The Desecrated, Now Hiring! (And LFW!)

85 Undead Rogue
There have been cutbacks. You're all fired.

*reads a notice* OHHHH. No. We got a job. You guys get to go die for my money.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
...uh, pretty sure that's not how they pitched the job. Just saying. >.>
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90 Troll Hunter
Poni sticks her head into the thread. "I have got dis Zandalari Toenibbler dat is looking for a good home. De Raptormama is feeling generous today!"
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch's eyes light right up and he stares over in wonder.

"A...a REAL Zandalari Toenibbler? That's...that's rare. That's Felling rare. I'd love to see them sometime!"

((And in all for seriousness this has to happen IC sometime! xD))
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85 Undead Rogue
I wants it!!! :O I needs it... MY PRECIOUS~!!
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90 Troll Hunter
Poni laughs. "Precious dey are, and hard to come by. But one whack from dat frying pan...."
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85 Undead Rogue
Hmmn, yes, I'll keep that in mind.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch strokes his chin pondering, and recalling a few factoids to mind from his time working with animals and such.

"They're lethal at eight months, and I do mean lethal. I've hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move...incredible speed. Fifty, sixty miles an hour if they ever got out into the open, and they're astonishing jumpers. They show extreme intelligence, even problem-solving intelligence. Especially the big ones. Can't keep them in captivity, one'll take charge and get all the other ones attacking all of the fences. And they never attack the same place twice. They'll test for weaknesses, systematically. They remember."

Linnoch clears his throat awkwardly a moment.

"Uh...they're pretty amazing creatures."

((Anyone c what I did thar?))
Edited by Linnoch on 3/10/2013 3:15 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Mage
((Haha yes I did. Love that dude, too bad he had to die...))
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85 Undead Rogue
The Collective site in the first post is now defunct. Please go to

for our website.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
((Thanks for the bump, Ao. And terribly sorry for the delayed responses everyone, IRL stuff kind of came up and bit me on the !@#$. All's well that ends well, though. ^^ ))

((Anyway, we also have forums active for our multi-guild ratpack, at for us, Gambit, Stormreavers, and the Redfire Pact. Thar be lots of shenanigans thar, feel free to check it out!))

((And a big thank you to the one and only Raptormama, and to Ezrae, for all the work they've done putting all of this together the last few days. Big, big kudos, you two!))

((Last but not least a huge thank you goes out to Da Doctas for putting poor Hazzle's teeth back in last tuesday after I thoughtlessly punted him across Spirit Rise. I've been contacted by at least a dozen Goblins' Rights groups since the incident and I truly think I've seen the error of my ways.))

((In all for-seriousness, awesome event, and it was great to have some fresh, fun RP. ^^ Thanks, guys! And thanks to all our Des people who showed up too!))
Edited by Linnoch on 3/14/2013 8:30 AM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
A zeppelin from the 107th Royal Maggot air Force drops a bomb into the Desecrated's guild hall. It explodes with light and ichor, and a note.

"Dear things,

We may be able to utilize a few of you if the crowd turns into an unruly mob. While we have had much experience with unruly mobs, a little extra muscle will not be amiss. also note, that we will not be held accountable for any collecting done.

Yours in Service to the Dark Lady,

Abominus the Maggot Lord
Defiler of the Great Anvil of Ironforge
Horde Combat Barber
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
((Just wanted to let you all know that Desecrated recruiting is probably gonna be slow for a while...myself and others are going through some IRL stuff right now and I think I'm going to be away from the game for at least a few days, maybe a few weeks. Will keep y'all posted, in the meantime check our member roster and one of other folks will probably be able to assist.))

((Thanks for your patience, and stay glorious!))
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100 Orc Shaman
A looming presense stood above the thread, peering down into it, Bralox grunted. "There had better not be shenanigans going on without me.."
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