Ardam I don't think they are trolling, and I do agree not all encounters I've had with players from other realms have been bad, in fact I've played on Moonguard Realm, among others, while trying to figure out where I wanted to settle down. There were some very good RP'rs there, but CC became my home for very good reasons and others settled here for similar reasons. CRZ has negated that choice.
Also I started out feeling very positive regarding the opportunities CRZ presented and defended it to others with the idea that it had to be given a fair chance. Now after months of playing with it in the game, I must say I have had my opinion reversed and would prefer to see it gone from the game or at least modified with the option to switch it off. (I believe the latter is the only real option given the benefits it has brought to the PvP servers.) Sadly without some changes being made I believe the situation is going to get worse, bitterness is growing and whether it is deserved or not cross realm resentment is going to grow. This is not faction based it is realm based and I fear left as it is it is going to prove detrimental to the game.
As for me I will continue to try to be fair and work within the system we have been given to play in, communication is our greatest tool and with any luck it will get us through, but I have to say it is becoming increasingly difficult. A very wise person once told me "when a game ceases to be fun and becomes more work then play then it's time to put it down and step away", I really don't want it to come to that.
Also I started out feeling very positive regarding the opportunities CRZ presented and defended it to others with the idea that it had to be given a fair chance. Now after months of playing with it in the game, I must say I have had my opinion reversed and would prefer to see it gone from the game or at least modified with the option to switch it off. (I believe the latter is the only real option given the benefits it has brought to the PvP servers.) Sadly without some changes being made I believe the situation is going to get worse, bitterness is growing and whether it is deserved or not cross realm resentment is going to grow. This is not faction based it is realm based and I fear left as it is it is going to prove detrimental to the game.
As for me I will continue to try to be fair and work within the system we have been given to play in, communication is our greatest tool and with any luck it will get us through, but I have to say it is becoming increasingly difficult. A very wise person once told me "when a game ceases to be fun and becomes more work then play then it's time to put it down and step away", I really don't want it to come to that.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/3/2013 8:48 PM PST