The Desecrated, Now Hiring! (And LFW!)

90 Blood Elf Hunter
An elf with a cloak on his back and a hood over his head, shrouding his face and covering most of the darkened leather armors that he wears, makes his way into Orgrimmar, Bilgewater Harbor, Undercity, Silvermoon, and several other populated locales. He leaves handwritten, plain-looking parchment advertisements on the Warchief's Command boards in Horde-populated areas...and a few near Alliance Hero's Call boards, too.

Mercenaries, looking for work.

Need to boost your numbers for military engagements with a few third-party and very, very expendable mercs? (Looking right at you, Hazzle.) Give us a call. Need dirty work done and don't want to get your hands messy? Give us a call. Need security escorts or armed guards for your gathering or event? Give us a call. We are ready and willing to offer mercenary services to the highest bidder, whoever the highest bidder might be at any particular given point in time.

The Desecrated: The Best There Are At What We Do.

Contact Disfavor, Linnoch, Ezrae, or anyone else but Hazzle for details.


We're a neutral guild working towards a fun, dynamic, drama-free environment, and we're looking to build up a strong member base Horde-side for shenanigans ICly and OOCly alike. Our guild already has strong ties to a few other H-side groups - Gambit, the Stormreavers, and Dathanar - and we're looking to build more connections and ties with other groups to make more RP and shenanigans happen.

Approach Disfavor (the boss), Linnoch, Ezrae, or Hazzle (at your own risk) for more information, or hop into "CollectiveOOC" and say hi! Or you can check our forums out here:

- and also -

Desecrated: The Best There Are At What We Do.
Edited by Linnoch on 3/14/2013 8:28 AM PDT
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90 Worgen Death Knight
((I approve of this.

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90 Blood Elf Hunter
((Thankees kindly. ^^ ))


((And a warm welcome aboard to Darm!))
Edited by Linnoch on 3/10/2013 9:18 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((Now to concoct an adventure to hire these ragtag neredowells for. HM.))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
((Sounds like a plan! ^^ Looking forward to it muchly, let us know what you have in mind! We're all pretty flexible, except Hazzle. Hazzle is flexible AND expendable.))

((...and I really have to stop with the Hazzle jokes. >.> ))

((We love you, Haz. :3 ))
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90 Blood Elf Mage
((Says you. -kicks Hazzle IC- >:3 ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch watches, blinking occasionally, as the Goblin vanishes into the horizon. He sighs, and facepalms.

"You know Dis is going to make me go fetch him now, right?" he groans.
Edited by Linnoch on 3/10/2013 12:01 PM PDT
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85 Undead Rogue
((Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today

Hazzle. Mobile Infantry.))
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Laughing a bit under her breath as the goblin soars, Ez grins and shrugs a shoulder, "I can port you if you need sir. Though we have to find where he landed first.."
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch winces at the echoing sound of the impact, as the ground shakes lightly beneath his feet.

"And how many pieces he landed in," the blood elf sighs.
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85 Undead Rogue
The Desecrated does not believe in goblin abuse as a whole, however members and myself do partake in the sport. Remember. If you kick it and it explodes, you're doing it wrong.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Grimacing a slight bit, she frowns, "We haven't found our Medic yet, have we?"
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch pauses and starts to count off the roster on his fingers.

"Let's see," he starts, a little dryly, "Pyro...Scout...Spy...Spy...Spy...and wait, wait, one more...Spy." He shakes his head grimacing. "No Medic. Unless Gambit's willing to lend us one of theirs."
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80 Goblin Hunter
*sigh* Medic here!
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch points into the distance, towards the impact crater where it is assumed that at least most of Hazzle landed.

((...when Haz signs on today we are so, so going to hell for this. xD ))
Edited by Linnoch on 3/10/2013 12:09 PM PDT
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80 Goblin Hunter
... *she holds out her hand* Gold. here. You don't work for free, and neither do I.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch raises a palm to his face, sighs, and reaches his other hand into his pocket searching for enough gold pieces to cover a Dendritus-style medigun treatment.

"I'm guessing 'out of the goodness of your heart and for the good of goblins everywhere' won't cut it?" Linnoch grumbles.
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80 Goblin Hunter
For the good of the goblins works great. The good of the goblins costs a couple thousand gold peices.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch blinks a few times, his eyes wide, his jaw agape. One of his eyebrows starts twitching a little uncontrollably.

"Couple THOUSAND - ?" Linnoch snaps, "Where the Fel am I supposed to come up with a couple THOUSAND - ? Look, I helped you and the Gambits out in that whole Hammerfall scrap, does that at least get me a discount?"
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100 Night Elf Rogue
One of the oddly placed notices near the Darnassus call board catches the Warden's eye. She pulls it off after reading a few lines, folding it up neatly and stashing it somewhere under her cloak before returning to her watch.

((We'll have to get in touch.))
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