no longer visit, limited my desire to play my alts, driven away my friends and given me more negative experiences in the months since it's implementation than in the years I've played prior to its release. I know others have had good experiences and for you I'm glad, but sadly I also know there are many who have chosen not to mention their own problems with it except in private. Most feel there's no point, I'm constantly hearing we're an RP realm no ones going to listen to us anyway and that Blizzard isn't interested in changing anything. But how do we know until we try. All I would like to see is an opt out option, let those that want it have it, let the rest of us have our realm back.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/3/2013 11:46 PM PST
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90 Undead Mage
Sounds like they were a bunch of kids who weren't willing to share; nothing new. I run into these folks all the time. I just pretend they aren't there and add them to my ignore list.
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100 Human Mage
We heard about this happening through the Allianceooc channel. Which is why I grabbed half a dozen Ocheliad and went up to RP with the Presidium. By the time I got there the folks from the other server were at least not publicly telling the CCers to leave.

We role played for quite some time and, I think, the combined group made it very clear to those folks from that other unnamed server that it wasn't their Hearthglen. They'll figure out that they don't own it eventually.
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100 Human Paladin
Watch your clock.

No, I'm serious. CC is Pacific. If you're showing Pacific time on your clock, you're likely still on CC.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Watch your clock.

No, I'm serious. CC is Pacific. If you're showing Pacific time on your clock, you're likely still on CC.

That's no longer a guarantee. CRZ broke a number of time-based events and features. The resolution to this was to measure all time in pacific time. I think this was for all US severs?

I have yet to have a positive experience involving any player from Moon Guard or Wyrmrest. To compound this problem, players from those servers can't be added to your ignore list. I'm sad to hear of RP being disrupted on our server.
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100 Human Rogue
We've had some positive interaction with folks from Mooguard. Then again Ti is also based way the F out in BFE so we avoid the mainstream weirdos and get those that go out of their way as well to avoid them.
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100 Human Paladin
02/02/2013 07:27 PMPosted by Kiloaeda
I have yet to have a positive experience involving any player from Moon Guard or Wyrmrest. To compound this problem, players from those servers can't be added to your ignore list. I'm sad to hear of RP being disrupted on our server.

Actually, you can add them to your ignore list, just like you can when you are in a LFD run. Just right click on the name in the chat window and click ignore; or target the person then type /ignore. Sometimes it gives an error the first time but it almost always works the second time.
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100 Night Elf Mage
I have also managed to ignore a couple of people from a different server. And I have also had 'good' experiences with individuals from out of realm, but those have usually been with people who play on multiple servers and are above the norm player wise. Sadly the bad experiences I've had far outweigh the good. This was reinforced by last nights call for help when a number of cities were under attack by Horde players from a different realm. I received a number of whispers back that indicated people had no desire to waste time fighting against Horde that were not from our server.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/3/2013 9:56 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
02/03/2013 09:25 AMPosted by Thorawulfe
I have also managed to ignore a couple of people from a different server. And I have also had 'good' experiences with individuals from out of realm, but those have usually been with people who play on multiple servers and are above the norm player wise. Sadly the bad experiences I've had far outweigh the good. This was reinforced by last nights call for help when a number of cities were under attack by Horde players from a different realm. I received a number of whispers back that indicated people had no desire to waste time fighting against Horde that were not from our server.

I apologize for not seeing that. I was running an event in Darnassus, but if I had been paying more attention, I probably would have tried to come out nonetheless.

I think we actually faced this group though. About 20 minutes before the event, we started encountering Horde near the gatehouse, and killed about six of them there. Then we smashed them silly in the temple. They didn't come back.

Now that I'm posting though, do let me share a couple of things:

1. Your bad experiences with something you're advocating to get rid of are always going to outweigh the good. This is what management textbooks would call a "hygiene factor" - something that you'll never notice until its bad. Its the same thing with say, driving in a major city. You never remember good and courteous drivers, you ONLY remember the bad.

2. This crap has been going on before and after CRZ. There have been trolls, griefers, jerks and pains in the neck on every server I've been on. It's not a CRZ problem, its a people in general problem, and it doesn't become worse simply because you can identify a little asterisk next to the person's name.

3. The people being from another server line is not an excuse for not going out to solve the problem. Every time we have a significant raid on something, someone always says something like "it's just too far out of the way", "no one really cares about that", "that's always being attacked", "they're just going for their achievement" or something similar. People find excuses in a variety of unrelated and irrelevant factors when they really mean to say that they're not geared, are doing something else, or just don't feel like PVP that day. Blaming CRZ for it makes absolutely no sense.

I'm really sick of every problem being described as the fault of those evil server-foreigners. I'm tired of seeing disparaging remarks propagated in the general channel about other servers, and I'm tired of seeing great RP opportunities shut out because of it. I can understand reasonable complaints, like the lack of a cross server ignore and report system, but I can't understand tacking every solitary malady onto CRZ.


I'm going to leave this here. It was shared to our Special Topics in Accounting class last semester. I think it goes over the general problem, I'd agree in saying that the guy is perhaps a bit too forgiving, but he does have a point.

Edited by Kyalin on 2/3/2013 1:26 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
I started to post earlier and deleted it. The experience with the MG people was miserable. Thora is a counselor and is fairly hard to upset. She tried reasoning with the people in whispers to calm things down and basically got told to take a hike and listen to what a lousy server CC is and how superior MG is and how we should be thankful to be on their server.

Pia was finishing our dinner, we had already been there nearly two hours and we were just going over some squire assignments. Then in runs a few people from MG. Dawn, wants to know what we were doing there. "lol We've got people coming in so you need to leave."

I whispered her and told her we didn't plan to leave. She asked again a few times what we were doing even though I had whispered her. I said, "We're holding a prayer vigil. Would you like us to pray for you?"

That insulted her.

Someone (()) we were rping a guild dinner and we got told to leave again because this was their place and they had people coming in. "A LOT of people coming in, so you'll want to leave."

Thora kept trying to negotiate with them to no avail. Morrain tried to talk to them to no avail. They just kept yelling for us to get out. Dawn called Melfae a !@#$% and it went down from there.

I'm not saying, "ZOMG this is our place and you can't come in here." I'm saying coming in on top of people rping and telling them they have to leave is horse crap.

This crap has been going on before and after CRZ. There have been trolls, griefers, jerks and pains in the neck on every server I've been on. It's not a CRZ problem, its a people in general problem, and it doesn't become worse simply because you can identify a little asterisk next to the person's name.

We haven't had the brothel in goldshire in years. We haven't had the pimp and his naked darlings walking through rp events since vanilla. It's not just because we can see the asterisk. It's a whole different kind of rp and attitude. Yes, we have griefers and we have nitwits here, but we don't have entire guilds griefing rp.

People move here to get away from Moonguard or WRA for a reason and now we get thrown right back with them. People didn't roll on those servers for a reason. It's more than just a people problem. If your theory was true, there would be no reason to roll on one server over the other because there are no differences.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm not defending what happened to you in Hearthglen, Gentyl, and you are certainly right that I missed certain notable changes with CRZ, but those aren't the only complaints I've seen, and I've seen mob competition and attacks on cities and towns trotted out as reasons for not liking CRZ. It's one thing to recognize legitimate problems that we can certainly ascribe to other servers, but it's quite another to blame CRZ for people not defending towns.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Not all of us are that bad. We like people from CC visiting the Duskwood grove, we like having roleplayers interacting with us, it's the rude ones we tell to leave if they are disrupting, being disrespectful, or just being flat out ignorant jerks. I've had very few encounters with CC people, and each time I've had equally good, and bad experiences.

Pay attention though, CRZ is broken as it is, two-seater mounts dismount players on the riders seat because of the shift between realms, and sometimes killing the player due to unknown factors such as mass mobs, or creatures spawning around them and pummeling them between the phasing time. All in all, I wish CRZ didn't exist as broken as it is, make it optional, or remove it all together.
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100 Night Elf Mage
I personally like some of the players on Moon Guard they are good people, I have friends from that server. You can’t just blame cross realm zone because some people decide to act silly or decide to throw in a For the Horde Raid and for those who likes to grief role-players. I feel like everyone has been server bashing it’s not really needed. I read it sometimes on the channels and trade etc. why can’t we all just get along…

On change of subject who likes Pie?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Watch your clock.

No, I'm serious. CC is Pacific. If you're showing Pacific time on your clock, you're likely still on CC.

I think they have done something to alter that.
I've noticed that no matter where I go in the world my in-game cloak always displays our server time (Pacific) even when it's obvious I've been 'CRZ'd'.

I'm at best ambivalent when it comes to CRZ but have to admit I'm less inclined to venture out in the world to level alts, etc.
Edited by Arizza on 2/3/2013 6:19 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Warrior
02/03/2013 05:48 PMPosted by Keyesh
On change of subject who likes Pie?
And thus the reason I have been friends with this dude for more than ten years. Random thinker, and funny guy. <3
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100 Night Elf Mage
I like being random and just saying random odd things. Turns Qerrathien to a penguin and sells her off in the AH for 10k gold. As I was saying.....ever get that voice in your head that tells you to kill all your friends before they kill us? what no one else here that? XD sorry was watching some old red vs blue shows...
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100 Night Elf Warrior
* squawks* NO FAIR!
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100 Night Elf Mage
haha how is it not fair, i get rich on selling you. It totally is fair
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While CRZ sure didn't start the trouble, it has led to spreading the trouble. I remember quite well the days when I mainly deal with idiots from other servers causing trouble when their realms were down. Be it tuesday maintanence, or surprise restarts. Nowadays, lovely CRZ can cause their idiocy to appear all on its own. Lovely, really.

Hey, I understand the whole "World pvp crap" thing happened before CRZ. And the complaint that it is worse now? Eh. That's silly. But the reponse to world PVP was pretty low half the time anyway. World PVP really hit the downslide when BGs were added, not to mention Tol'Barad and Wintergrasp.

Oh, and Keyesh and Moonguard elf? Go troll another thread. Honestly, think you'd know better.
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100 Night Elf Mage
Really not trolling but to each there own I guess. Just defusing the tension and I am sorry if it seems like I was trolling, didn't mean for it to come off that way.
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