Worst experience ever

100 Night Elf Mage
Ardam I don't think they are trolling, and I do agree not all encounters I've had with players from other realms have been bad, in fact I've played on Moonguard Realm, among others, while trying to figure out where I wanted to settle down. There were some very good RP'rs there, but CC became my home for very good reasons and others settled here for similar reasons. CRZ has negated that choice.

Also I started out feeling very positive regarding the opportunities CRZ presented and defended it to others with the idea that it had to be given a fair chance. Now after months of playing with it in the game, I must say I have had my opinion reversed and would prefer to see it gone from the game or at least modified with the option to switch it off. (I believe the latter is the only real option given the benefits it has brought to the PvP servers.) Sadly without some changes being made I believe the situation is going to get worse, bitterness is growing and whether it is deserved or not cross realm resentment is going to grow. This is not faction based it is realm based and I fear left as it is it is going to prove detrimental to the game.

As for me I will continue to try to be fair and work within the system we have been given to play in, communication is our greatest tool and with any luck it will get us through, but I have to say it is becoming increasingly difficult. A very wise person once told me "when a game ceases to be fun and becomes more work then play then it's time to put it down and step away", I really don't want it to come to that.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/3/2013 8:48 PM PST
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100 Orc Shaman
Remember, even though CRZ can work against you, you can also use it to your advantage. If you have issues like this again, why not have someone jump onto another non-connected server (either on an alt or by quickly rolling a new character) and have them pull your whole group to a different CRZ?
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90 Night Elf Hunter
While I have not been an active member of the RP community on CC for a few years, I've decided to put in my 2 cents.

I have many friends who left CC to move to MG because of the issues of hazing that we had on our realm towards RPers for a very long time. (It may still exist, but I've been out of the loop). I personally stopped RPing on CC for that reason, and I know many people who moved to MG that did as well. Perhaps you ran into a crowd that has encountered problems on our server before. I have heard more complaints from my MG friends about people questing from CC and deciding to jump in and troll their RP, than I'd like to admit.

I personally like having the ability to party up and RP with some of my old friends, but that's really besides the point. Until the poor attitudes and comments made in poor taste stop, this is going to continue to be an issue. Blaming CRZ is silly, when in reality, it's the people. Perhaps hopping over to MG and discussing issues with a guild master is a better way to approach things, because I know that's when I tend to have the most luck.
Edited by Brookelle on 2/3/2013 11:34 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Perhaps hopping over to MG and discussing issues with a guild master is a better way to approach things, because I know that's when I tend to have the most luck.

We had two people, as I already said, discuss this quietly and rationally. And, once again, one of them is a counselor and isn't prone to temper tantrums. The frustration came from their refusal to even try to just live and let live. We didn't ask them to leave or move their rp they plopped in the middle of our rp. We just wanted to continue what we were doing and let them do what they were doing. That wasn't good enough. Calling Melfae a !@#$% was uncalled for. /y for us to get the f*** out of there and being told we should be grateful to be allowed on "their" server was a bit much.

And, oddly enough, we were talking to the leader. So, no, that doesn't always work.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
While CRZ sure didn't start the trouble, it has led to spreading the trouble. I remember quite well the days when I mainly deal with idiots from other servers causing trouble when their realms were down. Be it tuesday maintanence, or surprise restarts. Nowadays, lovely CRZ can cause their idiocy to appear all on its own. Lovely, really.

CRZ can also produce cross faction RP, and has led to many positive interactions.

While I shouldn't pretend that Moon Guard in particular doesn't have issues, such as this superiority complex that seems to manifest in some of their players despite their inability to clean up their own house, we've done a lot of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and writing off scores of very good RPers while denying new opportunities because of our bad experiences with the jerks.

Usually (I say this because I know that someone is going to bring up the multiboxer, which is actually very rare around there.), Darnassus offers us a good example of what such cooperation can create, and I really wish that something similar would happen with Ironforge.
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100 Night Elf Mage
thanks thora for defending me you know me well enough to know I don't troll, and as far as cross realm zone rp goes i love it, and of course whenever I have friends from Moon Guard as well and they sometimes pull me into there RP event. I can point out a few good guilds I think you love over there to Rp with one of them being Moonsong Blackguard there good people to Rp with if given the chance that is. I am not just saying that because my best friends the leader of the guild I've role-played with them plenty of times before.

There are other guilds to out there that are not trolls or greifers that would cause any problems of sorts. just have to know where to look. majority of them linger in the main cities as well of course.
Edited by Keyesh on 2/4/2013 6:47 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm personally against CRZ as it is. While I haven't had the horrible experience that the Pia people did, I have experienced an increase in trolling from other servers, specifically around Dalaran. I love the idea of being able to group with people from other servers and everyone being dragged onto one of the realms, it allows RP, raiding, dungeoning, etc, with friends who may not wish to leave their home server for ours.

This open CRZ stuff? I hate it. I hate that leveling a character has becoming so extremely difficult due to the large mass of people (and yes, I realize that I play belfs more often than anything else and that seems to be the norm). I dislike CRZ when it comes to capital cities for multiple reasons. One, our capital cities are overcrowded. I miss being the only group really RPing in Dalaran or SMC. When I originally came up with the market, SMC was the perfect spot. I'm hesitant to hold it there due to the massive number of WRA and MG RPers in the area. It just seems like we would get griefed, overcrowded for the event, or it would deter people from CC from joining in due to the location.

Second, when a group attacks Orgrimar for example, on a For the Alliance run, when they cross into Durotar, more often than not they cross into another server and we can't follow. I personally don't defend our cities, mostly because I hate PVP, but I have close friends who are frustrated to no end about this feature.

I would love to see CRZ become either only activated on an opt-in/opt-out basis or through partying with someone from a different server.

Sorry if I got off on a tangent, just wanted to share my thoughts.
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100 Human Paladin

Esoteric had to leave Darkshire because it got turned into another Goldshire. Lakeshire has been flooded with "family" rp. We've rped with some really good people from other realms. That isn't the problem. The problem CC players being told to move because the server "belongs" to another group. We don't expect people to leave. We do our thing and they do theirs and if people want to join in great. Just don't scream and cuss at us because we don't vacate when a new group arrives.

I would try to hold the market and see how it goes. You might be surprised.

I wish there was a solution to this mess, but I don't know what it is.

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90 Pandaren Warrior
It would be handy to have an addon or even a gui warning that would tell you when you zone in who you are sharing that zone with.

For a brief stretch of time, we shared Silvermoon with WrA and it was good. And then the Moonguarders came and property values plummeted.

Now I walk the streets of Silvermoon alone and dejected, with nobody to pose and read the paper in front of.

Granted, it isn't clear to me which state is the most troubling, but given the choice of being alone or having other 'people' present (regardless of their intentions), I'd rather have the streets filled.

And since hordeside CC have collectively decided that 'events' are the in thing, CRZ is my only real option for pickup games of textual jousting.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
To Erylyn first,

I wouldn't hold back from holding the event in Silvermoon or possibly even outside it. We on CC have a lot to offer in the way of quality RP, which I think we certainly should share if possible. Public events certainly have the potential to have a lot more impact, which may lead to more cross-server events from other servers, connection with good RPers, and possibly a few more CC converts if they're looking for a change. Is there a risk that you might get griefed? Sure, just as there is a risk to most things. Risk management is not always risk avoidance, and there are opportunities to be seized here.

To Gentyl,

You were right to stand your ground in Hearthglen and I hope that people continue to do so when belligerents from other servers act in such a disgraceful manner. However, this isn't the first time I've seen such behavior. Back when I was on Ravenholdt and Twisting Nether we had that issue with guilds laying claim to certain locations, and what was worse about that - because they were both RP-PVP servers - was that if they really wanted you gone, they'd call up thirty people from the other faction and chase you out - back before transmogs, and most importantly, back before CRZ.

Dealing with jerks is a part of dealing with people, and I think that if people from CC continue to hold their ground, and introduce the positive, high quality RP that we specialize in, we'll see fewer of these incidents over time, a larger community of RPers to draw from, and a more immersive experience overall, but that can only happen if we and others step up to make it happen.
Edited by Kyalin on 2/4/2013 5:30 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
That can only happen if this CRZ crap is severed. I'm sorry, but I see no real reason for it at all, except to pad the population numbers - and that does diddly squat to improve anything. I also have yet to have any positive experience with CRZ - it always results in massive trolls, especially for people trying to do dailies.

I'm glad people have found positive uses for it, but frankly, the negative far outweighs the positive. Thanks to territorialist BS, we have had at least one guild decide to relocate a place they'd called home for years, so much so that they actually decided to completely rename their guild. So basically, the only way you can keep the trolls to a minimum - as in, the prerequisite idiots on your own server - is to hold RP events in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, except for the fact that everyone will do that, resulting in massive overcrowding in addition to the usual high population of these towns. People have had to relocate events they'd planned in Dalaran, or in Gilneas, or wherever because of jerks from other servers. And not just the typical PvE "lol stoopid rper" nonsense - RP guilds do this, too. This is unfair, and completely unacceptable.

Now, the regular PvE/PvP servers may not care about that, but the RP servers have their own communities for a reason. If we wanted to play with Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord, common sense would dictate we would play on Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord. Now I realize there are good people from those servers. No offense, but you're the exception, not the rule.
Edited by Ketiron on 2/6/2013 5:04 AM PST
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90 Human Paladin

Esoteric had to leave Darkshire because it got turned into another Goldshire. Lakeshire has been flooded with "family" rp. We've rped with some really good people from other realms. That isn't the problem. The problem CC players being told to move because the server "belongs" to another group. We don't expect people to leave. We do our thing and they do theirs and if people want to join in great. Just don't scream and cuss at us because we don't vacate when a new group arrives.

I would try to hold the market and see how it goes. You might be surprised.

I wish there was a solution to this mess, but I don't know what it is.


Have to agree here, at the Garrison CB has had some very interesting CRZ moments but unfortunately it is most often spoiled by either someone trying to get us to leave a place we've been in for years, or the MG s-club that is apparently there >.>
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Now, the regular PvE/PvP servers may not care about that, but the RP servers have their own communities for a reason. If we wanted to play with Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord, common sense would dictate we would play on Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord. Now I realize there are good people from those servers. No offense, but you're the exception, not the rule.

I'd have to disagree with this. MG's reputation draws a significant number of PVE or PVP server residents who have never even heard of RP, who make up the bulk of the problem in places like Goldshire. The bad reputation feeds on itself, and there's nothing that the full-time staff can do about it other than ignore it and hope that it will someday go away.

Granted, there are people on MG who are too big for their britches and need to be taken down a notch, but that's not going to happen if people don't stand their ground. That's why, again, I say that Gentyl and Pia made the right decision in telling the jerks who showed up to kick them out that they weren't leaving.
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90 Night Elf Druid
I'm sorry to hear about this happening to Pia. Most people know about the EDC's feelings when it comes to the forced CRZ (note forced: I think the voluntary, playing with friends feature is awesome!). My sympathies here, had I been on I would of gladly gone to Hearthglen on someone just to help Pia, even though most of my characters don't interact with anyone from there very much ;)

Hopefully this turns out better then Darkshire did!
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100 Human Warlock
I'm pretty sure I can speak for almost all of the EDC in that, we would have gone to help out Pia as well had we known about it sooner. Same would go for anyone else who's being bullied out of their *OWN* RP by other realms trying to enforce *THEIR* RP.
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56 Dwarf Priest
I, too, have issues with the CRZ. Its not only RP though... I was on my druid and in Northrend and was questing and some people from Blackwater Raiders decided to start taking the mobs I was originally doing by myself. (Granted, it is whomevers mobs, normally Northrend is deserted.) With CRZ places that were once ghost towns are now overly populated. For me, I still am leveling my characters... I don't really have a lot of time on my hands to get each and every one of my alts to 85, much less 90. If CRZ were prohibited, I think we would be better off. It was forced on us in the first place.
Edited by Eirson on 2/7/2013 5:49 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Hunter
I am in unison with Kalleesti, and I agree too with Erylyn. I like the 'on purpose' CRZ because my son is 10 and we let him play but some times he wants help and me or my hubby can log in and help him do whatever, but the open CRZ stuff is awful. I tend to avoid Darkshire and all of Duskwood, simply because of general chat the /yell's there, since they more or less turned our home into some kind of brothel. *shudder* Those bed sheets will never come clean.. we'll just have to burn the inn, if we ever get back there, and just build a new one that looks exactly like the old one. ;) In all seriousness though, I almost don't want to log in anymore. I've been logging in more and more, so I know I'll 'come around' as it were, but it really is to the point where it just isn't as fun having to look over your shoulder and see if another realm RPer is stabbing you in the back. I know not all are like that, but sadly the bad ones outweigh the good ones.

The only thing good about it is that I really feel that it has kind of brought the RPers of CC together. I feel a bit more camaraderie than I did before. It's really unfortunate though, that the other realm people can't say "Oh look folks who are also RPing!" and be a little nicer, because we're all pretty much from the same seeds, some of us just grow a little differently.
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100 Night Elf Mage
It is said that the RP community across WoW is the thinking community, the quiet community. I would bet that our sister realms think and feel much the way we do. Very few I've talked to outside of the CC like CRZ.

We as RPr's are the the minority when it comes to community size, there is no question PVE/PVP makes up a far larger percentage of the game subs. But we are by no means small and our voices need to be heard. If CRZ is here to stay then we need to make a strong case for it to be modified into a feature we can use and be satisfied with. Blizzard needs to be told in a constructive way what we think of their system. They have shown in the past that they are prepared to listen and adjust the game when necessary. Threats and rants are not needed, after all we are the quiet ones, the thinking ones.

For every individual who wanders out into the forum to comment there are dozens if not more who hold the same opinion, but choose not to voice them. My own opinion went from let's give it (CRZ) a chance to something needs to be done before we are all forced to retreat to our capitals and never come out. RPr's are the thinkers and communicators in this game and I'm proud to be part of that community.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/8/2013 10:45 AM PST
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100 Human Warlock
I'm happy to let you all know that after speaking calmly with the guild leader of the ones that were harassing us, we came to a cross realm alliance of sorts: We both respect that we all have long-standing RP story-lines in the area, and that we respect each other's RP. Though some of the members there didn't seem all that happy with the decision, I think their guild leader rules them with a firm hand ;)

So all in all, at least this time, everything worked out after speaking with each other. Unfortunately, it doesn't always turn out that way for everyone :(
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100 Human Rogue
Wheee -.- first bad experience up at the peak and not with moonguard even. We had not one but TWO new guilds from WRA show up and within a few minutes of meeting them of of them decided to assault us. What is it about sharing and playing nicely that people do not get. *Grumps and wanders back to her corner*
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