Last night I had my worst experience playing this game, courtesy of CRZ. Instead of enjoying an evening of RP with friends I ended up in the middle of an argument between groups from two different realms over whose server was whose. It started out pleasant enough, a regularly scheduled Guild event. We were discussing matters ic when a group from another realm arrived and told us we had to leave. I whispered the apparent leader of the group and tried to discuss the matter with him and was told flat out we were intruders and not welcome. While I'm sure they thought they were in the right I was floored by the rudeness, arrogance and condescending manner in which I and members of my Guild were treated. The message that was hammered home to me was that we were from a lesser realm and should be honoured to be allowed to share theirs. CRZ has been forced upon us, I am not sure when we're even on our servers anymore or if they even exist in this format. what I do know is for every good experience I've had there's has been several that have been less than stellar. CC is my realm, of all the ones I've played in it is by far my favourite and my home. CRZ has made it so there are zones within it I will no longer visit, limited my desire to play my alts, driven away my friends and given me more negative experiences in the months since it's implementation than in the years I've played prior to its release. I know others have had good experiences and for you I'm glad, but sadly I also know there are many who have chosen not to mention their own problems with it except in private. Most feel there's no point, I'm constantly hearing we're an RP realm no ones going to listen to us anyway and that Blizzard isn't interested in changing anything. But how do we know until we try. All I would like to see is an opt out option, let those that want it have it, let the rest of us have our realm back.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/3/2013 11:46 PM PST