The Stormwind Watch is now Stormwind Union!

55 Pandaren Monk
06/29/2014 11:06 AMPosted by Orwyn
"We'll see how smart you are when the K9 comes."

((O fel, something more for my main to worry about. Xing not as much. Anyways, great guild to RP with. Looking forward to more encounters. :) ))

((Btw, I'm interesting in continuing the Rp and sent a response with my btag info from Xing. I can though send it from Yani before I delete her if it would be easier.))
Edited by Xingquai on 6/29/2014 8:17 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
06/29/2014 11:06 AMPosted by Orwyn

2. Hunters and worgen for a K9 unit. We have a couple people in the guild already who are interested, so maybe we can actually get it going this time.

"We'll see how smart you are when the K9 comes."

((What about shaman??))
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100 Human Warrior
06/29/2014 12:59 PMPosted by Caileanmor
((Just so happens I have a lowbie worgen druid and a 90 human hunter. May I join the unit with one of them? .... or perhaps could roll out a worgen hunter :D? ))

Sure, we'd love to have you back. Join with whichever character you think you'd end up enjoying playing the most.
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100 Human Warrior
((Shamans too. And...I guess druids? I guess other animals might as well count too. o_O
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100 Draenei Warrior
((*peers around, making sure no one is watching. Takes her paint bucket and brush out, crossing out the world ‘Union’ in front of the Watch building and replaces the word with ‘Zoo’. Flees the scene finding the closest gnome and hands them the paint bucket and brush*))
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100 Gnome Priest
... where'd this bucket come from?
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100 Gnome Priest
((Now I really wish Gnomes could be hunters with mechanized pets. :D ))


(( !!! Brain Fart !!! ))
(( I'll send you an in game mail with a wild idea, hehe))
Edited by Caileanmor on 6/30/2014 12:58 PM PDT
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97 Night Elf Monk
As Ari exited the Watch office, her new case file in hand, she nearly fell as her foot slipped on something slick. Grabbing the wall for support, she looked down.

“Paint? I didn’t know the commander ordered a paint job for the exterior of the office,” she murmured as she glanced around for the poor excuse of a painter who had dripped all over the walkway.

“Oh, no.”

“Oh, no, no.”

The ‘paint’ job looked like a kindergartener on bloodthistle had done it. “The commander definitely did not request this.”
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60 Human Hunter
Tarigha looked at the recruitment poster, then looked at the pair of hounds that stayed by her side. "Well, Watcher, Rocky, what do you think? Maybe we should try an honest job for a change, instead of bouncing town-to-town doing errands?" Both dogs barked back at her, but that was nothing new, they were always excited.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Noikona watched Aribet patiently from a distance, at her departure; she quickly approached and painted a heart in each corner of the sign, before slipping back away to her duties.
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100 Human Warrior
07/04/2014 12:44 PMPosted by Tarigha
Tarigha looked at the recruitment poster, then looked at the pair of hounds that stayed by her side. "Well, Watcher, Rocky, what do you think? Maybe we should try an honest job for a change, instead of bouncing town-to-town doing errands?" Both dogs barked back at her, but that was nothing new, they were always excited.

((Just send me an IC letter in-game describing why your character would like to join, and we'll get the process started. :)
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100 Human Warrior
((Time to bump this for any new SoE (and old CC) people who might be interested in joining. We're always recruiting!))
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