I still personally maintain that Horde RP is capable of being revived, but it's going to take some focused attention from one (or better, more) individual(s) who are fine with feeling like nothing is getting done as they keep smacking their heads against a perceived brick wall.
I don't think it's an actual brick wall, but that's what it's going to feel like.
There are certainly hurdles to overcome. The Horde population on Cenarion Circle has always been smaller than the Alliance, and its decline seems to have increased. In Blizzard's efforts to give the Alliance some more focused story in the wake of things focusing so heavily on the Horde in Cataclysm, things are socially changing for the Horde to the point that for an RPer, it may not be particularly desirable to roll Horde. Consider: someone playing a troll is having to say they disagree with Vol'jin enough that they're willing to overlook the Darkspear being ejected from Orgrimmar. Same goes for tauren. The blood elves are standing by watching nervously as Garrosh drives splinter after splinter into the Horde as a collective, and the Forsaken are doing what they've always done: plotting the demise of everyone who isn't them.
This said, there's intriguing RP to be told, but people have to want it, and want it bad enough to work for it. It's easy to go to Wyrmrest Accord, because they have a larger population, which means (in theory) it's easier to form guilds, find people to RP with, etc. Our population isn't what it once was, and as I previously noted, it's heavily weighted towards Alliance. But if you want Horde RP, then work to make Horde RP.
I'd love to help, but as a player, I simply enjoy Alliance races more. I like elves, worgen, gnomes and humans. Aside from two years as a blood elf during Burning Crusade, I've been Alliance since I started the game in 2005.
I don't want to see Horde RP die out, though perhaps Armaya has a point, and maybe it's on its last legs. But I'm still optimistic enough to believe that with the right people leading the charge, it can be revived.
So hold the events. Advertise. Come up with compelling stories. Do marches. Find ways to involve people. The work sucks (believe me, I know; I've been fighting an uphill battle to populate my guild since its decline when I took two months off during Cataclysm), but the rewards are worth it.
I don't think it's an actual brick wall, but that's what it's going to feel like.
There are certainly hurdles to overcome. The Horde population on Cenarion Circle has always been smaller than the Alliance, and its decline seems to have increased. In Blizzard's efforts to give the Alliance some more focused story in the wake of things focusing so heavily on the Horde in Cataclysm, things are socially changing for the Horde to the point that for an RPer, it may not be particularly desirable to roll Horde. Consider: someone playing a troll is having to say they disagree with Vol'jin enough that they're willing to overlook the Darkspear being ejected from Orgrimmar. Same goes for tauren. The blood elves are standing by watching nervously as Garrosh drives splinter after splinter into the Horde as a collective, and the Forsaken are doing what they've always done: plotting the demise of everyone who isn't them.
This said, there's intriguing RP to be told, but people have to want it, and want it bad enough to work for it. It's easy to go to Wyrmrest Accord, because they have a larger population, which means (in theory) it's easier to form guilds, find people to RP with, etc. Our population isn't what it once was, and as I previously noted, it's heavily weighted towards Alliance. But if you want Horde RP, then work to make Horde RP.
I'd love to help, but as a player, I simply enjoy Alliance races more. I like elves, worgen, gnomes and humans. Aside from two years as a blood elf during Burning Crusade, I've been Alliance since I started the game in 2005.
I don't want to see Horde RP die out, though perhaps Armaya has a point, and maybe it's on its last legs. But I'm still optimistic enough to believe that with the right people leading the charge, it can be revived.
So hold the events. Advertise. Come up with compelling stories. Do marches. Find ways to involve people. The work sucks (believe me, I know; I've been fighting an uphill battle to populate my guild since its decline when I took two months off during Cataclysm), but the rewards are worth it.