Worst experience ever

100 Night Elf Mage
No matter what I must agree with Kal's approach, until Blizz decides it needs to look seriously at this, we need to make every effort to get along. CC is the best server I've been on and RPr's are in my opinion the best communicators in this game. We need to find a way to get along or and show that we were at least willing to try. Even if we fail we'll be able to look back and say we gave it our best.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 2/8/2013 9:44 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Going to say this now. Next time this happens, let me know. My main rp guild is on horde side on MG and I will call in the troops if needed. There are also many here on this server on horde side that will lend their aid, even if you are alliance.

You dont mess with another rp guild. That should be rule number 1 in the RP code of conduct. The fact that they did pissess me off.
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79 Gnome Mage
Watch your clock.

No, I'm serious. CC is Pacific. If you're showing Pacific time on your clock, you're likely still on CC.

That's no longer a guarantee. CRZ broke a number of time-based events and features. The resolution to this was to measure all time in pacific time. I think this was for all US severs?

I have yet to have a positive experience involving any player from Moon Guard or Wyrmrest. To compound this problem, players from those servers can't be added to your ignore list. I'm sad to hear of RP being disrupted on our server.

Not true, I have several people on those realms on my ignore list. You might have to hand type it in the ignore box. That's what I usually do.

Say the characters name is Wtfnub from Moon Guard
Type: Wtfnub-MoonGuard into the popup ignore window

I myself really do not like the CRZ. I've had only one truly enjoyable experience with someone from another realm so far. THat was yesterday morning whenm a MW Monk and I were both working on the same quests. We didn't group up, but we did "leap-frog" mobs and cannons in a now flooded Thousand Needles. Wish I'd caught their name, very respectful and pleasant person behind that character.
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38 Gnome Priest
Has anyone tried to reach out to the leaders of the more populous guilds on the other servers to agree to some sort of accord?
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100 Worgen Death Knight
It sounds to me like Thora approached this with a high degree of rationality and forebearance, for which she should be applauded.

It also sounds to me like the people from Moon Guard were behaving particularly badly.

All of this aside, this is a change in the game we're going to have to get used to, and should develop processes for handling when it becomes inconvenient. It's far too easy to point out people as being "other", so that we can feel better on our own. Whether we like it or not, World of Warcraft's server boundaries have become increasingly muddled since 3.1 when cross-realm functionality went live with Dungeon Finder. After that experiment worked, Blizzard implemented cross-realm grouping via Real ID, then they implemented Battletags for people who had privacy concerns over Real ID, and then they implemented Raid Finder.

While those features all occur in instanced content, it's easy to see where they're headed with this, and it should come as no surprise given the age of World of Warcraft. Blizzard has indicated multiple times that each zone in the world was designed with certain populations in mind, populations which have diminished greatly as the bulk focus on endgame and congregate in endgame zones (Shattrath City in Burning Crusade, Dalaran in Wrath of the Lich King, Stormwind/Orgrimmar in Cataclysm and now the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Mists of Pandaria). As a result, one can largely count on finding people from other realms while they're in any place in the world except the major faction cities and the current endgame congregation points.

This inclination to say "Other servers are the problem" doesn't exist solely on Cenarion Circle; complaints about CRZ are also happening on Wyrmrest Accord's forums, and it wouldn't surprise me to find it happening elsewhere. Moon Guard gets a lot of the complaints, and I'm not sure if this is because that realm has a particular concentration of undesirable behavior, or if it's ancillary upset relating to their reputation from their Goldshire.

Either way, players are players. It's very frustrating to have RP events interrupted. It's more frustrating to feel like it's pointless to open tickets in the hopes a GM will take care of the issue. But it doesn't remove the fact that the server boundaries are slowly disappearing, and are likely to continue to do so as time moves on. While its population isn't even close to WoW's, EVE Online has managed to deal with one gigantic, persistent world for years now, and I'd like to think WoW's player base can likewise learn to deal with this slow merging of environments.

Problematic behavior lies with people, not with the realm they're from. We aren't having people CRZ'd in from PvP realms, just from other RP realms. It doesn't excuse their poor behavior.

Neither, however, does it excuse any statements anyone makes that "Oh, that <insert realm here>, you know what they're like..."
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38 Gnome Priest
Rageyfang is right. We need to go introduce ourselves to our new neighbors and take them some pie. Maybe if we had a tourism board with a director we could unite under that banner and interact with the leaders of the respective RP communities when issues arise. Then after we've done that, we can organize MASSIVE RP events with members of all of those communities. Maybe. Tricking CRZ might be difficult.

Point there are opportunities for lots of positives to grow from this if we focused on them more than the negatives. Oh and there is a lot of opportunity for pie. mmmmmmm Pie.
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93 Pandaren Monk
I'd really like to see an opt out option too. I'm tired of fighting with 30 people over one area for NPC's to kill. Always some 90s hanging around in the quest areas griefing people that are trying to quest by killing the stuff they need for a quest. Would also love to be able to use my multi-passenger mounts again without my passenger getting thrown out of the seat every 100 yards or so.
Edited by Sense on 2/18/2013 8:55 AM PST
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90 Human Paladin
I would just like to point out that, tonight, we had a very positive CRZ experiences at the Clinic.

The healers arrived a little early to set up, to find some Moon Guard denizens already there. They were very polite and rolled with our intrusion with some grace and not a little confusion (considering I was lost the entire time...).

Then, later, a shout out to Moon Guard and Wyrmcrest Accord attracted quite a crowd. I myself found the whole thing very overwhelming, but for once, we had enough healers for our always bountiful patients and victims. The final patient, ending well over a half hour after the posted times, was a treat, attracting cross-realm, cross-guild RP.

I would be happy to at least offer some of my time to an "RP Realm Tourism Board," as someone with contacts in most of the active Alliance RP guilds here.
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100 Night Elf Mage
As I have said earlier communication is key, many of us do not like what CRZ has brought us but we are all willing to work to live with it if that is what the powers at Blizz want. I am proud of the community and it's responses. It reaffirms my long held belief that the thinkers are to be found on the RP realms. CRZ is never going to be a feature I will fully embrace, I want to see some kind of opt out, but given what I've seen and heard here, the community gives me hope that we can find a way to work around this feature to continue to enjoy this game. To our friends from outside CC that have taken the time to respond and work with us a very sincere thankyou.
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90 Tauren Warrior
I read this and it upset me a great deal.

Next time let us know and we can crash their party.

The last thing they'll be complaining about is sharing tables with some CC RPers when we're through with them.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Stooping to the tactics of the enemy? As much as I'd like to crash their parties...isn't that the issue WE'RE raising here? That's what they're doing to US. Doing it back to them will do damn-all about it - if anything, it'll make it worse!
Edited by Ketiron on 3/6/2013 11:05 AM PST
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90 Tauren Druid
Stooping to the tactics of the enemy? As much as I'd like to crash their parties...isn't that the issue WE'RE raising here? That's what they're doing to US. Doing it back to them will do damn-all about it - if anything, it'll make it worse!

He probably means to let him and his guild know "when it's happening", Ketiron, and they'll go help "cement" the Cenarion Circle presence in the area (and if any of them are flagged.. :D).
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100 Gnome Priest
The way to solve the problem isn't to start using force and calling in armies. If someone's harassing my guild, as much as I would appreciate the support of other people willing to show up, crowd them out, and target anyone flagged, that would just result in a bitter fight and escalate the hostilities. Whoever wins would a "bully" who forced the other side out.

We're starting a new era of RP and server interaction, whether we like it or not, so now's the time for us to set the tone of what we want the future of RP to be on WoW. Do we want to encourage the culture of cliques, turf wars, and elitism that can unfortunately be found on some of the larger servers? Or do you want to be part of the group that encouraged respect and sharing? It's not going to be easy or perfect, but social change never is.

I came to Cenarion Circle because it was a friendly place. I'd like to keep it that way. Like Thora, I'm really happy at some of the replies I've seen here, which give me hope we can stick together as a community.
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100 Night Elf Mage
What I would like to see? More interaction from both factions on the CC I love our Horde, have since I came here, I do in fact have a couple of Horde Characters myself and love playing them. Working together and making our presence felt outside of our Capitals is major, we need to work together both to hold our own in CRZ and to enrich this game we love. A great villain once said "A hero is defined by the quality of the villain he faces." By supporting each other and building a great cross faction community we'll make CC the place to be.

CRZ is not likely to go away any time soon so we need to find a way to interact with the other realms in our battlegroup. Perhaps a common forum where we can get together and get to know each other. A place where we can meet and hammer out our differences and establish an accord. After all what we as RP'rs really want is a good story arc with lot's of people willing and able to interact with us. I would love to see something positive come out of all this.
Edited by Thorawulfe on 3/11/2013 7:12 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
CRZ is not likely to go away so we need to find a way to interact with the other realms in our battlegroup. Perhaps a common forum where we can get together and get to know each other. A place where we can meet and hammer out our differences and establish an accord. After all what we as RP'rs really want is a good story arc with lot's of people willing and able to interact with us. I would love to see something positive come out of all this.

First, I fixed what you wrote. Too much history for CRZ to go away. It's the inevitable path they were working toward with RealID and LFR. It helps lower their costs as subscribers fall.

Over on WrA, they still complain and talk about the problems as well. I think if we came together and chose some people to pitch it over there we could start something. We could also use CC.org for some of it. I'm not a leader though so I don't feel I should lead it.
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77 Worgen Hunter
This is probably one of the best threads I have read. I can relate to Ralroar and feel the need to gather the troops as it were but Derscha says it best

03/09/2013 04:32 PMPosted by Derscha
We're starting a new era of RP and server interaction, whether we like it or not, so now's the time for us to set the tone of what we want the future of RP to be on WoW.

Our servers will be more mixed from now on and I don't believe that is ever going to change. The sooner all of us as RP'ers on all servers learn this, the less likely we are going to have such an outbreak occur. Thank you all for giving me something new to work towards.
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100 Draenei Mage
Which begs the question, does AAMS reach all RP servers?
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